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Thread: [Feedback] Crisis Quest - The Bandit's Counterattack

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    As then name suggested - "Crisis" so we expected to be pushed hard. Always complain about the build 2500 recruits - and what are we expected to do with them? By level 56 I never use recruits for anything, so spent the "do one adventure"/kill tower parts killing them off in waves.
    I would echo comments made by others though - read the advanced blurb, find the notes on what each quest is going to be and plan accordingly. It was easier to produce "amounts" of stuff by building a few extra buildings and upgrading them to level 2/3 before they were needed, and having explorers out to arrive back just after the next quest started. Without forward planning I would not have been able to complete the event without using gems at some point ( but maybe thats what we are expected to do :-) )
    Was it worth the rewards ... probably not. Bookbinder tribute - 1 manuscript every 7 days - not that good but as it only cost me time so I went for it anyway.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    I enjoyed the event but it was extremely hard. Even though I put significant effort into it, and spent a small fortune buying materials I didn't come close to finishing. I ended up upgrading a bunch of buildings, buffing everything with stadium snacks were possible, still didn't make it out of 3rd phase.

  3. #33
      Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by AndyGadget View Post
    1 manuscript every 7 days - not that good but as it only cost me time so I went for it anyway.
    You can buff the building...


    It's very hard to plan anything when event are not announced...
    Especially this one, with granit to find with search for the last part of the quest.

    I used the rewards gems to finish it... like many probably :'(

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Soupssss View Post
    It's very hard to plan anything when event are not announced...
    If you read previous comments you would see that crisis quests are not normally announced that is why they are crisis quests. This time they did seem to have it on the test server so there was prior warning of what would be required if you looked. Wiki also had a guide for it if you chose to use it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fahari View Post
    my only grumble about it is in the past we had no warning of what was gonna happen in the crisis quests so it was a propper unknown thing and we was all thrown in deep end together
    but this time yous had it on test so for me in the way they have been in the past this isnt a real crisis quest coz if peeps wanted they could checked it out on the test site 1st i didnt do this coz to keep with way they been in the past i didnt wanna know what was coming
    Quote Originally Posted by MutantKid View Post
    This is great, better than an event which is a sad indication how events have been recently. Probably should keep it off test as many have built in advance & well prepared for it, The hint is in the title, its supposed to be a Crisis & should be dropped right b4 or after an event for immediate impact!
    Quote Originally Posted by Koraku View Post
    well, that is why they call it crisis, if you're not throwing everything you have (buffs!) at the problem, you will likely not finish in time.

    Secondly the chain was known so anyone could've prepared additional production where it was needed well ahead of time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elco View Post
    - You prepare your island by planning ahead: the crisis event was announced weeks ago on both the test server as well as in wiki, so all requirements were known beforehands.

  5. #35
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Great event.
    Very happy with extra bonus for explorers to bring books on adventure search. Want to see this also in future, but maybe not in events where explorers need to find event resources on treasure searches. It was very very good.

    All tasks I end in 4 days, so difficulty level for me was OK.

  6. #36
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Honestly great event i knew it was coming at some point had seen it on test server but didnt look at what was needed was no need no matter what it was would be easy enough to do or get and thoses who complain maybe stop being so lazy and actually work on your islands come and go and they all need something so with that in mind hoard what you can and what your ow in learn to get more of it....i had it complete in 3-4 days without much effort just time comsuming making troops doing adv and treasure searches

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