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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary Valentine 2020 Event

  1. #21
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cheethamhill View Post
    no its not..will get all before phase two starts..
    Care to share your plan and the math behind this statement cause it sounds completely unrealistic? or what does your 'all' mean because it can be really subjective.

    For getting "all" the good old items, the new items and upgrading them is around 130-170k flowers. Even if you own all the explorers in game since 2011 and have them all booked to the max and keep the flowers farms running with the best buffs (including new tree and 2 friend buffs) you can barely get half of whats being offered in shop. If you were thinking of getting the rest of the flowers by trading then Sandycove must be really special place if people are willing to trade away their flowers in such quantity's as everyone else will be buying them too.

    The event will be absolutely dreadful for many people who wont bet able to run the farms with friend buff or don't have a massive army of explorers. The actions made for
    the event make it seem to be clearly a cash grab push compared to all the previous events in the game history.

  2. #22
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Apr 2019
    nothing wrong with BB winning some too now and then. any event is welcomed in my books. as long as they are bug free, it's a personal challenge for everyone.

    better then doing pathfinder anyway . Keep up the good work

  3. #23
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    Care to share your plan and the math behind this statement cause it sounds completely unrealistic?
    I would bet all the coconuts I own that his plan is essentially the same as in the race to 80, which was, most likely, buying lots of stuff and being fed by other players.

    Still the point still stands, its impossible to do that off of your own effort, especially if playing on servers with less active populations. Unless you maintain few dozens of alt accounts on the same server.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    nothing wrong with BB winning some too now and then
    The entire point of this discussion is theyre not winning, with the amount of people straight up saying theyre not going to play the event because its unrealistic for them to get any rewards.

  4. #24
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    I would bet all the coconuts I own that his plan is essentially the same as in the race to 80, which was, most likely, buying lots of stuff and being fed by other players.
    When he begins to actually calculate or just write it in more detail he might realize how bad or unrealistic it actually sounds among all the other players, like if he has bunch of whales lined up to gem flowers or guildie flower farms reserved for his use.

    I know bunch of people do this in Halloween events and did last Valentine as it's technically not breaking any rules. Its easy to grind tons of flower refills and drop em to other farms and keep em buffed 247 while the other person just sends the produced resources. Plenty of people are already exhausted with the event spam and this event might turn even more people away.

  5. #25
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Mar 2012
    About this fairytale ...

    In rare cases explorer might bring back resources when directly sent before the Event starts and returning after the Event started!
    European English server - no flower found by explorers
    Czech server - all explorers found flowers

    Sent +- at same time.

    It is not about "rare cases". It is about implementation bug and should be fixed (doesnt matter which way).

    20th July 2021: TSO died with Unity. RIP.

  6. #26
    Jolly Advisor
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    Jan 2012
    Do chocolate arrows do extra damage to Guard Dogs/Wolves?
    After all, chocolate is poisonous to canines.

  7. #27
    Skilled Student
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    Can someone tell me why the wiki guide says the Love tree cooldown time is 60hours (2.5days)..but when you activate it, it says 5days( 120hours)

  8. #28
    Master of Strategy Kit_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelangelo View Post
    Can someone tell me why the wiki guide says the Love tree cooldown time is 60hours (2.5days)..but when you activate it, it says 5days( 120hours)
    the wiki is fan made and not by BB, so can sometimes have mistakes in it
    if you check the official dev diary it says 120hrs cooldown
    Leader of The Hell Unleashed [THU] on Newfoundland
    Addicted to Settlers, coffee and chocolate, in that order

  9. #29
    Skilled Student
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    Jan 2013
    Here is my "confession" concerning this event:

    1. I have a very limited amount of time to play. As such anything co-op or group adventures are off the table. This basically excludes me from the event entirely. It's not a fault of the event itself; I'm sure you've ran your statistics and decided that alienating the portion of your playerbase that does not do any co-op or multiplayer adventures will not have any tangible repercussions and that's ok, as that is your prerogative.

    2. With that out of the way, the artificial scarcity of event currency was disproportionately increased. You simply attacked on all fronts: increased price for buildings, reduced intake from explorers, farms production cycle, adv refill drops, etc. For a single player with a life outside this game, the dedication needed to achieve a half-decent amount of event currency is not a simple affair that can be done with with an hour of playtime a day, or a few hours on the weekend. I'm not saying that everyone should get everything on a silver platter with minimum effort. I'm pointing out that to get even one of the "good" rewards, like the Chocolatier, demands a consumption of your time that, to me, is extreme. The message was clear: if you want stuff and have no time, buy them with gems. Which leads me to my next point.

    3. The trend of adding buildings which will need multiple years to fully come into fruition continued. And while it may seem a good marketing strategy, BB's persistent lack of disclosure concerning the end of flash, or publishing a roadmap of the solution envisioned (if there's one at all) and in what stage are you in its implementation or in any way providing your consumers with useful information sabotages that very strategy. Why invest in a multi-year plan if there's no certainty regarding the continuity of the game itself? Or, if the solutions presented are half-baked concoctions that do not work for a lot of people, what are the alternatives?

    Questions like these are not hard to answer, but you've been dedicated in drowning us in murkiness instead of being transparent.

  10. #30
    Original Serf
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    Nov 2012
    At a week into the event my guild are unimpressed by this event, earning the flowers is very difficult, only 3 flower farms available, unlike Halloween where there were 9, low amount of flowers in adventure loot got a whole 4 flowers from one adventure I did. Explorers, even those with books, bring home between 2 and 15 flowers & the worth while items in the event merchant are next to impossible to obtain. not one positive feed back from members of my guild. One of my guild member calculated that to get the 17K flowers needed for one event merchant item at the rate his explorers and adventures were returning flowers they would only need the event to run for almost 290 days. The feedback from my high lvl, motivated guild members is all negative and it was similar over the Christmas 2019 event. I understand that it shouldn't be too easy to obtain the event items and rewards, but making them next to impossible for lvl 65 players who are doing several adventures most days is going way too far in the other direction. Players loose all motivation when the goals are seen as unobtainable.

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