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Thread: Geologist Skill Tree Overhaul

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Lightbulb Geologist Skill Tree Overhaul

    Geologist Skill Tree Overhaul

    OBVIOUSLY, it would be a good idea if this was implemented for BB to give 100% free Manuscripts/Tomes/Codexes back to the player to reassign the Geologist how they want

    Not much disimilar to the "Free Move" Events that we have. LONG OVERDUE BY THE WAY

    There's a bit of reading here, so apologies:

    This was a very quick idea from what has now become an almost obsolete skill tree system for the Geologists within the game

    There now exists Geologists that are natuarally skilled to finding and/or buffing a specific mineable material and more are getting introduced
    Geologists skill breakdown: –

    Standard Geologist available to all players
    Normal Geologist

    Faster Geologist with no skills
    Jolly Geologist

    Metal benefitting Geologist
    Iron-Willed Geologist / Charming Geologist / Gold-hearted Geologist

    Stone beneffiting Geologist
    Stone Cold Geologist

    Additional deposit Geologist – with the blue one 50% finding deposits that can be mined faster
    Conscientious Geologist / Versed Geologist

    It seems that with each new Event, there seems to be a new Gimmicky Geologist added that can add something new

    This brings me to the problem that the current Skill System for Geologists is rapidly becoming outdated; if not now, it will be sooner than later

    Playing a game with much better defined Skill Trees (BL2), I thought that with the specialist geologists, it made sense to make the Skill Trees a lot more specific for what the playerbase is using and needing

    I categorised the Skill Trees into specific sections, with Stone / Metal / Special types, with the final Codex being the same at the very top of the Skill Tree

    I’m no Geologist, so if there’s an inaccuracy with it, not interested, but you get the general idea

    So, each Skill Tree, Stone / Metal / Special has 3 types within each, bringing the grand number to 9, which will be spread accross the board like this: –

    1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9

    1 – 2 – 3 = Cabon / Stone
    4 – 5 – 6 = Metal
    7 – 8 – 9 = Specialist


    Each number, from bottom wotking up to the skills that can only have 1 attribute, will have the same presets working up, but the percentage accumlator will be different for between the different searched materials (Based on a NORMAL/STANDARD Geologist)
    What do I mean?

    Well, if something has a 25% chance for Regulard 2 minute stone, it won’t be 25% for 8 hour Granite etc… So the percentages will differ from Stone / Metal / Special

    Each Geologist is able to USE 31 books, which equates to 5 books per advancement up to the final 1 book at the top for each layer

    1/5 = 1 Book
    2/5 = 2 Book
    3/5 = 3 Book
    4/5 = 4 Book
    5/5 = 5 Book
    1/1 = Codex

    Let’s start with Cabron or Stone Smith
    This is the overall Skill Tree for Stone / Carbon, so let’s take a closer look

    Carbon Smith Tree
    Explaining from bottom to top as we go down

    Hidden Stash
    Chance to find some treasure that can be added to the deposit you searched for

    1/5 – 5% chance
    2/5 – 10% chance
    3/5 – 15% chance
    4/5 – 20% chance
    5/5 – 25% chance

    Mining Surplus
    Chance to find some mined materials for the deposit you searched for

    1/5 – 5% chance
    2/5 – 10% chance
    3/5 – 15% chance
    4/5 – 20% chance
    5/5 – 25% chance

    Ore Timekeeper
    Reduces search time for ONLY those deposits

    1/5 – 5% faster
    2/5 – 10% faster
    3/5 – 15% faster
    4/5 – 20% faster
    5/5 – 25% faster

    Two in One
    has a chance to find +1 deposit for what you’re searching for

    1/5 – 5% chance
    2/5 – 10% chance
    3/5 – 15% chance
    4/5 – 20% chance
    5/5 – 25% chance

    Natural Vein
    Chance for bigger deposits for the type you search for

    1/5 – 5% bigger
    2/5 – 10% bigger
    3/5 – 15% bigger
    4/5 – 20% bigger
    5/5 – 25% bigger

    Quality Mineshafts
    Deposits can be mined faster

    1/5 – 10% faster
    2/5 – 20% faster
    3/5 – 30% faster
    4/5 – 40% faster
    5/5 – 50% faster

    Lucky Find / Natural Born Digger / Nature’s Gift

    Lucky Find
    Gives a 5% chance of discovering and additional deposit above the maximum (1 Additional deposit only)

    Natural Born Digger
    Discover 5% bigger deposits of all types*****

    Nature’s Gift
    Gives a 5% chance of refilling a currently mined deposit (Any deposit type that is active on your map)
    Attached Images

  2. #2
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Metal Smith Tree
    This is the overall Skill Tree for Metal, so let’s take a look

    Carrying out the same perks as the Carbon Skill Tree, but specifically with metal enchancement perks

    This is the overall Skill Tree for Specialist, so let’s take a look
    Attached Images

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Specialist Smith Tree
    This is the overall Skill Tree for Special/Exotic, so let’s take a look

    Carrying out the same perks as the Carbon & Metal Smith Skill Tree, but specifically with Special/Exotic enchancements perks

    This is the overall Skill Tree for Specialist, so let’s take a look
    Attached Images

  4. #4
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Overall Skill Tree

    With all the sections all on the 1 picture
    Attached Images

  5. #5
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I'm suffering from rather too many geologists without enough deposits to occupy them & most are idle. I have to decide between my archaeologists who bring back goodies but find low yield deposits & high yielding geologists with no goodies. I think a couple more coal deposits would balance things a bit more. Perhaps Father Christmas would oblige. A gift of a lump of coal is symbolic of a warm hearth in Scotland at New Year / Hogmanay. Hint, hint!

  6. #6
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hi Rosejane, you know what, I sat on this other thing I made aswell, so I'll also dump that on the forum in a sec... also greetings from Scotland

  7. #7
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    I find very interesting this post, I don't use endless mine so geologists help me very much, its a symbiosics between geologists and map at this moment every one its assigned for his mine and I like that so i'm for this thread .Thank you!

  8. #8
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    very nice work. the explorers indeed are outdated and could use a lil something something.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Somewhere very very hot
    This could work
    But maybe developers can also invent some mechanism to get a gem refund for obsolete geos/generals? we have just too many specialists we hardly use

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Not a bad idea at all

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