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Thread: Premium Friend Buff Issues

  1. #1
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Premium Friend Buff Issues

    So I sent a email to support but figured I would post this on here as well with the hopes that the devs would see this. The PFB causes some really weird issues to happen and when the buff has run it's course, all of the issues I describe below are gone as if they never happened. The process repeats itself as soon as you have another PFB applied to your island. Rinse and repeat it seems.

    So I figured out why my entire island randomly freezes for no reason. Every 45secs - 1 minute my entire island would freeze out of no where and then everything would speed back up again. I kept having these issues at the end of the Christmas event when I had a PFB applied to my island and never figured out why until now.

    I cleared my browser cache, cleared the Flash cache as well, logged out several times and waited, but the problem persisted until my Premium Friend buff ended, then all of those problems went away as quickly as they started. I figured ok, either an update must have taken care of the issue or something else.

    So fast forward a few days to today and I swapped a Premium Friend buff again with a friend. Well guess what issue came back just like before, island randomly freezes in the same time frame and now since my Explorers were out I keep getting the notifications that they returned within 30 seconds of me sending them out (Medium searches), but nothing in my mail. So I can assure you the Premium Friend Buff is broken and something really needs to be addressed about it.
    Last edited by Mindslayer; 20.01.20 at 03:01.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Logging out for 15 minutes after having the buff applied fixes most of the timing issues.

    The freezing for me tends to come and go. I suspect its to do with the adjusted production time for some buildings since the freezing occurs less for me if I sleep everything the friend buff is buffing.

  3. #3
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Thanks for the input Kotugo. After logging out for the night and back in this morning the Explorer constant announcement is gone. I will keep the 15 min logout in mind for next time. As far as the island freezing, we'll see how it goes, it seems to have calmed down as of this morning. I am sure it will be back at some point though, since it's the same thing I experienced during the Christmas event.

  4. #4
    Skilled Student Blueyonder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Yep, the explorers always go haywire when it's applied but a logout for 15-20 mins fixes them. I constantly have freezing issues whether the PF is applied or not, but only on the home island, not on adventures... Always a long freeze when you finish adventure and return home, and when gens return at intervals after. And wierdly, always a huge freeze on 2nd Thief when moving to last sector and a general hits the same spot on the path to his new spot. Constant use of Fn + f11 keys sometimes clears it , but usually a quit and reload has to happen. Just some of the perqs of playing the game. .....

  5. #5
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    I had the pfb freeze issue today and switching from google chrome to firefox fixed it.

    It was every 30-35 seconds and lasting for 4-7 seconds every time all the time.

  6. #6
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    somehow microsoft products work better with flash. for me at least

    also, regarding PFB, it's always best to log off with the red button every time you apply it or if you buy a specialist while you have it running.
    this will trigger an update on their search times and minimise the risk on getting false returns.

  7. #7
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    I rebooted computer including a waiting windows update and now chrome works fine again.

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