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Thread: [Dev Diary] Anniversary Event 2020

  1. #11
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Anniversary End

    Dear Anniversary-Fans,

    This Event was a rollercoaster, but it all worked out in the end.

    Once our Mayor reached out to you, the balloons were donated in their millions; some instances even got new records! Thanks to everyone, we managed to reach the third goal on time and would like to share some insights. Attached you can also find a GIF prepared by our annual our most beloved Balloon-Statistic-Collector: BigBang36.


    Donated balloons phase 1: 496.488.575
    Donated balloons phase 2: 910.853.889
    Donated balloons phase 3: 831.250.147

    All phases together: 2.238.592.611

    Average donated balloons per Second: ~1233

    Overall donated balloons in the event: 2.238.592.611
    Stored balloons: 86.003.405 (3.8%)

    Which world donated the most balloons (Ranking)

    1. uk03
    2. uk01
    3. uk02
    Please note that we will not publish the exact numbers for the worlds. However, it should be noted that this ranking was very close between worlds once again and on average a similar amount was shared. Good job everyone, all our worlds had extremely diligent balloon-traders.

    Image provided by BigBang36 - Germany
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 01.10.20 at 11:14.

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