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Thread: Things to work for and things to avoid

  1. #11
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Understanding Combat(Advanced Concepts. Skilling Generals)

    (Click here for a full picture)

    One of the question I am regularly asked is what's the correct way to skill my generals? It seems a fair question so why is it so difficult to answer.

    The main reason is that your needs as a player from your generals will change with your level. As you develop your island and have access to greater amounts of resources after developing your production chains, the loss of a few extra units becomes more acceptable if you can increase the speed of your adventuring which in turn increases your XP you can gain within the same period of time. Skills you may have ignored before such as Jog and Navigation now become desirable on all of your generals and you stop using any general that doesn't have it.

    You cannot take all of the skills available so you need to pick and choose. Certain skills will come up time and again whereas other skills you'll rarely use.

    Speaking broadly, the skills on the left side of the table directly affect combat either by reducing the effectiveness of the enemy, or increasing the effectiveness of certain units in combat and the skills on the right are more passive in the way they affect your general more outside of combat with only a single exception which reduces a combat round but doesn't directly affect damage being Confident Leader.

    So let's dive a bit deeper into each skill on the left. Any skill in green has potential issues. Those in black are more useful.

    Note: No general used as a blocker should have any of the skills on the left as it may affect blocks and force you to have to sim. In some cases blocking with this general will become impossible rendering it useless and costing you either gems or books to reset it. You've been warned.

    Rapid Fire - Affects Bowman by increasing their damage. With no other skills it's not particularly useful for most adventures with Nusala and Loner benefiting most from it.

    Juggernaut - Useful for Premium Generals and Suiciders as it increases the damage of your General and adds splash to their skills if they don't already have it

    Sniper Training - Affects Longbowmen and Marksmen. Two of the least used units in the guides. I suggest looking elsewhere to place your valuable books.

    Overrun - Decreases the health(HP) of enemy bosses making them easier to kill. Premium generals which are likely to attack leader camps will benefit most from this skill. Suiciders won't be alive long enough to benefit from it. Don't forget that YGG is often used as an attacking general and will benefit from this skill despite being used as a suicider quite regularly.

    Unstoppable Charge - This skill increases damage from your first strike (swift) units by 3 and also gives them splash. Cavalry and Knights benefit from it most as neither has splash naturally. While Mounted Marksman also benefits an additional 3 damage isn't great and MMM already have splash naturally. A useful skill for generals that regularly use swift units such as Boris.

    Battle Frenzy - This skill increases the damage what's left of your army is doing after each combat round. Premium Generals with the exception of GG, YGG and Anslem are likely to benefit least from the skill as generally speaking their battles finish far too quickly for the skill to even kick in. Anslem and YGG with their lower troop numbers are likely to see far more rounds far more often.

    Cleave - This skill only affects Elite Soldiers and instead of increasing it's defense which might have made it useful, it increases their attack which isn't what defense units are supposed to be for. Why this skill is even considered being worth codexes reveals just how little the developers understand the game's dynamics.

    Weekly Maintenance - This skill affects your heavy units by increasing their damage. Both Cannons and Besiegers benefit from it. Unfortunately Garrison Annex is also available at this level meaning that this skill will rarely justify getting 3 codexes. The Generals that benefit from it the most are those with very large armies such as OGG and MG.

    Lightning Slash - Generals with small armies and high damage benefit most from this skill. YGG and Anslem spring to mind. For other Premium Generals the next skill is far better.

    Master Planner - Almost always the best skill available. Adding 10% accuracy to your general and their troops is huge. Elite soldiers, cannons and all elite units from Swordsman to Besiegers will have 100% accuracy meaning they always do their maximum damage in combat.

    Now for the right side aka the more passive skills. Unlike the left combat skills, there isn't really any one of them I'd call useless, but I will say on Premium Generals with the exception of Garrison Annex which increases the number of troops a general can have, any book placed on the right side reduces that General's maximum damage. The more books there is on the right side, potentially the less useful that general becomes. Once you understand that concept, things gets easier.

    First Aid - Useful skill. In single unit suicides having just one manuscript here will stop that unit from ever dying regardless of how often it's defeated in battle. It will always be resurrected after the battle is over even if the battle was lost. It's the key to how zero loss adventures are designed.

    Jog - For higher level players, this skill becomes critical especially as maps become larger with more distance to cover.

    Hostile Takeover - Useful in as much as it generates Mercenary Recruits. Once you have access to Elite Troops, this skill becomes less useful, but still worth considering.

