Lately we have been given quite a few new generals, but all in all I think the inspiration runs dry, a way to improve on generals would be to given them specific skills replacing existing ones

for example, the new cloacked general:
replace juggernaut with a skill called calibration
lvl 1 change gen damage to 750/ 4000 20% acc
lvl 2 1000/3000 30% acc
lvl 3 1500/2000 50% acc

replace cleave with inspiration
lvl 1 add 10%damage and/ or hp to all defenders and give 33% splash
lvl 2 20%/ 66% cleave
lvl 3 30% / 100% cleave

general generals (those without a specific trait, but increase capacity or nothing at all like taverns or reaper etc) can keep the current basic set, generals with an emphasis on specific trooptypes like mad scientist, boris, steadfast, nus and whoever follows should have a skill or 2 that reflects on that, for more variety en options