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Thread: [Interaction] Cooking Class 2020

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
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    Aug 2016

    [Interaction] Cooking Class 2020

    Welcome TSO Soup-A-Stars,

    this month we want to introduce you to our very own TSO-Themed cooking class.
    Not only will you eggsperience some food-tastic cooking puns, but we will also share with you the most beloved game recipes - recreated in real life!

    Do not forget we are all no real cooks, but still enjoy to cook - or at least try!

    But this is not all:
    YOU can join too and if your recipe is deemed delicious enough by our Settlers, will get a very special spotlight spot on our webpage and social media channels!

    We want you to re-create in-game buffs in real life. Join the activity in our submission-thread in the community corner.
    Players from around the globe will be added to our collection of settler-recipes!
    If not enough players participate we will include pictures and recipes of the moderation and blue byte team*
    *Moderators and Blue Byte employees are excluded from the gem payout!

    General information
    • None! This will be an ongoing spotlight event

    BB_Kumakun (Community Manager):

    In-game Buff: Star Chart
    • 500ml cola (regular or diet)
    • 1/2 cup normal ketchup
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • 1/2 small onion chopped
    • 1 clove garlic minced
    • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce OR soja sauce
    • salt & pepper to taste
    • chicken filets
    • a bit cornstarch (not always needed)
    • Sidedish: Rice but also workes with potatoes wedges
    • You can always add stuff you love (like champignons - not the in-game specialists! paprika, carrots etc.)
    Put cola in a container or pot. Cut the chicken filets in small stripes. Add the chicken stripes into the cola and let it sit (the Carbon dioxide will make the meat tender).
    Note: Many people let the meat sit in the Cola for 24 hours. In my opinion, approx 15 minutes is good enough. Try it out

    Meanwhile, you chop all indigents you want to add. Start preheating a pot or high-pan with the olive oil, fry the onion until they become clear. Take out the chicken filets of the cola and add them to the pan. Fry them too until nicely done and add garlic. In the cola, you can now put the ketchup, pepper, and soja/Worcestershire sauce - mix it a bit. Once the chicken filet is to your liking, add the cola-mix to the pot (or high-pan). Let it cook for at least 15-30 minutes. If it is too watery for your taste, you can add a bit of cornstarch. Done

    Be careful: If you add cola to a hot pan/pot it will increase its sizes drastically until the carbon dioxide is gone.

    • You have a regular game account
    • The rights of third parties must not be infringed
    • Minors need the consent of their parents
    • Your image, text or contribution must be posted in the forum, in the Cooking Class 2020: Submissions

    Event specific rules
    • Your picture must include a paper with your player name
    • No picture manipulations (this includes names that were added with paint or other manipulation tools)
    • The recipe must be present in-game as a buff (a direct connection to the game is needed)
    • A recipe must be included (text form), as closer to the needed in-game items the better
    • Only pictures that meet all requirements (content, deadline, correct topic, nickname in the picture, etc.) will be accepted.
      There will be special days with own creations and only then (with the announcement) recipes and pictures with no connection will be allowed!

    Selection of the winners
    • The Ubisoft / Blue Byte - Team chooses the winners
    • Each creator of the selected post will be contacted by the Community Manager via private message and asked for his agreement to become a Forum Spotlight winner
    • The prize will be credited directly to the account of the selected player (no codes)
    • Announcement of the Spotlights
      By accepting the PN, which explicitly refers to the following conditions, the participants agree to the publication of their player name (nickname), their game world and the game country, along with the submitted image, by Ubisoft/Blue Byte. Real names or e-mail addresses or personal data will not be published [B]/B]. The images will be stored on Ubisoft/Blue Byte servers for presentation purposes. The following platforms maintained by Ubisoft/Blue Byte may be used to announce winners and present entries: International websites, forums, Facebook pages, Twitter channels, other social media channels (especially with "The Settlers Online" connections).

    500 gems will be given to chosen players who get a spotlight place

    Last edited by BB_Saqui; 21.04.20 at 12:02.