    Navigation Crash Course - At higher levels this skill will become critical on all of your generals. Generals without it will tend to get left home.

    Fast Learner - Boris, Mary and Tremblebeard are better choices if you want an XP boost. I wouldn't recommend it as there's only a limited amount of books available especially by this level and quite a few choices. As it is, if you're using Jog x 3 Navi x 3 Juggernaut x 3 Overrun x 3 and at least 1 book in First Aid, you've already used 13 of your max 21 books. Assuming you will be grabbing Garrison Annex and say Master Planner, that's another 4 for a total of 17, so just 4 left. With Unstoppable Charge and Battle Frenzy still without books... You get the drift.

    Just a Flesh Wound - Arguably the least useful skill on the right side. Once a battle is finished all of your generals spring back to life anyway, so it's iffy if this skill will even see use as adventures rarely last long enough for it to be a thing.

    Garrison Annex - Up to an additional 15 troops for your generals. Even OGG approves. This one is basically a no brainer to take, but it does limit you as you're only allowed 6 codexes in any General.

    Confident Leader - There's an adventure here and there where this skill might be useful, but it's rare. If an attack is that time critical i suggest you use GG as she has it naturally. If there was ever an update allowing more books into a general, I might consider using it then. Until that happens, not so much.

    Bounty Hunter - A great skill in a bad spot. With three other better skills available to you generating star coins just doesn't make a deal of sense.

    1-Up - A great skill for your suiciders. Nusala and YGG benefit greatly from this skill.

    In conclusion feel free to totally ignore what I've outlined here. Perhaps you insist on having fast learner on all of your generals even if it does slow them down. Or maybe you like generating lots of recruits. maybe you only want books in first aid on certain generals. As I said at the start, there's no wrong way to skill a general, but there's some skills you should seriously consider the long term consequences of before adding it to one.

    Happy Settling
    Last edited by DLCatlord; 10.05.23 at 06:22.

  2. #12
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Understanding Combat(Advanced Concepts. Lacking Generals to Suit a Guide)

    (For a full view click here)

    There are so many guides available these days using so many generals yet the only general I can state with authority that everyone has access to is the original Tavern General. Hopefully by now if you've been following this series you've experimented with and have an understanding of how to use the sim. If not I urge you to read the other posts on this thread outlining how to do so.

    With Easter just around the corner, it's likely General Sylvana (which is basically a reskin of an older general called Boris) will be available again. She should be perfect to use to outline how generals can sometimes be used to substitute for each other.I'll refer to her as Boris from now on as I have one of the originals and I usually refer to her as Boris to avoid confusion.

    He can often be used in place of Anslem, and the Major General can often be used in place of the Older Gemini General. Sometimes Boris can be used to replace both.

    For this example I'm going to use an older guide of mine from back when I didn't have Boris. Vargus also featured in it. He can be replaced with the Resolute General or General Loudmouth if you have either available. If not, he can be more problematic to replace due to his skill of removing flanking from both himself and the enemy. That doesn't mean he can never be replaced, just that the losses can be higher. Having said that, Boris often betters him in certain camps as will become apparent during this exercise.

    For this guide I'll play around with Aladdin & the Oil Lamp.(Fast Loot)

    To see the full guide as outlined please refer to
    this link here

    Generals Used

    Older Gemini General (MP), Vargus (MP), Anslem (LS), Steadfast General, Younger Gemini General (1-Up) x 3
    Optional Extras: Older Gemini General (MP) x 2, Vargus (MP), Anslem (LS)

    Troops Suggested: 1000MS 500K 600AMM 1000MMM 600B
    Tested Losses: 493MS 180K

    Usually this would be a bad guide for what I have in mind as I'm going to assume we have none of these generals available so we'd be better off finding another guide, but for an example, this is useful. Instead we have only a small selection being the Tavern Generals(TG), Major General(MG), Sylvana(BOR), Loner General(LNG) and maybe Ghost General(GG) as I've noticed many players seem to have her in multiples.


