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Thread: Thank you for the great improvements

  1. #1
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Thank you for the great improvements

    In honor of Thanksgiving week in the US, I would like to thank BB for all the work they have done this year to improve the game.

    My bakers are making special pumpkin pies and the breweries sent over something special* to add to the pecan pies this year for the developers and the BB staff as a way of saying Thank You for all you do to continuously improve the game and our experiences here.

    By my count, if I omitted something it was not intentional, this years the developers have brought us the following list of improvements.

    3 Generals: Older Gemini, Younger Gemini and Boris

    9 New Explorers/Geologists: Bewitching Explorer, Emphatic Explorer, Adventurous Explorer, Princess Zoe, Lovely Explorer, Gold Hearted Geologist, Charming Geologist, Archaeological Geologist and Thorough Geologist

    15 New buildings: Adventure Bookbinder, Endless Iron Mines, Improved Lettersmith, Magnificent Watermill, Ghost Lanterns, Love Garden aka Love Shacks, Observatory, Weather Station, Flower Farms, Wondrous Residences, Storage Towers, Tree Houses, Blue Watchtower, Spooky Bronze Mine, Harbor, Spacious Warehouse, Additional mountains to be removed (not quite a building, but more building spaces)

    8 Events: Valentine’s Day Event, Black Knight Event, Easter Event, Championship Event, Crisis Event, Anniversary Event, Halloween Event, Venture Seasons Event

    New Achievements and corresponding tributes: Noble bookbinder, Residence Tributes, Education Tribute, Excelsior Tribute, Mill Tribute and Excelsior Tribute

    New Buffs: Prestigious Friend Buff, flaming arrows

    Plus the addition of bundle packs in the shop.

    In addition the Christmas event has yet to be announced so no telling what surprises will be in store for that event

    It is an impressive list of improvements, thank you and I look forward to any new developments on the horizon.

    *there are extra cases for the team behind the bakeries, I had to hide them from the generals who have depleted the tavern's supply in one night

  2. #2
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Positive posts on forum???

    The world really is coming to an end!

  3. #3
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Gracie is a cat & she can't be wrong - ask my three.
    These days I rarely read the Forum. It used to be where I got helpful information - now it is mainly griping. I'm still enjoying Settlers &, when BB get something wrong, I sit back & appreciate the presents. Can we have some more mistakes for Xmas?

  4. #4
    Battle Hardened Contributor sparkz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Poland / Finland
    Some of the positions on the list can hardly be called improvements. Also, Id love to see another list of things that were unnecesarily broken during introduction of these improvements. You know, just in case someone has an impression there wasnt any.

    Black Knight Event
    so great and well appreciated it didnt even last a day.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SnowBlizz View Post
    Positive posts on forum???

    The world really is coming to an end!
    i think it have been a great year to

  6. #6
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I appreciate the improvements made, a few hiccups along the way only means they tried something new...and another step forward to making the game better.
    To me that is quite an impresive list.

    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
    Thomas A. Edison

  7. #7
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Graciethecat View Post

    I appreciate the improvements made...
    Not too little,but too late.

    Would´ve been better they used some manpower to convert this... Now it´s just used to generate some more revenue und make some ads for the upcoming settlers game.

    But nice to see you´re happy.

  8. #8
    Community Manager
    Erudite Pioneer BB_Malkun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Thank you once again, for sharing your thoughts with us. I'm glad you enjoyed the game so far. The year didn't end yet. I hope you'll like the event that December will bring.


  9. #9
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I returned to game before 2019 Easter Event. Since September 2017 i had long periods of absence. What i see is that all events were amazing! Realy i like the improvements and i am in daily login again.

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