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
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    Aug 2016

    BB_Kumakun (Community Manager)|| GERMANY

    In-game Buff: Star Chart

    Click for full size image

    • 500ml cola (regular or diet)
    • 1/2 cup normal ketchup
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • 1/2 small onion chopped
    • 1 clove garlic minced
    • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce OR soja sauce
    • salt & pepper to taste
    • chicken filets
    • a bit cornstarch (not always needed)
    • Sidedish: Rice but also workes with potatoes wedges
    • You can always add stuff you love (like champignons - not the in-game specialists! paprika, carrots etc.)

    Put cola in a container or pot. Cut the chicken filets in small stripes. Add the chicken stripes into the cola and let it sit (the Carbon dioxide will make the meat tender).

    Note: Many people let the meat sit in the Cola for 24 hours. In my opinion, approx 15 minutes is good enough. Try it out

    Meanwhile, you chop all indigents you want to add. Start preheating a pot or high-pan with the olive oil, fry the onion until they become clear. Take out the chicken filets of the cola and add them to the pan. Fry them too until nicely done and add garlic. In the cola, you can now put the ketchup, pepper, and soja/Worcestershire sauce - mix it a bit. Once the chicken filet is to your liking, add the cola-mix to the pot (or high-pan). Let it cook for at least 15-30 minutes. If it is too watery for your taste, you can add a bit of cornstarch. Done

    Be careful: If you add cola to a hot pan/pot it will increase its sizes drastically until the carbon dioxide is gone.
    Last edited by BB_Kumakun; 16.04.20 at 12:23.

  3. #3
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020

    Cooking Class 2020 - Theia71 - France

    Theia71|| FRANCE

    In-game Buff: Good Weather Charm

    Click for full size image

    • a can of sliced pineapple (also works with chunks or other fruits if you don't like pineapple)
    • half a litre of milk
    • 2 tablespoons of orange juice concentrate or 2 tablespoons of orange juice with 1/2 teaspoon of orange extract, you can even add vanilla extract
    • a pack of instant custard mix
    • pastry base

    Preparation (about 10 minutes) :
    Bring the milk to boil, when it rises in the saucepan, turn off the heat and whisk in the instant custard mix.
    While waiting for the milk to come up, open the can of pineapple and add a cap of beverage (orange mix).
    Place the crust base on a dish and soak it with a little of the juice from the pineapple can.
    Pour the resulting pastry cream over the tart base.
    Arrange the pineapple slices in the form of a sun on the pastry cream.
    Set aside in a cool place so that the custard freezes well (it's way better cold).
    Last edited by BB_Saqui; 07.05.20 at 13:55.

  4. #4
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Cooking Class 2020 - Pertok - Spain

    Pertok|| SPAIN

    In-game Buff: Piero's bowl of noodles

    Click for full size image

    • 250 gr Spaghetti
    • 100 gr Bacon
    • 250 ml Cream
    • Salt
    • Pepper
    • 100 gr grated cheese

    • Boil the Spaghetti in water, then preserve drained
    • Cook the bacon in a saucepan, add the cream, stir, add salt and pepper
    • Add the Spaghetti
    • mix all for 3 minutes & add cheese
    • Serve hot

  5. #5
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020

    Cooking Class: Rosenbluete_67

    Rosenbluete_67 || Germany

    Buff ingame: 1 Premium-Day

    Click here to see the full picture

    • Dough (1):
      • 400 g Wheat flour
      • 20 g yeast
      • 30 g butter
      • 50 g sugar
      • 200 ml milk
      • 1 egg
    • fruits (2):
      • fresh fruits
      • 30 g sugar
      • some cinnamon
    • Pudding (3):
      • 500 ml milk
      • 1 egg yolk
      • 50 g sugar
      • 20 g starch
      • vanilla
    • Hazelnut croquettes or cinnamon sugar


    (1) Make a yeast dough from flour, yeast, butter, sugar, milk and egg and let rise for about 30 minutes.
    Roll out the dough on baking paper (circle), cut the edge about 2 cm and weave over cross.
    (2) Put fruits on the dough at will (I took rhubarb) and sprinkle with a little cinnamon sugar.
    (3) Whisk the milk, egg yolks, sugar, starch and vanilla, bring to the boil briefly and place the pudding on top of the fruit.
    (4) Bake at 160°C for about 35 minutes and decorate with hazelnut croquette or cinnamon sugar.