    Camp 8: 210 Mounted Sailor 1 Steersman
    (ANS) 37MS 128B Losses: 36MS
    (BOR) 42MS 153B Losses: 35-41MS
    (GG) 45MS 185B Losses: 34-44MS
    (MG) 64MS 221B Losses: 56-62MS
    (LNG) 63MS 182B Losses: 56-63MS

    Camp 0: 120 Sailor 100 Cannon Master
    ((OGG) 295MMM Losses: 0
    (BOR) 195MMM Losses: 0
    (GG) 230MMM Losses: 0
    (MG) 285MMM Losses: 0
    (LNG) 245MMM Losses: 0

    Camp 1: 250 Battle Hardened Sailor
    (OGG) 22MS 273MMM Losses: 18-21MS
    (BOR) 22MS 173MMM Losses: 18-22MS
    (GG) 20MS 210MMM Losses: 14-19MS
    (MG) 24MS 261MMM Losses: 19-23MS
    (LNG) 25MS 220MMM Losses: 20-24MS

    Camp 3: 70 Sailor 70 Mounted Sailor 70 Boatswain
    (VAR) 31MS 164MMM Losses: 25-30MS
    (BOR) 9MS 186K Losses: 8-9MS 18-21K
    (GG) 14MS 201K 15B Losses: 9-13MS 21-29K
    (MG) 18MS 246K 20B Losses: 15-19MS 34-43K
    (LNG) 19MS 206K 20B Losses: 15-19MS 34-43K

    Camp 4: 100 Sailor 100 Petty Officer Second Class 1 Captain
    (OGG) 295MMM Losses: 0
    (BOR) 195MMM Losses: 0
    (GG) 20AMM 210MMM Losses: 0
    (MG) 285MMM Losses: 0
    (LNG) 245MMM Losses: 0

    Camp 5: 150 Boatswain 100 Cannon Master
    (VAR) 28MS 167MMM Losses: 23-27MS
    (BOR) 195K Losses: 38-44K
    (GG) 230MS Losses: 43-56MS
    (MG) 285MS Losses: 55-63MS
    (LNG) 245MS Losses: 51-60MS

    Camp 9: 130 Battle Hardened Sailor 120 Mounted Sailor
    (ANS) 42MS 123MMM Losses: 32-41MS
    (BOR) 195K Losses: 38-44K
    (GG) 230MS Losses: 43-56MS
    (MG) 285MS Losses: 55-63MS
    (LNG) 245MS Losses: 51-60MS

    Camp 10: 250 Mounted Sailor 1 Mutineer
    (ANS) 45MS 120B Losses: 45MS
    (BOR) 54MS 123MMM Losses: 39-53MS
    (GG) 61MS 169B Losses: 45-61MS
    (MG) 87MS 198MMM Losses: 69-86MS
    (LNG) 87MS 158MMM Losses: 69-86MS


    Camp 11: 270 Battle Hardened Sailor
    (OGG) 26MS 269MMM Losses: 22-26MS
    (BOR) 27MS 168MMM Losses: 22-26MS
    (GG) 25MS 205MMM Losses: 19-24MS
    (MG) 28MS 257MMM Losses: 23-27MS
    (LNG) 29MS 216MMM Losses: 24-28MS

    Camp 12: 80 Battle Hardened Sailor 90 Mounted Sailor 80 Boatswain
    (VAR) 51MS 144B Losses: 44-50MS
    (BOR) 13MS 142K 40B Losses: 10-13MS 19-24K
    (GG) 20MS 140K 70B Losses: 16-20MS 23-34K
    (MG) 25MS 213K 47B Losses: 21-25MS 39-51K
    (LNG) 25MS 213K 47B Losses: 21-25MS 39-49K

    Camp 60: 150 Mounted Sailor 100 Petty Officer Second Class 1 Captain
    (OGG) 41MS 254MMM Losses: 34-40MS
    (BOR) 21MS 174MMM Losses: 17-20MS
    (GG) 28MS 40AMM 162MMM Losses: 21-27MS
    (MG) 41MS 254MMM Losses: 34-40MS
    (LNG) 41MS 204MMM Losses: 34-40MS

    Camp 18: 80 Sailor 80 Mounted Sailor 100 Boatswain
    (VAR) 39MS 156MMM Losses: 33-38MS
    (BOR) 11MS 184K Losses: 8-11MS 24-30K
    (GG) 15MS 185K 30B Losses: 11-14MS 33-38K
    (MG) 22MS 243K 20B Losses: 17-21MS 50-60K
    (LNG) 22MS 203K 20B Losses: 17-21MS 49-61K

    Camp 19: 100 Battle Hardened Sailor 160 Mounted Sailor
    (ANS) 33MS 132B Losses: 32MS
    (BOR) 22MS 153MMM 20B Losses: 18-21MS
    (GG) 36MS 124MMM 70B Losses: 27-34MS
    (MG) 44MS 201MMM 40B Losses: 37-43MS
    (LNG) 47MS 141MMM 57B Losses: 40-46MS

