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Thread: Sub 30min YWC for Observatory

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Sub 30min YWC for Observatory

    Sub 30min YWC using Observatory Much thanx to chaos51 for the help putting this together

    No blocks ..... Avg time taken with plat horseshoes 25mins During events with Observatory on it can be a little tight but usally 5 @ a time

    This is the Skills loadout for all my Gens
    Juggernaut 3/3
    Overrun 3/3
    Unstoppable Charge 3/3
    Battle Frenzy 2/3
    Garrison Annex 3/3
    Master Planner 1/1

    Alt using hades8840 layout only adds 1min to time but adds XP

    camp 1 Boris 20 msw 175 MM
    camp 2 Mary 50 msw 165 MM
    camp 3 Boris 20 msw 60 Kn 115B alt Anslem 165 Swordsmen

    Camp 2 OGG 65 Msw 230 MM
    Camp 3 Boris 20 msw 60 Kn 115B or Anslem 165 Sw

    camp 4 SG 40 msw 195 MM
    camp 5 SG 40 msw 195 MM
    camp 6 YGG 20 msw 135 KN (send after SG 's pass point X)
    camp 7 Mary 32 msw 183 MM

    Camp 4 Mary 80 Sw 135 MM
    Camp 7 Boris 50 Msw 130 MM 15 B
    Camp 6 YGG 20 Msw 135 Kn (send after Boris passes point X)

    camp 8 YGG 40 msw 115 MM
    camp 9 Mary 40 Msw 175 MM
    camp 10 YGG 155msw alt Anslem 80Msw 85Kn
    camp 11 SG 40 msw 195 MM
    camp 12 SG 40 msw 160Kn 35B
    camp 13 YGG 60 msw 95 Kn
    camp 14 Mary 35 Msw 90 AM 90 MM
    camp 15 Boris 20 msw 20 AM 100MM 55 B

    Camp 9 OGG 75 Msw 220 MM
    Camp 14 SG 65Msw 170 MM
    Camp 16 YGG 60 Msw 95 Kn
    Camp 15 Boris 80 Msw 115 Kn

    camp 16 YGG 140 MM 15 B
    camp 17 SG 20 msw 215 Kn
    camp 18 OGG 295 msw (send when countdown starts on camp 16)

    Camp 18 SG 15Msw 220 MM
    Camp 19 OGG 295 Msw

    1000Msw 600Kn 800MM 200AM 300B
    Avg Losses 475msw 275Kn
    Last edited by zax1150; 29.03.20 at 12:41.

  2. #2
    Original Serf
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    Nov 2018
    congratulations, what time you save on speed completing it, you more than waste on training the troops., sure, it takes me 40 minutes to do with an obs but at a 130 msw 130 knight 280 recruit loss and almost all kills done with more xp and bountyhunter (on boris and mary)

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Settlealot View Post
    congratulations, what time you save on speed completing it, you more than waste on training the troops., sure, it takes me 40 minutes to do with an obs but at a 130 msw 130 knight 280 recruit loss and almost all kills done with more xp and bountyhunter (on boris and mary)
    With thoses looses you must be blocking alot so doubt you would get more xp as mary ..boris etc and scouting post only give you xp on what they actually kill...but would love to be corrected as i am always looking myself to get as much xp from ywc hate to do adv so its more about xp then losses and i lose about 300 swordsmen and 300 mounted swordsmen on my version but i walk away 600k plus xp with no events and i can make enough troops to do about 10 a day if i wanted too so for me troop lose is nothing

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    Nice guide for events with x2 xp. Gives those who want to batter through ywc's a handy speed boost. Yes less xp than doing the lot with mary/boris but a faster return on eggs etc for sure.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    went to post my map its crude but i can read it and i can do it from where i land no blocks most camps killed no gen used more then once for speed but cant upload a image lol
    Last edited by hades8840; 28.03.20 at 14:41.

  6. #6
    Original Serf
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    Sep 2017
    Hades here's the link for uploading pics

  7. #7
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Settlealot View Post
    congratulations, what time you save on speed completing it, you more than waste on training the troops., sure, it takes me 40 minutes to do with an obs but at a 130 msw 130 knight 280 recruit loss and almost all kills done with more xp and bountyhunter (on boris and mary)
    Always 1 in every crowd ..... the point of this is event resource's .........& you get more resource's from 5 adv's than 3
    be it eggs / pumpkin refills / xmas presents /etc

    As for training troops I would suggest getting elite training ground's to speed things up as I replace my troops overnight
    Last edited by zax1150; 28.03.20 at 18:11.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012

    the bottom ans is 165swordsmen i missed the s off

    my map prob isnt explained well was never made to share just to remind me my skills are pretty much all the same and its designed so a gen on most camps takes out 2-3 camps to speed things up for me
    Last edited by hades8840; 28.03.20 at 18:23.

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Settlealot View Post
    congratulations, what time you save on speed completing it, you more than waste on training the troops., sure, it takes me 40 minutes to do with an obs but at a 130 msw 130 knight 280 recruit loss and almost all kills done with more xp and bountyhunter (on boris and mary)
    This year is going to be atypical for most people what with the forced working from home/ lockdowns, so the numbers I'm going to present here are based on how we normally do things and not how things are at present.

    Normally your average player will maybe playing for 4 hours a day during the week and 8-12 hours a day at the weekend. Let's call that 40 hours a week, that means they can use up troops 4x faster than their barracks are producing as their barracks will make up the difference while they are offline.

    Obviously with the current crisis things will be different, but I believe I can safely assume majority of players will have more time to run adventures. This means you could only run adventures as little as 1.5x faster than your barracks are producing them. Your actual use/production ratio will depend on your own personal circumstances.

    This does mean you will likely get more eggs than what you would expect based on the norm.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  10. #10
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    Obviously with the current crisis things will be different, but I believe I can safely assume majority of players will have more time to run adventures.
    you can also safely assume no normal person will consider grinding trivial content for 4 hours every day, and 8-12 hours over weekends especially on a game that has a good chance of being discontinued soon ..

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