  6. #6
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020

    Cooking Class: Anuket

    Anuket || GERMANY

    Buff ingame: Chant of Focus

    Click here to see the full picture

    • Biscuit Dough:
      • 6 eggs
      • 250g sugar
      • 300g Wheat flour
      • 1 teaspoon baking powder
      • 1 vanilla sugar
      • Grated lemon peel, alternatively lemon flavor
    • Almond-cream:
      • 9 Eggs white (size M)
      • 340 g sugar
      • 700 g soft butter (room temperature)
      • 100 g chopped almonds (pieces)
      • Some vanilla extract
      • 40 g sugar
    • Almond brittle:
      • 100 g chopped almonds (pieces)
      • 40 g sugar
    • Raspberry filling:
      • 300 g Raspberries (frozen or fresh)
      • 60 g sugar
      • 100 ml water
      • glaze


    Make the biscuit dough, place in a square form and bake at 180 for approx. 20-30 minutes.
    Let cool down. Cut through once and round off the cover a little like an open book.

    Put the egg white and sugar in a bowl and stir. Heat the whole thing in a water bath to about 60 and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Beat the egg whites with the hand mixer until stiff. Mix in the vanilla extract and butter in pieces. Stir until the mass is solid and has an influencing effect.
    After putting in the first places.

    Almond brittle:
    Put the almond and sugar in a saucepan and heat over medium heat so that the sugar becomes liquid and brown. Stir well so that nothing burns.

    Bring the raspberries to the boil with the sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. Mix the icing with a few tablespoons of water, stir into the raspberry mixture and bring to the boil. You can also use gelatine instead of cake icing.

    Place the bottom of the cake on a plate.
    Return half of the buttercream to the refrigerator. Put the cooled almonds in the other half.
    Put the baking frame around the base and brush with the raspberries. Then put the almond cream on top and distribute carefully. Then put the lid on and put the cake in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

    In the meantime, knead and roll out 3 packets of marzipan. Preferably on a foil so that nothing sticks to the surface.
    Cut out notes from marzipan or fondant.
    Take the cake out of the refrigerator and carefully remove the baking frame. Brush the cake all around with the rest of the buttercream. Chill again. Then cover the cake with the marzipan.
    Put the chocolate in a freezer bag and melt in a water bath. So draw the staff lines and decorate them with the notes.

  7. #7
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020

    Cooking Class 2020: Halszka1991

    Halszka1991 || POLAND

    Ingame Buff: Piero’s Bowl Of Pasta

    Click here to see the full picture

    Pasta in cheese sauce

    • 200 g of pasta noddles
    • 200 g of ham
    • 100 g melted cream cheese or cream cheese
    • 100 g of gouda cheese grated on thick meshes
    • about 150 ml of milk
    • 3 cloves of garlic
    • 2 chilli peppers
    • spring onion with chives
    • about 20 cherry tomatoes.


    Cook pasta according to the recipe on the package.
    Fry finely chopped garlic, peppers and onion (without a pinch) in oil in a frying pan.
    Then add the ham cut into thin strips, fry everything together for a while until the ham blushes.
    Add milk, melted cheese and grated cheese and mix everything together until the cheeses melt and a consistent sauce is formed. If necessary, add a little milk (if the sauce turns out too thick).
    Add cooked pasta to the finished sauce and mix, then remove from the burner.
    At the very end, put chopped chives (quantity as desired) and finely chopped cherry tomatoes in the pan, season with pepper (preferably freshly ground).

  8. #8
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Cooking Class 2020: HaraldBluetooth

    HaraldBluetooth || GERMANY

    Special for Halloween: The Tomb Raider Mummies

    Click here to see the full picture

    While MOD_Mummy is wandering through the german chats and looking for clues for their super secret hiding place, you can now bake your own mummies.

    Who is up for it?

    • 1 bag of fried peppers (approx. 25)
    • 200 g cream cheese
    • 100 g grated cheddar
    • ground pepper
    • 1 pack of frozen puff pastry
    • 1 Egg yolk
    • 1 bag of sugar eyes

    baking paper

    You could replace the cheddar with grated parmesan. You could also add a pitted and chopped chili pepper as well as chopped dried tomatoes. These may have to be de-oiled.

    • Lay out the puff pastry in time for thawing, the dough must not be hard during processing.
    • Mix cream cheese with the mixture in a bowl and prepare.
    • Wash and dry the peppers
    • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees (circulating air) or 220 g.
    • Prepare egg yolk for brushing.