    Camp 20: 250 Mounted Sailor 1 Mutineer
    (ANS) 45MS 120B Losses: 45MS
    (BOR) 54MS 101MMM 40B Losses: 39-53MS
    (GG) 62MS 168MMM Losses: 45-61MS
    (MG) 87MS 198MMM Losses: 68-86MS
    (LNG) 87MS 158MMM Losses: 69-86MS

    Camp 21: 100 Sailor 100 Mounted Sailor 70 Petty Officer Second Class
    (VAR) 38MS 157MMM Losses: 31-37MS
    (BOR) 14MS 181K Losses: 11-13MS
    (GG) 29MS 140K 61B Losses: 21-25MS 30-40K
    (MG) 27MS 207K 51B Losses: 23-26MS 51-58K
    (LNG) 27MS 218K Losses: 23-26MS 19-24K

    Camp 22: 50 Battle Hardened Sailor 100 Mounted Sailor 100 Boatswain 1 Steersman
    (ANS) 28MS 31K 106B Losses: 26-27MS 31K
    (BOR) 34MS 51K 110B Losses: 24-33MS 24-30K
    (GG) 29MS 80K 121B Losses: 21-29MS 30-42K
    (MG) 36MS 80K 169B Losses: 31-36MS 50-69K
    (LNG) 36MS 80K 129B Losses: 31-36MS 50-69K

    Camp 37: 120 Sailor 150 Petty Officer Second Class
    (OGG) 295MMM Losses: 0
    (BOR) 195MMM Losses: 0
    (GG) 230MMM Losses: 0
    (MG) 285MMM Losses: 0
    (LNG) 245MMM Losses: 0

    Camp 39: 100 Battle Hardened Sailor 80 Mounted Sailor 80 Petty Officer Second Class
    ((OGG) 35MS 70K 190B Losses: 31-35MS 56-69K
    (BOR) 22MS 69K 104B Losses: 19-22MS 55-69K
    (GG) 24MS 91K 115B Losses: 18-23MS 34-48K
    (MG) 32MS 57K 148B Losses: 34-40MS 56-68K
    (LNG) 25MS 70K 100B Losses: 19-22MS 55-68K

    Camp 50: 50 Sailor 210 Petty Officer Second Class
    (OGG) 295MMM Losses: 0
    (BOR) 195MMM Losses: 0
    (GG) 230MMM Losses: 0
    (MG) 285MMM Losses: 0
    (LNG) 245MMM Losses: 0

    Camp 51: 270 Mounted Sailor
    (ANS) 38MS 127B Losses: 37MS
    (BOR) 36MS 159B Losses: 31-35MS
    (GG) 48MS 181B Losses: 40-48MS
    (MG) 72MS 213B Losses: 64-71MS
    (LNG) 72MS 173B Losses: 63-71MS

    Camp 54: 250 Boatswain 1 Captain 1 Giant Cannon
    (STG) 118K + (OGG) 295AMM Losses: 118K
    (LNG) 118K + (BOR) 195AMM Losses: 118K
    (LNG) 118K + (GG) 230AMM Losses: 118K
    (LNG) 118K + (MG) 285AMM Losses: 118K
    (LNG) 118K + (LNG) 230AMM Losses: 118K

    Camp 53: 250 Petty Officer Second Class 1 Steersman 1 Giant Cannon
    (YGG) 1MMM + (OGG) 10MS 138AMM 147MMM Losses: 6-10MS
    (LNG) 39K + (OGG) 10MS 138AMM 147MMM Losses: 6-10MS 39K
    (LNG) 200K + (BOR) 13MS 182AMM Losses: 8-12MS 200K
    (LNG) 200K + (GG) 7MS 223AMM Losses: 3- 6MS 200K
    (LNG) 39K + (MG) 10MS 138AMM 137MMM Losses: 5-8MS 39K
    (LNG) 39K + (LNG) 10MS 138AMM 137MMM Losses: 5-8MS 39K

    [color="black"}Camp 56: 250 Battle Hardened Sailor 20 Mounted Sailor[/color]
    (YGG) 1MMM + (OGG) 18MS 277MMM Losses: 14-18MS
    (OGG) 33MS 262MMM Losses: 27-32MS
    (BOR) 28MS 167MMM Losses: 22-27MS
    (GG) 25MS 205MMM Losses: 19-24MS
    (MG) 36MS 249MMM Losses: 30-35MS
    (LNG) 37MS 208MMM Losses: 31-36MS

