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Thread: premium friend buff and resources balance

  1. #1

    premium friend buff and resources balance

    do you guys think friend buff is not balanced very well?

    boost to production , weapon production (shortened time+ 2x single buff) and troops recruiting is just insane ... guys from my guild (70+ level) are storing millions of saltpetre, gunpowder , tit ore, tit bars, gold ore , coins , granite ... they had massive production even without friend buff

    i think just one person from my guild can supply whole server with all "rare" resources

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    You mean more insane than the previous +400% and zone buffs? When i first joined i thought that getting +100% production for 6 hours with 1 click was insane. But this is how TSO rolls. Its not like these millions are of much use to them stored away.

    Troops recruiting is not really working so its not insane at all.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Troops and ph/rph productions were definitely faster for me with friend buff. The queues can be glitchy as things sometimes appear completed before they really are, but I was making significantly faster elite troops, manuscripts, etc. while it was active.

    As to the original poster's comment regarding balance, I very much agree. The game is no longer about balancing economy and optimizing production real estate, which is kind of a disappointment for me. Now it seems like the goal for many people is just to run a big adventure with as many bonuses active as possible to try and get a big big XP number at the end. Who cares about what route you took, blocks you made, gens you used, troops you lost... just throw Mary at everything in sight! Because the costs don't matter anymore.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by topgearfan View Post
    You mean more insane than the previous +400% and zone buffs?.
    yes, 15 days whole island buff is more insane then +400% few hours single buff , far, far , far more insane

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    If you look very carefully you will see that this buff is in fact a double edged sword. The fact that some players have acquired a shed load of certain resources is meaningless, because those resources in themselves are not used to make the end product. It takes several steps going through several workyards to obtain a resource which is directly needed for troop production. The buff creates bottlenecks which limit its usefulness. What BB have in fact done is create resource sinks in a manner which is attractive to the players.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    The fact that some players have acquired a shed load of certain resources is meaningless, because those resources in themselves are not used to make the end product.
    lol , m8 , premium friend buff doubles EVERY SINGLE BUFF and also DOUBLES WEAPON PRODUCTION ..
    those are END PRODUCTS together with brew ..
    do you even play settlers?

    check it out ..

    +44k tit ore , +256k coal production ..

    brew is also 1/2 milion a day .. dont wanna bother you with lots of screenshots

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    Checked it out, nothing to see. You failed to provide a context which allows that image to convey meaningful information. It does show my point, your smelters are not keeping up with demand and your mines will have down time when they run out.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  8. #8
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    obviously the smelters are off to boast the SS coal image( forge etc also I would guess) and mines are running at 14x(oil/mining guide and incitement) another boost to show in the SS but not really a long term actuality..we can all make SS's look about showing your Tit mines with the ability to run for a year or the 3000 machine oils you'd need to run them 6 months like that..forgetting incitement which is not permanent unless you have 15 pitches and also 700 mining guides for 6 months?

    like so...

    Last edited by cheethamhill; 26.07.19 at 17:30.

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Love the PFB am on my 3rd so pretty much constant since it came out i am using it for my coinages and seeing using employees etc for them can keep it going without down time whole chain can work at a profit and allows me to make 300k plus a day in coin plus everything else that benefits from smoked fish buffs ...all my mines for gold tit and salt are rainbowed

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    You failed to provide a context which allows that image to convey meaningful information.
    Oh please. Get over yourself and knock it off with that snobby, passive-aggressive garbage. 2700+ posts and counting and it seems like 90%+ of the time your only purpose is to knock someone else's idea or opinion with some haughty know-it-all attitude.

    The image in question conveys plenty of meaningful information related to the original post and zero context should be required to discern it. Lots. Of. Stuff. You. Don't. Need. And the ability to frequently produce lots more of all those things given the amount of aggregate buffs and excess resources we have nowadays.

    Also, the friend buff does NOT create bottlenecks or resource sinks in any given economy, in fact it can only potentially eliminate some of them. If a player chooses to turn every production building on simultaneously and THEN there is a bottleneck it is not caused by the friend buff. You don't have to run anything you don't normally run. A well-balanced economy will just become an overproducing economy on overdrive for 15/16.5 days.

    And another thing, in this situation who cares about ~1k titanium/day deficit when you have 100k's in store. He chose to turn everything on and you see a tiny weak point and start saying "See I told you so nya nya" Turn a dama/xbow off, build another smelter, or just ignore it for a while, whatever. It is a complete non-issue because as I said above, most of this stuff doesn't need to be on in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by cheethamhill View Post
    obviously the smelters are off to boast the SS coal image
    Obviously many of the smelters are NOT off since the swords on the left would all be yellow and not green if they were. Manipulating the image for impressive coal numbers is a pretty silly accusation and certainly not one of the "rare" resources that were originally brought up.

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