    On the table, cover a large work board with a sheet of baking paper. Lay two slices of TK puff pastry overlapping one after the other and roll them together with the rolling pin. I then covered the plates with another larger cutting board, so that I could cut a long straight strip (about 3-4 mm wide) of dough.

    With the peppers first make a test, how the pod lies best. Then cut off a lid with a sharp knife on the opposite side. Then carefully cut the seed underneath the stalk and break it out carefully so that the stalk does not fall off. When this is done, fill the cavity with cheese mixture. Make sure that a little freeboard remains here. Otherwise the cheese will go overboard during baking and there will be no base for the eyes.

    When the cheese is filled in, wrap the peppers with the dough strip from the stalk downwards so that there is enough space left to insert the eyes after baking. Then brush with egg yolk and place on the baking tray with baking paper. After the first five peppers, you can usually move on quickly.

    Bake in the preheated oven for about 12 minutes until the puff pastry is nice and crispy. After baking, let it cool down a little, but not completely. Then carefully insert the eyes.

    Have fun and enjoy.

  9. #9
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Cooking Class - Recipe: Zalbar

    Zalbar || RUSSIA

    Ingame Buff: Fishplatter

    Click here to see the full picture

    • 1/2 Glass of round grain rice (70 gr.)
    • 1 Nori leaf (can be purchased in any Asian store or online)
    • Slightly salted redfish (it is usually possible to take salmon or trout)
    • Green part of cucumber (without seeds)

    We prepare the ingredients:

    Free the fish from scales, bones, and cut along.
    Wash up the rice and boil it in proportion 1 part of rice to 2 parts of water.
    Slice along the cucumber as well and clean it from the seeds.


    Put the nori on the sushi-mat, only one "paper".
    Wrap it up with a firm layer of mayonnaise (so that the leaf won`t stuck).
    After soaking your hands with water, place the rice on the nori, spread it evenly in a firm and thin layer.
    Leave a small piece of nori untouched.
    Place the sliced cucumbers and fish on it.
    Roll the roll accurately so the filling won`t leave the nori leaf.
    Soak the end of the roll with water (not too much, just a little bit so its get sticky) and close the role.
    If you`ll see the filling, sticking outside the roll from one or both sides then everything is OK and you put enough it inside.
    You can cut it off or do like me: put the roll on the right side of the mat, pin it down with one hand and use the other hand to push the filling back into the roll.
    If you cook several rolls, it is advisable to divide the rice and the filling into equal parts.

    Tip: Cut the sides with a knife (that was hold under lukewarm water)

    P.S. Sometimes I'm also put some cottage cheese inside as well, but in this particular case I forgot to buy it. And by the way, I haven't studied to become a sushi cook.

    Note Kumakun:

    Nori is a healthy food made out of edible dried & shredded seaweed. Raw seaweed is 85% water, 6% protein, 5% carbohydrates, it is good for obtaining some vitamines and other needed sources.
    I assure Zalbar, your Sushi skills are good and as long as it tastes good (which it did, I tried it after your recipe at home), that's what matters. Everyone can try the TSO Fishplate at home now too!

  10. #10
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020

    Cooking Class 2020: Soyatemp

    Soyatemp & JohnyKay || AMÉRICA LATINA

    Ingame Adventure: Misty Cake

    Click here to see the full picture

    • For the cake:
      • 1/2 cup of white sugar
      • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
      • 3 eggs, separate white and yolk
      • 1 cup of oil
      • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
      • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
      • 2 cups flour
      • and tablespoon of baking powder
      • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
    • For the decoration:
      • 30gr of butter
      • 1 cup of icing sugar
      • 2 tablespoons milk
      • 90gr of cream cheese


    All the ingredients are mixed except the egg whites.
    Beat the egg whites, and slowly incorporate with the rest of the mixture.
    It is placed in a greased mold, and put in a preheated 200 ° oven for 40 minutes.
    Let it cool and take it out


    The ingredients need to be mixed and divided into parts according to the amount of colors to be used,
    each portion is painted with edible vegetable coloring.
    Place each portion in a pastry bag and proceed to paint the cake to your liking.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 20.11.20 at 14:04.

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