    Camp 58: 70 Sailor 200 Battle Hardened Sailor
    (OGG) 19MS 276MMM Losses: 15-18MS
    (BOR) 19MS 176MMM Losses: 15-18MS
    (GG) 18MS 212MMM Losses: 13-17MS
    (MG) 20MS 265MMM Losses: 16-20MS
    (LNG) 22MS 223MMM Losses: 17-21MS

    Camp 59: 250 Cannon Master 1 Informant
    (YGG) 1AMM + (YGG) 1AMM + (YGG) 1AMM + (OGG) 37MS 258MMM Losses: 18-36MS
    (OGG) 73MS 140AMM 82MMM Losses: 36-72MS
    (LNG) 50K + (BOR) 73MS 122MMM Losses: 36-72MS 50K
    (LNG) 50K + (GG) 60MS 100AMM 70MMM Losses: 30-60MS 50K
    (MG) 73MS 140AMM 72MMM Losses: 36-72MS
    (LNG) 95MS 150MMM Losses: 53-94MS

    Some of the takeaways from this exercise

    1. Sometimes the only way to defeat a camp is to weaken it with suicide attacks. You'll also notice that on harder camps, MG was the best choice from all of the options that was available in my make believe scenario. That was especially apparent on the last camp where even Loner struggled despite having far greater hitting power than MG. That's why if a player doesn't have an OGG MG rates so highly. If the Loner had been skilled with anything else but MP, he would've needed a suicider to weaken it first like the other generals did. Even just a few more units would have also have caused him to need one. A few less units and he breaks it just as easily as MG did, but that's the difference in why he ranked at 14 and MG ranked in the top 5. There are camps only OGG or MG can break, whereas for LNG there's usually a better option. That doesn't make him a bad general, it just means that over time and as you gain more generals, you'll use him less.

    2. Boris gives 50% extra XP from any enemy troops he defeats. As your level increases GG which can at times give a better performance on a camp will be used less often because the few extra troops lost is well worth the additional XP you gain from Boris. Overall Boris gives a solid performance and with his +50% bonus to XP you get, it should be fairly easy to see why I ranked him in the top 5 as opposed to GG which I ranked at 10.

    3. An unusual thing you may have noticed is with Anslem. Anslem causes all of the units in a camp to have 0% accuracy meaning that they're hitting at their weakest. Because of this, if Anslem defeats an enemy in one round the losses will be constant rather than having a spread which is more typical for generals because of the randomness of the attacks. The only reason Anslem has some variations after the first round is because it depends on how many units was killed on both sides as to what will happen in subsequent rounds. In some adventures Anslem is by far your best choice of General. The only reason he's not in my top 5 is because of Boris. Boris caused him to take a hit, but not as much of a hit as Vargus has taken. Since the release of General Loudmouth and the Resolute General, Vargus has dropped sharply. He may well drop out of the list completely and become a suicider at a later date. Time will tell.

    4. Camp 54 requires suiciders to weaken it to a point that a general can defeat it regardless of what generals you have available. However once suiciders have removed the boatswains, the captain and giant cannon are easily defeated using any general that's been skilled with Master Planner(MP) and Overrun by using AMM as your army which brings me back to the importance of skilling. While there's no one correct way to skill a general. Consider first how you are planning to use it and strategise accordingly.

    In conclusion every guide could be presented something like this, but they take hours to do. Also not everyone has skilled generals, so then you need to do a separate guide for unskilled ones, and so on.
    Last edited by DLCatlord; 10.05.23 at 06:27.

  3. #13
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Skilling Explorers

    (Click here for full image)

    Important Note: Please use common sense while skilling explorers rather than slavishly following this guide. Consider what's the most likely length of time you will send out an explorer on a search. Which are the explorers you are most likely to skill for artefact or rarity searches, or even if you will. Certain explorers suit certain lengths of treasure search such as the following three explorers:

    Humble finds additional treasure on short and medium treasure searches
    Benevolent will find buffs on very long and prolonged treasure searches
    Romantic finds additional treasure on long, very long, and prolonged treasure searches

    Obviously the way you will skill these explorers will differ to the more generic skill up. So bearing that in mind, feel free to read up, and switch and change the spots to suit your game style.

    Explorers are the hidden driving force behind many a successful player. The more you have the better you will do during events. Unlike generals there's no such thing as a bad explorer. Even your lowly tavern explorer will nett you a positive result from an event and will pay for itself over and over again long after the cost to purchase it from the tavern is forgotten.

    Explorers can be roughly divided into five types.

