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Thread: Scavenger hunt with Orowa - Day 5

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Forum Explorer BB_Torkav's Avatar
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    Scavenger hunt with Orowa - Day 5

    Problematic deliveries...

    The tour came to an end and you were ready to depart the island. When you boarded the Excelsior you were greeted by one of the crewmen who informed you that Sonia was waiting for you on the bridge. You thanked him and headed to the upper deck. On the bridge you found not only the captain of the flying ship, but also Orowa, the mods and the royal commander who had given you the tour of the training facilities.
    “Excellent! Now that you’re all here, we can get on with it.” - said the commander. - “Your Captain informed me that you’d be setting off to find other adventures. Well, I might just have something for you. See, a lot of our weapons and armor and other metal items come from a large island north of here. The Settlers there specialize in metalworking. The heart of their industry is a giant complex of forges, built into a mountain. They call it the “Epic Forge”. Their craftsmanship is unparalleled and the quality of their products has given us the edge in countless battles.”
    “However” - he continued, with a grim expression. - “the quality of items in the recent shipments has dropped significantly. Not only that, they’ve been raising the prices with every delivery! We inquired about the reasons for this, but they weren’t very talkative. We involved the royal intelligence in the matter and we found out that they have some problems with their workforce. Could you go there and investigate further?“

    Without this building you'd be stuck with bronze weapons for a long time.
    _ _ _ _
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Last edited by BB_Torkav; 26.07.19 at 12:53.

  2. #2
    Community Manager
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    Journey north

    The commander warned you that the northern islands were really cold and ordered his men to prepare warm winter clothes for you.
    “They aren’t very pretty, but they were designed in such a way that you’ll still be able to wear some of your armor and your movements will not be restrained.”
    When everything was ready, the Excelsior rose into the air and set off north.

    The closer you were to your destination, the worse the weather became. The temperature was dropping slowly but surely. Soon, no one would dare to go out on the outside deck without warm clothing. What’s worse, it was either snowing or so foggy that you couldn’t even see the tips of Excelsior’s wings.

    Has a very persistent fog
    Words and order - clean it up

  3. #3
    Community Manager
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    Treasure of the Mountain Clans

    Sonya was afraid you’d overshoot your destination in all this fog and snow or even crash into the mountains, but fortunately the weather cleared out a little when you got close to the city and she was able to land the Excelsior safely on a nearby plateau. You walked to the city and met with the governor in his large wooden mansion.
    “Our problems began a month ago” - the bearded man said - “when we had a small accident. A heavy load was dropped from a crane. Fortunately no one was hurt, but the load hit and destroyed a certain statue that was very important for some of our Settlers. You see, some of the inhabitants of our city hail from far away villages located deep in the mountains. They left their homes because of the threat of the Jotun - the ice giants. However, they never forgot about their origins and their culture and the things they managed to take with them during the evacuation, especially works of art, are of immense value to them. The statue that was destroyed was created hundreds of years ago and many of them are heartbroken now. When they were young, their parents would show them the statue and tell stories of their original homeland and how one day they’d retake it. Now they think it is a sign that they have failed their ancestors and they’d never go back.”
    “Is there anything we can do for them?” - asked Orowa.
    “There is something…” - said the governor hesitantly. - “But it’d be very dangerous… There are some daring people that venture deep into the mountains to keep us up to date on what the ice giants are doing. According to their reports, a statue similar to the one that was destroyed can be found in one of the abandoned villages some thirty kilometers from here. It’s a bit smaller and four people should be enough to carry it. Would you dare to go there and retrieve it? I must warn you, if you stumble upon the giants, you’ll likely not survive the encounter.” - he added with a grave expression.
    “We’ve fought against worse odds.” - said the ghost. - “How does this statue look like? What is it made of? Can we see the remains of the destroyed one?”

    A black volcanic glass. What is it?

    Last edited by BB_Torkav; 26.07.19 at 09:08.

  4. #4
    Community Manager
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    Into the blizzard...

    Wind and snow were blowing into the faces of the adventurers, as they steadily made their way to the abandoned village. On this adventure you were joined by MOD_Arylide and MOD_Safaia, who knew these lands well. You were spending nights in caves, making only small fires and always keeping someone on watch. During the day you were forcing your way through the thick layer of snow, always on guard for the ice giants and other threats. Finally, you saw the ruined, snow-covered walls of the village. And a giant elk standing right in front of them. An enormous, blue-skinned man was sitting on the back of the animal, wielding two spears the size of a ballista bolt. The Jotun shouted something in his language and threw one of the spears at your group.
    “Watch out!” - someone yelled and everyone dropped to the ground.
    The projectile zoomed over your head, hitting a pine tree and splitting it in two. The Jotun spurred his horse forward, deciding to us his second spear as a cavalry lance. A few of your companions shot their bows at the giant, but the arrows glanced harmlessly from his ice-like skin.
    “The elk, aim at the elk!” - you shouted.
    A few more arrows flew towards the enormous animal. The elk gave a shriek and fell to the ground along with its rider. Fortunately for you, the Jotun hit his head on a fallen tree and was moving very sluggishly now. The adventurers closed the distance and attempted to attack the giant with swords and hammers before he could get up, but the weapons proved to be as ineffective as the arrows.
    “It’s of no use!” - shouted Orowa - “Bind him with the ropes! Hopefully they’ll hold…”
    The adventurers quickly complied and started binding the giant with ropes which everyone had in their backpack. Everyone was glad to have the two additional companions, because it sped up the task a lot.
    With the creature immobilized, the adventurers hurried to the ruins. Four of you grabbed the statue, which stood on a stone pedestal in the center of the village, and you set off back to the city.

    Fortunately, you were able to get back without being seen by any more of the Jotun. When the city’s residents saw what you were carrying, they immediately began to cheer. Grateful for your help, the governor declared you honorary citizens of the island. A great feast was also held in your honor in the traditional festival building of the Nords.

    Where was the feast held?
    _ e _ _ _ a _ _

  5. #5
    Community Manager
    Skilled Student BB_Kumakun's Avatar
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    Day 5 - Enjoy ^^

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