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Thread: Updated Corona88 adventure guide

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Updated Corona88 adventure guide

    Aladdin and the oil lamp

    This guide is based on Corona88 guide, all blocks are same, but changes is in generals, for those people who like to make more XP. Units loses is little bit more that in original Corona guide.

    Swordsman=S, Mounted Swordsman=MS, Knight=K, Marksman=M, Armored Marksman=AM, Mounted Marksman=MM, Besieger=B

    for normal unit i use full name


    recommended for faster playing and lower losses: 2MG, 4 any general, 4MMA, 3 normal gen (1 vet if you play full)

    If you have less than 4 mma you will lose more MM. with 4 MMA losses are 87MM without any MMA is 113MM. not big difference

    After you destroy camp 25 adventure is finished and you can claim reward and get loot, rest is only if you want more XP

    you can send extra 255AM (total 512AM) to attack camp 21 and 22 faster and you will save ~10 min

    short 189K XP (1-25 camps)
    max losses: 642MS 188K 10M 87MM 270Bowman 804Recruit
    tested losses: 597MS 171K 2M 87MM 270Bowman 804Recruit
    units needed: 999MS 255K 15M 257AM 440MM 225B 270Bowman 804Recruit

    short 274K XP (1-30 camps)
    max losses: 1038MS 188K 10M 87MM 270Bowman 804Recruit
    tested losses: 974MS 175K 87MM 270Bowman 804Recruit
    units needed: 1038MS 255K 15M 257AM 440MM 225B 270Bowman 804Recruit

    short 308K XP (1-34camps)
    max losses: 1103MS 248K 10M 87MM 24B 270Bowman 804Recruit
    tested losses: 1036MS 231K 3M 87MM 7B 270Bowman 804Recruit
    units needed: 1497MS 255K 15M 257AM 440MM 225B 270Bowman 804Recruit

    Full 382K XP
    max losses: 1521MS 442K 10M 87MM 24B 510Bowman 804Recruit
    tested losses: 1410MS 407K 2M 87MM 510Bowman 804Recruit
    units needed: 1721MS 550K 15M 257AM 440MM 228B 510Bowman 804Recruit

    G1 MG (MC)

    From G1 to camp 1 leader: 210 mounted sailor 1 steersman
    70MS 200B (60-65-69MS)
    anslem: 42MS 108B (41MS)
    Nusala 1R (2x)
    MC 80MS 135B (43-52MS)

    general position:
    G2, G5 and G6 normal gen, G3 and G4 MG, G7 any fast gen

    From G3 to camp 2: 120 sailor 100 cannon master
    100AM 150MM (-)
    boris: 180MM (-)

    From G3 to camp 3: 250 battle hardened sailor
    31MS 239MM (25-27-30MS)
    boris: 32MS 148MM (27-29-32MS)

    Block, send G2, G3 and G4 right after each other:
    From G2 to camp 4: 70 sailor 70 boatswain 70 mounted sailor

    From G3 to camp 5: 270 battle hardened sailor
    40MS 230MM (33-36-39MS)
    Boris 40MS 155MM

    From G4 to camp 6 leader: 100 sailor 100 petty officer second class 1 captaion
    60AM 210MM (-)
    boris: 50AM 130MM (-)
    or MC 40MS 175MM (30MS, 15MM)

    Block, send G5, G6 and G7 send after G3 reack black circle
    From G5 camp 7: 100 battle hardened sailor 100 mounted sailor 40 petty officer second class
    97MS 103AM

    From G6 camp 8: 130 battle hardened sailor 120 mounted sailor
    167MS 28AM

    From G7 camp 9 leader: 250 mounted sailor 1 mutineer
    100MS 100B (69-80-85MS)
    anslem: 46MS 104B (45MS)

    general position:
    G1 normal gen, G2 major (OR Older Gemini)

    block, send all generals right after each other:
    From G1 to camp 10: 80 battle hardened sailor 80 boatswain 90 mounted sailor
    1Recruit (1R)

    From G2 to camp 11 leader: 150 mounted sailor 100 petty officer second class 1 captain
    40MS 60AM 170MM (35-37-39MS)
    Old Gemini 40MS 70AM 180MM 15B

    general position:
    G1 and G2 normal gen, G3 and G4 MG, G5-G8 MMA, G9-G12 any gen

    From G3 to camp 12: 80 sailor 100 boatswain 80 mounted sailor
    25MS 200K 45B (18MS 51K - 19MS 55K - 21MS 60K)
    vargus: 39MS 106MM 35B (34-36-38MS)