    Those that give bonuses for adventures such as Keener and Intrepid
    Those that give bonuses for treasure such as Humble, Emphatic and Courageous
    Those that give bonuses for both treasure and adventure searches such as Princess Zoe and Adventurous
    Those that give bonuses for treasure, rarity and artefact searches such as Motherly
    Those that are event Specialists such as Fluffy Butte and Snowy

    During events all of your explorers will be out on treasure searches even those that specialise elsewhere. While short treasure searches is the best to maximise your returns, I'd argue that medium and long are the better choices to maintain your sanity and to not interfere with your adventuring. Additionally certain explorer types benefit more from doing longer types of treasure searches whereas others benefit from shorter ones.

    So keeping all of this in mind, lets strategise where and how to place books into your various explorers.

    First off, a quick look in the total books available for specifically Adventure Explorers shows only 13 spots of a possible 21 meaning we need to place 8 books elsewhere. My suggestion is that 6 of those books go into manuscripts, specifically Pilgramage and Mountain Boots aside from the three you likely already have in Fearless Hiker.

    Ideally all of your explorers will have a minimum of 6 manuscripts in them. 3 x Fearless Hiker (Shortens the Search time for all adventure searches by 15%) and 3 x Mountain Boots (Shortens the search time for all treasure searches by 9%) and that 3 more manuscripts are used in either Pilgrimage for the bulk of your explorers (Shortens search time for long treasure searches by 15%) except for Humble Explorers who should not be used past medium search to take advantage of their skill so instead those three books are switched to Lucky Detour.

    For Tomes I use 6 books, regardless of the type of explorer, but where I use them differs and for Humble Explorer I use 9 tomes

    For exclusively Adventurer types I use 3 x Wild Determination (90% more map parts on Adventure Searches) and 3 x Travel Expenses (Reduce the adventure search costs by 30%)

    For all other explorers I use 3 x Extended Weekend (Shorten the search time for medium treasure searches by 15%) and Sturdy Shovel (add 9% more loot on all treasure searches). Humble the other three I use in Loot Wagon.

    Last but not least is Codexes. I personally always use 6, except for Humble where I only use 3 which is 3 x Pathfinder.

    For Adventurer types I have 3 x Trouble Seeker (30% chance of finding an additional adventure) 2 x Pathfinder (Shorten the search time for all searches by 10%) and 1 x Sophisicated Pillager (30% chance of an adventure bonus quest). You could switch that book to Pathfinder to drop all searches by 15%. Notice that's ALL searches, not just treasure and the Adventure Bonus Quest reward can be iffy at higher levels.

    For all Treasure Types except Humble I suggest 3 x Sabbatical (Shorten the search time for very long by 15%) and 3 x Pathfinder (Shorten the search time by 15% for all searches). While you could use Streetwise Negotiator for 1 codex and sacrifice say 1 book from Sabbatical, the bonus quest involves finding an amount of a rss and the reward for doing so isn't that great, so the skill is iffy. For a codex, I'd have expected better, but hey to each their own.

    For rarity and artefact type explorers if you choose to run them, shift one book from Sabbatical onto the required search type. I strongly suggest you only use Motherly Explorers like this as she will reward each search with 4 slots thereby increasing your chances of getting something decent.

    How or even IF you skill explorers is up to you. I've run explorers without skills for years quite successfully, but this guide may give you a few ideas for if you've started to think about it. I suggest at worst popping in the 6 manuscripts on both the leftmost and rightmost sides for most explorers except maybe Humble as it's unlikely you'll use him to look for maps, similar to how you're unlikely to use a Romantic to do so either due to how slow they are, but for a generic skill up, you might just to reduce the amount of books needed to get to the skills you really want to add. In this game and with books and skilling things, everything's a trade off.
    Last edited by DLCatlord; 25.04.23 at 06:50.

  4. #14
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Great work as always DL, appreciated.

    Can BB make this a sticky please?

  5. #15
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    How I skill my Generals

    (click here for the enlarged version)

    This is not the only way to skill them, nor is it likely to be the best way as specifically customising your generals to suit the adventure is far better, but how I skill is very flexible and can be used without alteration over all adventures when generals are needed, including scout runs. As always there's a trade off so you will suffer slightly more losses for certain camps and be unaffected on others.

    One thing you'll notice with skilling is that regardless of who is suggesting it, that certain skills will come up time and again. For premium generals skills such as Juggernaut, Overrun, Garrison Annex, and Master Planner(or Lightning Slash) are almost universal. Because of this, my guides are very likely to work without having to exactly match how I've done it.

    For anyone interested, my guides can be found here.

