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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 21/05/19

  1. #11
    Quartermaster Elco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    The Premium Friend Buff is now available at the in-game merchant!
    BB more than obviously interested in getting us to keep purchasing gems than actually fixing (and communicating about) the mounting mess they have recently created. Sad but not surprising...

  2. #12
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Thejollyone View Post
    Very happy with the new version of the weekly quests.

    Now I can upgrade my 2 Wondrous Residences in full
    At 10k grout they can keep the 100 beds.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  3. #13
    Committed Clicker
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    Jun 2012
    My island
    Still too difficult for the devs to add a queue for the bookbinder and fix all the game-breaking issues, but they can update content that no-one is doing because it was 6 months ago that people gave up on it?

  4. #14
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Peajay View Post
    Still too difficult for the devs to add a queue for the bookbinder and fix all the game-breaking issues, but they can update content that no-one is doing because it was 6 months ago that people gave up on it?
    It is like politicians they don't want to admit, when they decide and introduce something that is useless. The prefer to keep going pretending everything is fine.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Just noticed Floating residence gem price in Merchant has more than doubled!

    Where the actual bleep was this change documented?!

    Thats the last straw, thats bleeping it! Im done with this game and the money grabbing BB! Bleep off!
    Worst. Comedian. EVER.

  6. #16
    Glorious Graduate
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SSSecretSquirrel View Post
    Just noticed Floating residence gem price in Merchant has more than doubled!

    Where the actual bleep was this change documented?!

    Thats the last straw, thats bleeping it! Im done with this game and the money grabbing BB! Bleep off!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Brisbane Australia
    would be nice to have loading times fixed still av. 30 min

  8. #18
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elco View Post
    BB more than obviously interested in getting us to keep purchasing gems than actually fixing (and communicating about) the mounting mess they have recently created. Sad but not surprising...
    Well, that would be true if they'd shown any interest in fixing the gem shop, been intermittently broken now since Halloween.
    Completely hacked off at no acknowledgement of the disastrous Easter event, nothing included here is really going to affect me in any way, but I feel completely cheated over the last few weeks' shambles.
    With some really pressing RL issues, I was never going to be able to really go for this event, so I set my sights deliberately low to get a reasonable reward for the time I could spare on it. You couldn't even let me have that!
    With the main quest chains plus the collectables and explorers achievements and Mr Saint Croix, it would only take getting the 1st two achievements for adventure loot to ensure a Level 6 storehouse, with the GQs as a bonus. But the main quest chains were broken which took away a huge chunk of the achievement points available as you missed not only the points for that chain but the large bonus for completing all the chains. The only way to offset such a large shortfall would have been to complete over 2k eggs worth of adventure loot which in my circumstances was impossible, plus waste hard-earned eggs doing the "drug the chickens" scenarios 5 times, even then that didn't make up the entire loss. Sorry Betty_Chook above, it wasn't just a question of an extra week, with the main quests stuck the achievements could never be completed and faced with the "choice" of playing Settlers 24/7 or fight being made homeless, it's a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned.
    At the start, I felt fairly lucky as only Northisle got hit by the 2nd quest chain not appearing, so that fell behind as the other servers made progress, but after the so-called "hotfix", although Northisle got moving again, the system still insisted on 5 days gap between chains so it was like starting again having lost time but running out of time at the end despite twiddling thumbs for 3-4 days at a time. Meanwhile, post hotfix, Sandycove and Helios then stuck on the next chain, and apart from a few platitudes in the forum, BB stuck their heads in the sand and left us hanging. Those two servers remained stuck until the event end, even after in desperation I tried deleting the waiting quest on 1 world on the final day, just to see if by some chance it was replaced at reset time overnight, or evenm triggered the bonus random repeated chain which usually appears in the last couple of days. Sadly neither of those outcomes materialised, as it also dawned that no compensation mail was going to appear either.
    So, even with my own limited goals, on 4 worlds I failed miserably, not due to lack of effort but because a core part of the event was missing. Only Newfoundland got the storehouse to the expected L6, the rest just barely scraped L5 except Sandycove, which bizarrely only reached L4 despite finishing exactly the same achievemnts as the others. On Northisle I even managed to do 3 "Drugged Chickens" scenarios having purchased them below cost price from another player, yet the ach points were actually lower than worlds i hadn't tackled these, was the reward a minus points? It also meant a massive drop in spendable eggs at the end, they clearly are not worth doing under this kind of structure.
    So in the end, my storehouse was 1-2 levels below my attainable goal, I had to spend gems to purchase the essentials (Boris, a couiple of explorer and the new gold geologist), from thje start it was obvious with the pricing structure that anything else was way out of reach, but because of the bugs even that "realistic" target needed financial support.
    I guess i was lucky in not really being affected as badly by the login times, apart from 1 world which still isn't as bad as severely affected players, but i do have the similar "switching maps" delay, where it takes ages to visit a friends island or adv map. This meant missing the "lend a hand" quest regularly as it could take up to 6 hours trying to find a friend with a standing camp when chat was so dead there were no takers in swap offers, assuming chat was even working as that flasg bug that disables keybord input is still rife, and it really isn't viable to have to keep reloading game every couple of minutes just to get chat back for a few more.
    You really need to start addressing these ancient bugs before messing about with new and/or irrelevant stuff.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Can we please resolve the Oberservatory issue with regard to Quartermaster Generals, unable to obtain the same speed up as all other generals

  10. #20
      Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by SSSecretSquirrel View Post
    Just noticed Floating residence gem price in Merchant has more than doubled!

    Where the actual bleep was this change documented?!

    Thats the last straw, thats bleeping it! Im done with this game and the money grabbing BB! Bleep off!

    BB official, please :

    Do what you say, and say what you have done !!!
    Last edited by Soupssss; 14.05.19 at 11:19.

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