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Thread: [Feedback] Sneak Peek: Summer Event 2019

  1. #21
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jun 2017
    I think you'll find Dorotheus meant ToK

    I did 2nd Thief's during the double XP week mainly Mary and Boris attacking and they were just a tad shy of 1.2 mill
    Last edited by cheethamhill; 08.06.19 at 15:09.

  2. #22
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by halv12 View Post
    I read the '' All single production buff effects are doubled!! '' as all buffs affecting a single building ( irma's, steak, rainbow .... ) will be doubled - area buffs ( zone-buffs, kitty-lure or chrismas market ) will not - but all still stack.
    it does work on the xmas market on the test server and it should as its not a zone buff as it only affects a certain area i guess the only way to truly know is to ask someone who has the buff and has the market...also as this is like a mega version of the love crazed buff ..the buffing part that is that doubles everything on a island including the market

  3. #23
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheethamhill View Post
    ....and 300% XP plus the 50% for this buff and 50% SP running thats 2.5mill XP(2500 SC) per 2nd thief-3.6mill (3600 SC)for ToW etc etc,begs the question why are BB throwing so much XP at us? do you want us all at 75 before flash stops updating/closing or whatever its doing?..
    Noones throwing much exp at you.

    Even buffs are limited to the events and XP rates outside of the events are drastically lower.

    Friend buff you cant utilize yourself so you have to rely on getting other people that would do it for you meaning :
    - either having a farm of multiaccounts for free gems and buffing
    - or having a friend whos capable of either generating tens of thousands of limited resource (SC) (which pretty much means someone over 70 or at 75) or spending thousands of gems on you instead of his personal gain
    - or relying on people selling the buff for god knows how many resources, assuming they are even willing to sell to people they dont know instead of buffing friends

    Same as every other XP gain buff BB presented in the last 1-2 years, it looks good on paper when you only focus on maximum numbers of XP you can generate during the period when you can stack buffs, but irrelevant outside of that window.

  4. #24
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Noones throwing much exp at you.

    Even buffs are limited to the events and XP rates outside of the events are drastically lower.

    Friend buff you cant utilize yourself so you have to rely on getting other people that would do it for you meaning :
    - either having a farm of multiaccounts for free gems and buffing
    - or having a friend whos capable of either generating tens of thousands of limited resource (SC) (which pretty much means someone over 70 or at 75) or spending thousands of gems on you instead of his personal gain
    - or relying on people selling the buff for god knows how many resources, assuming they are even willing to sell to people they dont know instead of buffing friends

    Same as every other XP gain buff BB presented in the last 1-2 years, it looks good on paper when you only focus on maximum numbers of XP you can generate during the period when you can stack buffs, but irrelevant outside of that window.
    I am looking forward to trying this out during the event i am a slow leveler cant be bothered so only time i put effort in is events...i was aiming to back to back sieges and it still may go that way but will try a few YWC first see what the xp is like...but this buff will be handy during events just for the fact i can make troops faster and wont hurt that it doubles my island buffing for a while and my book making

  5. #25
    Ruler of the Land
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    Milky Way
    Quote Originally Posted by cheethamhill View Post
    I think you'll find Dorotheus meant ToK

    I did 2nd Thief's during the double XP week mainly Mary and Boris attacking and they were just a tad shy of 1.2 mill
    Doh it's my age the memory is going.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  6. #26
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Same as every other XP gain buff BB presented in the last 1-2 years, it looks good on paper when you only focus on maximum numbers of XP you can generate during the period when you can stack buffs, but irrelevant outside of that window.
    I totally agree with this in the interests of having even more powerful buff thrown at us.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  7. #27
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Noones throwing much exp at you.
    For the past year BB has been doing so with other regular and seasonal events and the summer seems to top everything with 3x on everything. I kinda agree with cheethamhill that this seems a bit like the last moments for the game, helping many to the last levels especially with the friend premium being a thing and getting boosted to 15 days. Woodcutter alone 1.5m xp and oil lamp for example 5-7m with Boris and Mary.

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Friend buff you cant utilize yourself so you have to rely on getting other people that would do it for you meaning :
    - either having a farm of multiaccounts for free gems and buffing
    - or having a friend whos capable of either generating tens of thousands of limited resource (SC) (which pretty much means someone over 70 or at 75) or spending thousands of gems on you instead of his personal gain
    - or relying on people selling the buff for god knows how many resources, assuming they are even willing to sell to people they dont know instead of buffing friends

    Same as every other XP gain buff BB presented in the last 1-2 years, it looks good on paper when you only focus on maximum numbers of XP you can generate during the period when you can stack buffs, but irrelevant outside of that window.
    Friend buff can easily be swapped once a month (star coin version) especially in a guild since you don't have to active it the same time for both. 10k star coins in a month is not a problem even for people below 70 as we have laboratories, miniquests, gen skills, excel, and so on. Swapping or buying the gem one does not seem that impossible either. People have been trading/selling scout posts and training grounds without issues so a 3000 gem item should not be an issue, its value is probably around 700-900k coins.

