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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Blog Valentine's Event 2020

  1. #11
    Quartermaster Fanfas's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    And the first release on test was even worse... if people did not start to complain there it was even worse. We're getting at a point it seems they are trying to get long time players away. and i say long time because those are probably the only ones sticking around because of all the time invested on the game. It's becoming too much.

    There must be a balance. You need to make money so at least provide something worth that money. Making people pay for exactly the same thing over and over... not cool. Reward the time people spend on the game. Because that's what is keeping the game alive.
    Last edited by Fanfas; 30.01.20 at 22:39.

  2. #12
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    love crazed buffs have nothing to do with extra rewards you need all 3 farms buffed with a valentine card before the end of an adventure to get the bonus 200%
    I see, so it's the numbered cards then that need to be active for this particular task? We had to do stuff with love crazed too iirc.
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  3. #13
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by rathbone93 View Post
    I see, so it's the numbered cards then that need to be active for this particular task? We had to do stuff with love crazed too iirc.
    Unless they have changed the quests since last year, then Love crazed are not required to complete any quests. It would pay players look to see if Love crazed or if PFB would better suit their playstyle, as use of both cancel each other out.
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  4. #14
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Making resources more scarce isn't really the right way to make an event harder, it just wastes more player time or rewards them less for spending the same amount of time, it's got nothing to do with difficulty.

    It's like telling a worker doing an 8 hour shift that they are being rewarded by giving them half the pay and telling them they can do a 16 hour shift if they want to get the same pay as before.

    If the developers really wanted to make the event harder then they would introduce a way of doing adventures where you get improved rewards for doing the adventure in a unique way, effectively preventing people from following guides and forcing them to come up with their own personal guide.

    A bit like the tribute achievements for adventures where you have to do a run in x time or only using specific troops.

    They could reuse the pathfinder mechanic so everyone has personal goals each day to earn more rewards. At least this way it would push people to do adventures they do not usually do instead of spamming the most efficient adventures hundreds of times (and burning out).

  5. #15
    Erudite Pioneer
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    BB didn't learn a thing all these years. Instead of making cheap prices for gems, they do the opposite. And they have such good examples how things should be done, netflix for example. Getting a lot of money from few people like BB wants is a lot worse than getting few $ from a huge amount of people. They make every new event even harder(now is impossible to get everything even if you play all day long) and the rewards are more and more expensive. This generates frustration, even anger. Unhappy people will not spend money.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Thejollyone View Post
    making it harder to get event resources so we have to spend gems.

    No thanks, no more spending on this game until BB put it in writing EXACTLY what is happening to it after flash dies...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2018
    The Event became too difficult. It is very sad tendency because events are making the game has sense for me. I was buying gems for buying explorers to earn event stuff. This time you have decreased the value of my explorers. Is it fair?

    You wrote that "Event's focus is on interactions with other players". So I should earn on flower farms more, right? But why you also increased their production time and decreased adventure's loot amount?

    Let's calculate: 41 flowers per day. It is 1722 flowers for 3 farms for 14 days. If you add v-cards and prestigious friend buff you will get only about 12000 flowers for the event, right? Another calculation will show that you should have about 6 adventures per day in order to rewill your farms (including premium time and Valentine buff) . But I can't play 24 hours per day.

    I would re-phrase and say that the Event's focus is to get more adn more donations before flash dies and It becoming not interesting for me as a player.
    Last edited by IvanKu; 31.01.20 at 12:39.

  8. #18
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kotugo View Post
    If the developers really wanted to make the event harder then they would introduce a way of doing adventures where you get improved rewards for doing the adventure in a unique way, effectively preventing people from following guides and forcing them to come up with their own personal guide.
    Which is impossible considering all of the content is static, so for whatever task they throw at you the solution you come up with can then be replicated by a thousand other players that get the same task.

    See MCC for example, I believe it was already optimized by the time it hit live servers.

    and the rewards are more and more expensive.
    and considering the nature of the rewards they also become less and less valuable as the time goes, ie any building that offers production buffs no matter how high is useless if you have been running production surplus for years now. Same goes for explorers, each new one you get is less and less valuable.
    Last edited by sparkz; 31.01.20 at 12:41.

  9. #19
    Skilled Student
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    Essentially merchant unbalanced.
    Flower gem ratio, price of some items... For example Scouting Post 51% more expensive buy via flower then directly buy with gem...

    Also May event item can be two type. Instead of Flower; Rose and Daisy. Rose for rare items, Daisy for uncommon items.
    In current merchant design we never buy uncommon items from it. Choosing Rare ones (always).
    Love Tree, Chocolatier, Proof of Love, ... are rare; Improved Silo, Farm, Love Crazed, Large River House, Normal Star Chart Recipe, ... are uncommon.

    Set farm production time to 20 min at least.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    "See we totally didn't nerf the explorers and the farm time because we want more money, it's because we love you, we even put a conditional finicky 200% resource bonus so you can get more refils that you mathematically couldn't use in the first place"

    Nice one bb, i'm totally convinced.

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