    (Click here for my adventure guides)
    Last edited by DLCatlord; 02.05.23 at 11:01.

  6. #16
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Using Explorers

    As I've previously mentioned, there's 5 types of explorers. This is a complete list of how I use my explorers outside of events, but I do occasionally place all of my explorers onto adventure searches except for humble, romantic and scared. It's a great way to replace or add to the adventures which have been used up during an event or to prepare for the next one if time's running out and you're not happy with the numbers you have available to you.

    Be aware that all adventure searches use resources and all treasure searches replenish them so strategise accordingly.

    I've broken down the way I prefer to use my explorers into the three major types outside of events which is
    treasure(inc rarity and artefact), adventure, or both.

    Adventurous Explorer (both)(50% more treasure, lower costs for adventure)
    Benevolent Explorer (treasure)(extra buff on very long and prolonged only)
    Bewitching Explorer (treasure)

    Bold Explorer (both) (50% treasure + buffs for both treasure and adventure)
    Candid Explorer (treasure)
    Courageous Explorer (treasure)
    Emphatic Explorer (treasure)

    Experienced Explorer (both)
    Explorer (Tavern) (both)
    Fluffy Butte (both)(event specialist)

    Humble Explorer (treasure)(short or medium only)
    Intrepid Explorer (adventure)
    Keener Explorer (adventure)

    Lovely Explorer (treasure)
    Lucky Explorer (both)
    Motherly Explorer (treasure)(rarity and artefact x 4)
    Pirate Explorer (treasure)

    Princess Zoe (both)(chance of a buff and adventure on treasure and always finds a buff on adventure search)
    Romantic Explorer (treasure)(long, v long, prolonged only)
    Royal Explorer (adventure) (can find tokens)
    Savage Scout (both)
    Scared Explorer (treasure)(finds extraordinary items)
    Snowy Explorer (treasure)(rarity and artefact x 2)(event item x 4)
    Last edited by DLCatlord; 10.05.23 at 10:06.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Where do I make the combat tools?

  8. #18
    Glorious Graduate
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Lenaburg View Post
    Where do I make the combat tools?
    What do you mean?

  9. #19
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    How I Rank Generals(Advanced Concepts)

    The game has released a new general for the latest event. Exciting times, but is it a must have or a dud? You head to your favourite sim, but alas the new general isn't available on it yet, so with no way to accurately test it how can you decide if it will be worth your precious event item?

    This is the question I get asked so many times. So let's look at three generals that have been released while I was away, and why I consider one of them is a must have, one is a maybe if you have the spare event items, and one is a dud I don't recommend.

    Nutcracker General (200) (3900HP) (500-2000DMG) (70% ACC) Normal Combat Round Flanking & Splash Recovers 20% of lost unit after every battle. Units HP +30%.

    Miraculous General (200) (300HP) (400-800DMG) (80%ACC) Last Strike Natural 1-Up Skill. Recover 45% of lost units after every battle.

    Resolute General (200) (3000HP) (400-600DMG) (85%ACC) Normal Combat Round Increases the HP of Soldiers, Elite Soldiers and Swordsman by +100%, for an initial cost of -30% to their damage dealt, and allows these specific units to deal Splash Damage. Enemy Offensive and Heavy units deal 30% reduced damage. The formation also prevents his troops from being Flanked by the enemy. Every turn spent in battle makes the general and professional infantry units strike +50% harder.

    A quick look at that already starts to organise which general is going to sim from best to worst regardless of how you skill them up.

    Miraculous General will always be the worst of the three and here's why.


    1. Recovers 45% of his losses with natural first aid making him the current highest general with the skill in the game.


    1. It's attack is within the last section of the combat, so it's relying on the units that are accompanying it.
    2. Unlike GG which makes the list of premium generals, it doesn't affect the accompanying units with in it any way. Sure you can skill it to affect them, but why when there's better generals offering better skills.
    3. Lacks splash meaning you'll need to invest 3 x manuscripts into Juggernaut for the general to gain the skill.
    4. It has low HP so it's use as a potential blocker just isn't there. Add in as a suicider it would rank behind even FMG which attacks in the normal round.

    So overall if i had to rate this general out of 10 in the three categories 2/10 from Premium, 2/10 as a suicider 1/10 as a blocker.

    Nutcracker General. Overall he's iffy if he's worth investing in. His damage spread coupled with lower than normal accuracy also pushes it into the questionable category. Worth picking up if you lack a decent amount of suiciders, but you're be less likely to use him as you gain more generals.

