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Thread: Foot of the Mountain Bug (possibly other MCC adv's as well)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Foot of the Mountain Bug (possibly other MCC adv's as well)

    Today I have been doing Foot of the Mountain again, an adventure I have done many times.

    I cleared the early camps to remove the fog, buffed the 5 village buildings and buffed the gate with the received key.

    The key was taken from Star Menu but the gate didnt open and the quest didnt complete. Logging out, clearing cache, waiting over 15 minutes and then logging back in didnt help,

    I have logged a ticket and apparently its a known issue that the Devs are already working on.

    Its a shame that BB dont post known problems on the home page or this forum but hopefully this post will stop another player starting the adventure and not being able to complete it.

    I have also heard this has happened to other players on other Mountain Clan adventures. Be warned fellow settlers and hope you dont get stuck on this or other MCC adventures.

  2. #2
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Too late for me mate. And at least other 2 people. The really ironic part is I only started it so I could profit from eventual eventual apology email for when they next mess it up. I must be psychic.

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Depends what I'm doing at any given moment


    Same thing for me, don't know if I should sit it out or just cancel it, I sent a ticket and was told 'they are aware of the problem', that's reassuring news isn't it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I have the same problem. My son, too. I can't go on, and I don't want to lose the whole chain of MMC ventures

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    in unknown region, the clothes used does not remove the buff as it should do, neither does it count as added clothes in the quest

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    West Yorkshire, UK
    I had a problem late last night, my ticket was answered overnight. I'm stuck in Mountain Labyrinth - dynamite and shovels do not clear the boulder or snow piles. I got the usual "several people blah blah" response.

    So now do I wait for a fix? Or cancel the adventure and effectively have to start the whole MC campaign from scratch?

    Even if there is a fix I have used the buffs so I cannot apply them again.

    Why cannot BB accomplish the simplest customer service task?

    Why not send me a Mountain Labyrinth adventure and a dynamite buff and say "sorry we screwed up - we'll let you know when the fix is applied?" I've still lost the resources used to build the 4 excavation tools.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    I am also stuck on MCC Mountain Labyrinth . my response from BB was as follows
    Hello Deejayz,

    Thank you for taking the time to get in touch.

    The details of the issue have been forwarded to our developers to be worked on. Your patience is appreciated while it is addressed.

    Unfortunately, I cannot complete the venture for you during the investigation process. For now, I cannot offer a reimbursement or a compensation either, since the decisions regarding solutions have not been made yet.

    If you have any future issues or questions, feel free to submit another ticket and I will be glad to help.

    Please also understand that if we do not receive an answer to this email within 48 hours, we will consider this case to be closed. In such an event, you will need to create a new ticket.

    shock , horror , it seems they don`t want to help and expect it to just time out in 48 hrs so they can ignore it as usual , i`m getting severely disappointed , this is the 2nd time of doing this chain and the 2nd failure due to bugs in the chain. and its 80 frags each time just to start the chain . let alone all the expensive materials required to try and complete it and the troop losses. ithis really is turning me away from this game now , and we still don`t know what they are planning in December when flash goes.

    I think its definatley time to stop spending real cash on a dubious game.

  8. #8
    Skilled Student Blueyonder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Looks like I was lucky this week, got through to Giant Battle with no probs, so I'll leave that for later. Guildy however had a problem with it yesterday, she started the adventure with the dynamite from PotM, but when she went to use it, it was gone and the logout ritual didn't work. Extremely stingy and mean of them not to recompense people with a Foot of the Mountain, where on earth is the harm in being 'generous' to people who have had problems.

  9. #9
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Same for me as OP in FotM.
    Same BS response from support, my responsibility to keep the ticket open.
    No guidance to wait, cancel or whatever.

  10. #10
      Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Dear Settlers,

    As already mentioned in forums, we are aware that certain difficulties might occur while playing the Mountain Clan Campaign maps. While we believe that we are close to finding a proper solution, we want to reach out and ask that you postpone engaging with Mountain Clan Campaign maps until we deploy a fix.

    We appreciate your patience with this matter and we'll update you with more information as it becomes available.

    Happy settling,

    It is advised to not start the adventures. If they did so and are stuck, they can delete the adventures and inform the support. The supportteam will send out the adventures after some checks and will remind them TO NOT START the MCC adventures until further info of us is being noted on the webpage.

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