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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Anniversary Event 2019

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    happy anniversary and cant wait to participate. fun to all and some cake too.

  2. #12
    Master of Strategy Kit_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    No dough outways candles by a huge ratio did last year will do again this year ...if you do a stealing from the rich a two player map over lvl 51 will get max around 25 candles if the lootspot is take by a lvl 50 or below they will get a max 250 dough give or take a few...same adv same kills huge difference
    you have to remember that higher levels can do far more adventures in the time it takes lower lvls to do so, so taking into account the speed of adv's and recruitment, etc, it should be fairly even
    Leader of The Hell Unleashed [THU] on Newfoundland
    Addicted to Settlers, coffee and chocolate, in that order

  3. #13
    Treasure Hunter Bobblyt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kit_ View Post
    you have to remember that higher levels can do far more adventures in the time it takes lower lvls to do so, so taking into account the speed of adv's and recruitment, etc, it should be fairly even
    very true

  4. #14
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kit_ View Post
    you have to remember that higher levels can do far more adventures in the time it takes lower lvls to do so, so taking into account the speed of adv's and recruitment, etc, it should be fairly even
    that is true but a low lvl being in high demand wouldnt need to do a single adv would be more lootspots then they could possibly handle ...also pretty sure a lvl 50 and lvl 52 would prob be at around the same speed adv wise

  5. #15
    Original Serf
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    Dec 2016
    Hi everyone. Those who might have seen me before on chat in Newfoundland would remember me for 2 things, omni-presence on Trade Tab and my prolonged discussions and debates on BB's practices and i still have a big sack of non-positive reserves towards BB's decisions and practices of the last few years that still need answers and dealing with. But when i first saw this event last year kicking in live, i jumped up and was dancing like a happy kid and i was ridiculously excited to see the continuation of the event, which it was as always quite disappointing compared to what it could have been (can't expect perfection, of course) but it was great and most people turned out pretty happy out of it and those who weren't, were made happy through help and even those who knew nobody or even English language for that matter, just stumbled on help and good deeds of random strangers with no personal relation or even anything expected in return quite often. I think that built an amazing atmosphere along all of the confusions and the insane imbalance of the resources required to make the Cake buffs (which for a major part of it, was the cause of it all). I would say that was great.

    I have my own opinions and conflicts with BB's decisions but there's no enemies, we all just want the best for this game and to keep it fun and going forever, even if our definitions and views differ, the aims are too similar to be opposing. But it would be immoral of anyone to deny the success of someone when seen obviously and to my knowledge and understanding, i think Anniversary event is the greatest achievement of BB probably even beyond this game so far since the level 50 breakthrough (and yes, including the weapon's drop removal, although an extreme "patch removal", it had to be done) and you don't have to believe me saying it but just thinking of millions of players playing this game from multiple servers under different languages (some players 1 account for each server) and millions of more accounts inactive and a variety of types of productions and game-playing patterns and styles between these millions. Then the combinations of resource production and consumption this crazy game allows us... calculating the potential exchange rates, consumption rates and needs and values and their match to their equivalent Gem price... just that (although i very much doubt BB did nor could have done it thoroughly) just to begin to think of doing such a thing sounds terrifyingly complicated and hard to do, and to actually decide to go with it and act on it, sounds like a huge enterprise that could challenge even some of the greatest in the business with all the monetary capacity needed to get it done, because it's nowhere near as simple as "enough money", that's why i appreciated this event from the first time and had great respect for BB for taking the great effort to bring this one up here. And i say it again, hats off to BB for this event, even with bugs and imbalances, still the greatest input in this game since i started playing over 3 (almost 4) years ago. This game entered a new era the moment the first Anniversary event kicked in live and there was no return option left since.

    Now a note on how we might make this simpler/easier for each other...


    I have over 1M Swords of each kind (Except Damascenes, just below 90K i think. Keep in mind, i only have 1 Damascenesmith, 6 Steel and 6 Iron Swordsmiths too) and a bunch of other stuff i saved for days like this (many people have a lot more i'm very sure) and honestly, some of those are exclusively for cases like this since i will never use all that, i only made those to exchange them for things that i need but can't produce efficiently while someone else could use my weapons and other resources i produced a little extra. In our Guild we help each other as much as we can as it must be on just about every Guild i guess. For lower levels, there are no Guilds, everyone wants to help the new Settlers, they're like kids to everyone and if we can, how we can pretty much everyone is open to giving their help (even though some could use some of that help themselves) and take care of them, to make sure they have a good settling here, it's just the pleasure of sharing and welcoming more members in this Krazy and fun community.

    So... my thought is, Guilds could help lower levels with resources needed to consume (not necessarily all resources, anything too easy loses its fun) and free advice available at all times (as always), buffing exchanges and resources and Maps exchanges. Those who Adventure now will share loot spots more often than ever and i would hope the same with the lower levels, sharing loot spots between each other. The best everyone could do is more Adventures, whether they do them or just collect loot spots, the more the merrier. Don't forget the limit is that we can only do one Adventure we can start by ourselves and we can take 1 loot spot from others, so doing Adventures by yourself too, simply adds up on that and increases your benefits and is help for everyone.

