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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Summer Event 2019

  1. #131
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Yet another good event ;-) thank you BB >>> feed back from me and friends > XP= out of this world, brilliant >> Loot= fantastic , very good >> football drop= rubbish , terrible , dismal >> most people did not get many things from merchant due to the very poor drop from adventures

  2. #132
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Thumbs down

    Well I did it. Got to 73 from 66 with 1 Frend prem. Even had time for (some) sleep. Dont know why I did it. Its pointless. As far as I know 2 things are unlocked: 70 Pathfinder and 71 Manor. And Manor is pointless. So 1 thing. Rest of the levels you get nothing.
    Bought all the limited items from Merchant. Dont know how I did that. Except that I do. Months of preparation. 8+hour days adventuring. Tireless trading. Dedicated sending out explorers (max you can have, all upgraded). All possible bonuses. Everything. Still near the end of the event I was not sure if Id make it.
    Thats how bad its gotten. Explorers arent enough. Adventuring every waking hour isnt enough. All the bonuses and everything else isnt enough. You have to trade or gem buy half to be able to make it.

    Are the items worth it? Absolutely not. Specially ALL residential ones. You have to be a crazy collector like myself to see value in buying them. Others are 25 times better off selling balls for mag res. Snack stands? Nope. Buffs? Nope. Demos? Another completionist item. Training fields? Maybe if you have none. Explorers/Geos. Some. Maybe. What else you gonna buy? Friary/imp deer/imp bakery? Dont make me laugh. Grout? Lol NO. Storage tower. Not at that price. But its unique so price doesnt matter?

    FLAGS? Dont get me started. BB had 2 YEARS to implement the Flags suggested in the thread they themselves started. What was added? NOTHING! NOT EVEN THE TEAMS PARTICIPATING IN THE WOMANS WORLD CUP! You know the little real life thing this event is based on. SHAME!

    Then theres the things not working. Again. Things known well in advance. AGAIN. Nothing being done about them whole event. AGAIN! Freezes. ARGHH!
    It would have been fine if we were notified of what was working and how so we could minimize the damage. I buffed rarity prov and elite barracks whole Frend prem with best stuff only to find out all of it was wasted! Yes Im looking at you BB_Torkav! What is your whole point? Have you even heard of how the thing you are supposed to be doing works?

    The Fixture list was great by the way. Second only to the Champions one at Xmas event long time ago. 1 point for that.

    1/10 Would nolife again.
    Last edited by topgearfan; 22.07.19 at 08:57.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  3. #133
    Came back and played for a few weeks for the event, nice to get in touch with people from the guild. Event seemed OK to me, on one side you'll have those that complain about few balls available and high costs of items to buy, while other events have seen a surplus of event items for few things to buy in merchant. There was a lot to get in merchant, but most of it would not really have a big impact on your game if you chose not to go for it, like Tree House or snack stands. I regret buying the summer residence, high cost and high cost to upgrade, including balls at some point, so not sure how I'm going to upgrade it outside the event.

  4. #134
    Jolly Advisor Kriegor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Overall, I liked the event. But I do think the returns from explorers / adventures was a bit on the mean side. In particular, returning the lower amount on adv and explorers. This seemed unnecessarily mean spirited to me.

    XP boost on the other hand was awesome

    When's the next event?
    Last edited by Kriegor; 22.07.19 at 10:42. Reason: spellings

  5. #135
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    As many other mentioned. The lots of XP pints fromadventures was great though.
    It is a game, isnt it? The game is expected to entertain, not one be exhausted. This is how I feel and I didnt play crazy like some other players. Exhausted and a little bit disappointed because I played a lot of adventures, had explorers working, making all the quest and havent manage get more then just 3 explorers and 1 geo.
    Yes I agree I could have gone for some buildings I wanted. Those were so expensive, no sense to think of it.

    Please next event no so pressure.
    After all it is only game. So lets people to enjoy it and not hurry up in this hurrying times.

  6. #136
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Liked the extra XP gained from the adventures. Love the new Adventurous Explorer , like the look of the Tree house , all in all not too bad , especially with the daily " Door gifts " .

    The drops of football from the LS and explorers was disappointing ( some people do work and have families , so not enough time to run 10 - 15 adventures /day and in general , felt that BB was penalising us with this event ) Indeed i've used gems to buy what i really wanted, other wise no way to be able to purchase much from the event shop ( also used premium) . The Easter event was better balanced in this regards.

    Also the description in forum for Archeological Geologist it's very misleading . In game, he has a 25% treasure drop only when searching for a coal deposit ( maybe i am missing something here) and should have been described. as such , so players didn't waste 1495 precious footballs ,on another geologist .
    In my case , i do not build coal mines and i do not search for them . My economy is pretty much set up , to run without the coal mines , so the geo it's no good to me.

  7. #137
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by adriaa View Post
    Liked the extra XP gained from the adventures. Love the new Adventurous Explorer , like the look of the Tree house , all in all not too bad , especially with the daily " Door gifts " .

    The drops of football from the LS and explorers was disappointing ( some people do work and have families , so not enough time to run 10 - 15 adventures /day and in general , felt that BB was penalising us with this event ) Indeed i've used gems to buy what i really wanted, other wise no way to be able to purchase much from the event shop ( also used premium) . The Easter event was better balanced in this regards.

    Also the description in forum for Archeological Geologist it's very misleading . In game, he has a 25% treasure drop only when searching for a coal deposit ( maybe i am missing something here) and should have been described. as such , so players didn't waste 1495 precious footballs ,on another geologist .
    In my case , i do not build coal mines and i do not search for them . My economy is pretty much set up , to run without the coal mines , so the geo it's no good to me.

    finds stuff on any search above coal mine so granite saltpetre tit ore gold coal geos ever had the amount of refills buff and books these have found every couple hrs has been great

  8. #138
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    ◄◄ Right over there, just behind the corner ►►

    I am really thanksgiving about that event. The provided specialists Explorers and Geologists, the special buildings, are highly appreciated. I am super-happy and managed to buy good amount of event related items. I want to be positive, and will not comment drop rates from searches, achievements, matches, and prices of items in Merchant. I didn't generate millions of experience, because I prefer to do lower stages of adventures giving less millions of Exp, and that's just personal choice. In general, I found Summer event 2019 as "great" and quite "worthy". Great thanks and appreciation and hope it all exists long long time. Long live all game related teams, players, and the way to provide the game worldwide!

    Greetings & Health

  9. #139
    Raving Rabbid Areop-Enap's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    As most have stated this has been a Good XP event, terrible even ressource (balls) event.

    I like the arch geos, gotten codex, tome, ROA, flaming ROA, some buffs (machine oil, zombies, mining guides etc) and refills from him. Mostly send him on granite searches.
    There is a world of imagination
    Deep in the corners of your mind
    Where reality is an intruder
    And myth and legend thrive

  10. #140
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Any plans to make Boris travel at the pace of ALL the other generals during an adventure?

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