    The friend buff itself is crazy good. It's so good that I think BB has lost their minds or cashing out with an super attractive item, or the development team has changed. Your weapon production for example can now turn in to a 16-18x production. You can now easily roll 8x stalk, coin and granite production or just roll steaks to the whole island and enjoy the 4x output or more with guides. On top of the +50% xp, barracks, prov houses get +50% and explorer +20% are just the icing on the cake.

    I definitely like the new premium but it also definitely feels weird addition compared to all previous balancing and with all the benefits it gives for astounding 15 days.
    Last edited by Mannerheim; 09.06.19 at 15:59.

  8. #28
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    with the friend premium being a thing and getting boosted to 15 days.
    id happily be wrong on that, but if a 3 day buff is extended 5 times with no increase in price, for me that screams CMs not knowing what the hell is going on and posting wrong information/ translation rather than BB genuinely allowing you that kind of buff on a 50% uptime.

    Your weapon production for example can now turn in to a 16-18x production. You can now easily roll 8x stalk, coin and granite production
    Which would impress me in 2015, but in 2019 im way past the stage where any of those resources were relevant. And increased weapon production does nothing for me since I had already produced about 3 times as much as I needed, since like 2017.
    Last edited by sparkz; 09.06.19 at 18:37.

  9. #29
    Enlightened Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    id happily be wrong on that, but if a 3 day buff is extended 5 times with no increase in price, for me that screams CMs not knowing what the hell is going on and posting wrong information/ translation rather than BB genuinely allowing you that kind of buff on a 50% uptime.
    Actually, at least for me the duration is currently only 30 hours. When I saw the front page news about them looking into it I was kinda expecting it to be extended to 3 days or at tops to 5 :P

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Which would impress me in 2015, but in 2019 im way past the stage where any of those resources were relevant. And increased weapon production does nothing for me since I had already produced about 3 times as much as I needed, since like 2017.
    I have zero weapon production buildings except the forge and haven't needed anything for years but the numbers look very impressive to me. The change is so drastic that for example instead of the old 235R MMA attacks I could switch to 235M and it would for example make event playing even easier. It would also allow me to balance barracks load in regular adventures.
    Last edited by Mannerheim; 09.06.19 at 19:08.

  10. #30
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Noones throwing much exp at you.

    Even buffs are limited to the events and XP rates outside of the events are drastically lower.

    Friend buff you cant utilize yourself so you have to rely on getting other people that would do it for you meaning :
    - either having a farm of multiaccounts for free gems and buffing
    - or having a friend whos capable of either generating tens of thousands of limited resource (SC) (which pretty much means someone over 70 or at 75) or spending thousands of gems on you instead of his personal gain
    - or relying on people selling the buff for god knows how many resources, assuming they are even willing to sell to people they dont know instead of buffing friends

    Same as every other XP gain buff BB presented in the last 1-2 years, it looks good on paper when you only focus on maximum numbers of XP you can generate during the period when you can stack buffs, but irrelevant outside of that window.

    You think? well I got 97mill at halloween after they unturned on the event being 2x XP- 80 mill at Valentines with double XP-110 mill at easter with lamps-another 90 mill two weeks ago with 2nd thiefs which got me to level 75 in less than two years and about 700 mill in the last year due to their add's on like Mary,Boris,Scout posts,stalk mini quests.....ETG's(that make weapons at hugh rates) then add 6 strongholds and doing whatever adv's you like over and over no waiting for nothing....then add they speed options like shoes and observatory that makes adv's faster giving more XP per time spent doing adv's.......add to this events that have been doubled since halloween-tripled this event.. so yeah I do think they're throwing XP[ at us.

    so above is 9 weeks of events not adding the pirate evnt even which also was double XP..@ 367k XP...add the below number and thats 350k more= 717k XP in 12 weeks of over average game time which many do for an event...hardly surprising that players only play the events now a days and the game dies between them other than the hardcore regulars.

    I have 72 ToW in star thats 250mill XP doing two SP's per day for 12 days,6hrs per day which is not overdoing it for an event period,now add the remaining 9 days of the event and do the lamps that drop from the said ToW's or some of the many 2nd thiefs in star and what we looking at 350mill XP?more?..If I wasn't level 75 I sure would be very fast...I thought doing it in under 2 years was quick...isn't TSO supposed to be a slow game so why the need to "throw" XP during the many events that are popping up more than ever seems beyond strange.
    Last edited by cheethamhill; 10.06.19 at 05:11.

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