    1. Attacks weakest target first (Flanking skill)
    2. Boosts the defense of all accompanying units thus lowering losses
    3. Higher than average HP and a decent amount of minimum damage
    4. Natural First Aid

    1. Lacks First Strike

    Overall the Nutcracker General would have been a premium general 8 years ago. Now it's more like the MMA. Not a bad general, just not good enough to be considered a "must have" any more. Could you use him on an adventure and invest books into him like you would with another premium general? Certainly, but I personally wouldn't. If I had one and I had the books to spare, I'd treat him more like a quality suicider rather than a premium general. He's slightly better than MMA once you add Juggernaut to him as his maximum damage is higher. With his natural first aid being higher and also boosting the HP of units with him, he's one of the better second tier suiciders in the game. I'd recommend Master Planner on him rather than 1-Up due to the difference in damage from his minimum attack in comparison to his maximum. With MMA the spread is 500-550, so 1-Up means I get to inflict at worst that minimum damage twice, so 500 x 2. Whereas with Master Planner that attack is limited to only one time or 550 which is lower than the 1000 damage that two attacks would give me. If you look at my post on how I skill my generals, you'll notice that is my overall strategy.

    Overall rating: Premium 4/10 Suicider 6/10 Blocker Unlikely as his attack is likely too high.

    Resolute General. Of the three, he's the pick of them, and a must have if you have the event items to get one and here's why.


    1. Removes flanking from the enemy. (One of only three generals with this skill. General Loudmouth appears to be no longer available and Vargus costs gems)
    2. Reduces the damage of offensive and heavy units by 30% which will help to reduce losses.
    3. Doubles the HP of your defensive units which will have to be killed first due to the removal of flanking
    4. The longer the battle lasts, the harder the general and defensive units will hit. (+50% per combat round)
    *5. In adventures 10+ this general is currently the best of any general that removes flanking.


    1. Lacks flanking so the offensive and heavy units will be around longer
    2. The defensive units start at -30% damage, and while that's not their job it will may still cause the combat to last for more rounds

    So overall rating: Premium 8.5/10 (Easily a top 5-10 Premium General). Suicider 3/10 (His minimum damage puts him behind better generals more suited to it, but he could be used in a pinch.) Blocker: 1/10 The general's damage increasing every round makes him unsuited to this role, but only one premium general straddles that line anyway being the Steadfast General, but then again she's the most versatile general in the game and the only general that can be used in all three categories.

    This post is already far larger than I meant it to be, but I hope it helps you to understand how to pick out the diamonds in the rough from the generals you'll likely never use.

    See my post on Substituting RG for Vargus below as to why he's just better.
    Last edited by DLCatlord; 27.05.23 at 23:54.

  10. #20
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Generals (Substituting RG for Vargus in guides)

    In elite adventures (10+), the Resolute General is better than General Loudmouth and Vargus despite not having first strike.

    To understand why, you need to understand that Mounted Swordsman have 250HP and Swordsman have 150, but RG doubles the HP for soldiers, elite soldiers and Swordsman. Swordsman also hit harder than Mounted Swords, so the initial loss of attack power isn't a factor. Assuming that your RG has Master Planner, your Swordsman will have 100% accuracy thus doing max damage which is 80 (56 after losing 30% on their first attack) which is still higher than Mounted Swordsman at a maximum of 50 damage.

    This means that there's a quick way to use him in any guide featuring either Vargus or General Loudmouth by replacing the Mounted Swordsman with Swordsman. You could even use the troops as outlined in the guide (See below for an example) even though RG has more troops than either of them.

    As an example of a quick substitution

    From my guide on Oil

    Camp 3: 70 Sailor 70 Mounted Sailor 70 Boatswain
    (VAR) 32MS 163MMM (Losses: 25-30MS)
    (RG) 32Sw 153MMM (Losses: 22-27Sw)
    (GLM) 32MS 153MMM (Losses: 24-29MS)

    A more complex one from Young Woodcutter

    Camp 5: 80 sword wielder 80 mounted bowmen
    (VAR) 36MS 57AMM 102MMM (Losses: 29-34MS)
    (RG) 36Sw 47AMM 102MMM (Losses: 28-32Sw)
    (GLM) 36MS 47AMM 102MMM (Losses: 29-34MS)

    Obviously for some of these attacks, using more troops would further reduce losses, but this is more of post to explain how to deploy this general and why you should strive to acquire one when he next becomes available.
    Last edited by DLCatlord; 28.05.23 at 00:05.

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