    From G4 to camp 13: 100 batlle hardened sailor 160 mounted sailor
    50MS 140MM 80B (43-46-48MS)
    boris:40MS 140MM (32-35-40MS)

    From G1 to camp 14 leader: 250 mounted sailor 1 mutineer
    100MS 100B (69-80-86MS)
    anslem: 46MS 104B (45MS)

    From G3 to camp 15: 100 sailor 70 peety officer second class 100 mounted sailor
    30MS 220MM (22-24-27MS)
    boris:15MS 165MM (11-12-13MS)

    From G4 to camp 16 leader: 50 battle hardened sailor 100 boatswain 100 mounted sailor 1 steersman
    55MS 60K 155B (41MS 50K - 46MS 56K - 50MS 60K)
    vargus: 76MS 20MM 84B (66-70-75MS)
    MMA 220C
    MC 40MS 120K 55B

    From G3 to camp 17: 120 sailor 150 peety officer second class
    270MM (-)
    boris: 180MM (-)
    MC 215MM

    From G4 to camp 18: 100 batlle hardened sailor 80 mounted sailor 80 peety officer second class
    35MS 135K 100B (28MS 56K - 30MS 62K - 32MS 68K)
    Older Gemini
    35MS 145K 115B

    From G3 to camp 19: 50 sailor 210 peety officer second class
    270MM (-)
    boris: 180MM (-)
    MC 215MM

    From G1 to camp 20: 270 mounted sailor
    80MS 100B (64-67-71MS)
    anslem: 38MS 112B (37MS)

    From G5, G6, G7, G8 and G4 to camp 21 stone cannon tower: 250 boatwsain 1 captain 1 giant cannon
    G5 MMA: 1Recruit (1R)
    G6 MMA: 1Recruit (1R)
    G7 MMA: 1Recruit (1R)
    G8 MMA: 87MM (87MM)
    G4 MG: 15M 255AM (0-2-10M)

    STF 120K (-120K)
    MC 200AM 15B (

    From G9, G10, G11, G12 and G3 to camp 22 wooden cannon tower: 250 peety officer second class 1 steersman 1 giant cannon
    G9: 200Recruit (200R)
    G10: 200Recruit (200R)
    G11: 200Recruit (200R)
    G12: 200Recruit (200R)
    G3 MG: 13MS 257AM (7-10-12MS)
    1 - wave Young Gemini 150 Recruits
    2 - wave Young Gemini 150 Bowman
    MC 20MS 195AM

    block, send all generals right after each other:
    From G1 to camp 23: 250 batlle hardened sailor 20 mounted sailor
    177MS 23B

    From G2 to camp 24: 70 sailor 200 battle hardened sailor
    180MS 20MM

    From G3 and G4 to camp 25: 250 cannon master 1 informant
    G3: 270Bowman (270B)
    G4: 72MS 198AM (36-72MS)


    G3: Young Gemini 150 Bowman (150Bowman)
    2nd wawe - Young Gemnini 150 Bowman (150Bowman)
    G4: MC 40MS 175MM (40MS 155MM)

    adventure is finished and you can claim reward and get loot, if you want
    If you want more XP don't claim reward

    G1 and G2 MG

    From G1 to camp 26: 70 sailor 70 mounted sailor 90 peety officer second class
    20MS 250MM (15-17-19MS)
    boris: 10MS 170MM(8-8-9MS)

    From G1 to camp 27 leader: 120 batlle hardened sailor 120 mounted sailor 1 steersman
    70MS 200B (60-65-70MS)
    boris:65MS 115MM (58-61-65MS)
    MC 60MS 20MM 135B

    Move MG (MC) on G2 position

    From G2 to camp 28 leader: 200 mounted sailor 2 steersman
    100MS 170B (83-93-100MS)
    anslem: 80MS 70B (77-77-79MS)
    Nusala 1Recruit
    MMA 1R
    MMA 1R
    MC 80MS 40MM 95B

    From G2 to camp 29 leader: 270 batlle hardened sailor 1 mutineer
    110MS 160B (83-101-109MS)

    Mad Scientist 100MS 110B

    From G2 to camp 30 leader: 20 batlle hardened sailor 250 mounted sailor 1 captain
    100MS 65MM 105B (76-91-98MS)
    anslem: 70MS 80B (69MS)
    Mad Scientist 100MS 110B

    adventure is finished and you can claim reward and get loot, if you want
    If you want more XP don't claim reward, and wait for more development!
    Last edited by SerRicardo; 05.01.20 at 17:35.

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