    For those level 50 and below, the loot spots could often be for free too (not just in Guilds) at the exception of the expectation of a small part of the event resources maybe or an exchange they find fair between each other (Not the best but still fine and lower levels don't have to invest anything to benefit considerably after all). Preferably though, for those who can and wouldn't mind to give loot spots for free, my favorite thing to expect would be to exchange the Dough for Candles at a 1 for 1 exchange rate, which should be the dominant exchange rate on the trade and those who will want to make a profit will still be able to do so at the cost of those desperate enough to pay the higher prices. But please, let's be sensible and not make it too hard for each other while it's easy to avoid and still enough large pockets on the side to dig in. For example, if you Adventure fast enough (i doubt i will this time, i'm busy but...) i would probably have more Candles/Dough than you need, having over 30-40 Explorers also helps a lot (i have 14 so far lol) you could use some of those to buy buildings for example. Of course for Candles that wouldn't be very likely or easy at all but in the case of Dough that worked well last year and i would expect it to work wonders this year too, especially since the buildings would be pretty hard to access anymore at the increased prices and the new balance of exchange values due to Premium Friendship Buff knocking up everything to insanity as well as Gem Price increase on Trade thanks to the new additions in the Merchant (we're glad for most of those, even the ones we don't like for ourselves).

    Long story short, be fair, be friendly and share with each other and if you want to benefit something, don't aim at random and to try to rip the last few Coins out of someone's pockets but aim higher at the rich players who would be able to match your deals and wouldn't mind doing so. Demand and supply works great and it is a natural rule of a free market but at some point at the cost of humanity between each other and i think it's not worth it by far since this is a game and nobody would let you go bankrupt completely anyway. Patience is the key...

    Good luck and have fun everyone.

    Ps: Sorry for slaughtering it with Bolds and for going full WildTaurus mode on the amount of text here... Got a "Spoiler" there though.
    Last edited by WildTaurus; 30.08.19 at 22:12. Reason: To apologize for slaughtering the text with [B]Bolds[/B] and going full WildTaurus on the amount of text.

  6. #16
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kit_ View Post
    you have to remember that higher levels can do far more adventures in the time it takes lower lvls to do so, so taking into account the speed of adv's and recruitment, etc, it should be fairly even
    At 9:1 ratio this is pretty much cowpoo. The active time needed to run 9 adv vs 1 alone makes it way more time consuming. It might be better if we got same amount of candles for completing say Princess as low level gets dough for completing say Lost Skull but im pretty sure its not even close?

    Only way I see to get decent dough is to PAY a low level (if I can find one) to get on my ls and demand the dough in return. Normal practice? I think not.
    Last edited by topgearfan; 31.08.19 at 00:07.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  7. #17
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by topgearfan View Post
    At 9:1 ratio this is pretty much cowpoo. The active time needed to run 9 adv vs 1 alone makes it way more time consuming. It might be better if we got same amount of candles for completing say Princess as low level gets dough for completing say Lost Skull but im pretty sure its not even close?

    Only way I see to get decent dough is to PAY a low level (if I can find one) to get on my ls and demand the dough in return. Normal practice? I think not.
    yep i said i can do the 15k balloons without making a single buff you get a couple free from achievements and one the second day of the event ..its the bigger picture i was looking at as we would all like the main goals ...last year we did it but from the get go we could all use toolkits ....this year i think we will struggle but i guess time will tell

  8. #18
    Ruler of the Land
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    Sorry but to me it don't look like your looking at the big picture.

    Fact. There are a lot more players in the upper bracket than the lower, which if you remember was the reason given as to why they get more dough. It was done so that given the information BB has both groups should get the same amount in total. (Those of you with long memory's will recall BB's terrible record on getting this sort of balancing right)
    High level players can chose to use resources which don't impinge upon thier ability to run adventures or if they do they have the reserves in stock to cover event usage, the lower levels on the other hand if they want the goodies have to chose between using thier weapons for troops or balloon's, the smart ones will go for the loot spot route so as to maximize thier balloon production.

    To get everything you don't even need to run many adventures since the cakes you need to make for quests and achievements is twice as many as you need to reach your personal donation goal, just 2 hours every other day is all the time a high level player needs to spend on adventures.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  9. #19
    Glorious Graduate
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    Mar 2012
    Looking forward to event will have to leave up to the Germans to cover the community goal
    Last edited by ginny31; 31.08.19 at 16:26.

  10. #20
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    Sorry but to me it don't look like your looking at the big picture.

    Fact. There are a lot more players in the upper bracket than the lower, which if you remember was the reason given as to why they get more dough. It was done so that given the information BB has both groups should get the same amount in total. (Those of you with long memory's will recall BB's terrible record on getting this sort of balancing right)
    High level players can chose to use resources which don't impinge upon thier ability to run adventures or if they do they have the reserves in stock to cover event usage, the lower levels on the other hand if they want the goodies have to chose between using thier weapons for troops or balloon's, the smart ones will go for the loot spot route so as to maximize thier balloon production.

    To get everything you don't even need to run many adventures since the cakes you need to make for quests and achievements is twice as many as you need to reach your personal donation goal, just 2 hours every other day is all the time a high level player needs to spend on adventures.
    your thinking of your personal goal i am not i am thinking the global goal i can get my 15k balloons without even doing an adventure so i will get everything my personal goal will get me ...but if the buffs are easier to obtain then i will keep my little hut running for the entire event buffed that means more balloons for the big goal.....and if the lower player has any sense at all and is guided right he wont spend any troops doing adventures will be enough Lootspots going for them to drown in dough which they can share half and still cover what they need the time a lower lvl players has done an adv he or she could of done a dozen lootspots

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