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Thread: [Feedback] The future of TSO

  1. #91
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    have posted a few times in here and i seriously can't believe the lack of honesty from ubisoft/bluevyte ,, the hardcore players and those who love playing game want a simple answer and they would like to see whats happening i myself don't want suggestions on the gameplay at this current moment in time ,, have already stepped away from playing and not buying anything ,, opera as already been updated with a message saying that flash will be removed on the 20 of December ..

    its not rocket science is it..

    almost reminds me of talking to the uk mp's they can never answer the question

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Pasa View Post
    I second this. In fact, in the new incarnation of this game, I would suggest to take every effort to reduce the number of clicks.
    To extend this -
    - Bulk sending Geo and explorer
    - Bulk loading generals with troops (something like, I will select which are the gens I need then a panel will come with total limit of the gens and let me pack troops in single window.
    - rejuvinate feature: same as above, if I select a exhausted field / well, it will ask me if I want to rejuvinate all and based on my resources it would rejuvinate in sequential way of oldest first.
    - mines: if there are multiple mines available then clicking on one, should have option to initiate all construction.
    I 3rd this! Please reduce the clicking madness for higher end players.

  3. #93
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Few hints from me for future

    a) I would like to see summary of items when I do multi dumping from "Loot Mail", actually see what will be add to my stock

    b) I would like to see summary of the troops looses from adventure / not just in each round/battle but from all rounds/battles together (I do not want to count each of them)

    of course also improvements with game but other guys already post it here (rid of the flash, stable game, lower HW resources requirements, multi platform support, multi sending explorers or geologists...)
    Last edited by MFCM2; 26.09.20 at 06:12.

  4. #94

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by AndyGadget View Post
    18 weeks to go then........
    Browser update expected to remove all flash support, uninstall any downloaded flash plugins, and remove all download links from their sites so that it is no longer possible to download a sanctioned flash plugin from the major vendors.
    As stated by the previous posts, it would be nice to know what technology is going to be used to keep the game alive, and when we may see a "" with some proof that the plan is already well underway.

    Even saying that something is in limited beta test now would give a bit of confidence back.
    This must be one of the most pathetic updates ever

    The update is........... that there is no update. Many thanks BB

  6. #96
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2013
    In all honesty I am slightly taken back that 3 months away from the end of flash we are asked for suggestions. With 3 months to go one would expect there is a clear strategy as to what will replace the current setup the fundamental designs are in place and in reality one would hope you are in some kind of beta testing stage of core functionality. The last thing any developers what to here with 3 months before go live is, "oh here are a bunch of new additions from the community". The new design should have been locked down by now and your in bug fixing stage. Only changes are to resolve flaws and not adding features. Your main focus now should not be on asking what people would like but planning your cut-over strategy.

    Having worked in IT for a long time and planning and implementing major system upgrades. The fact you are asking for ideas now, fills me with concerns as to the direction (if any) you are going.

  7. #97
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    Its a very good point some have made it takes months to recode to another system so you must have a direction your heading in or your just lying to delay the fact there is no future to the game as no one will invest in a game with no future....if its the fact you are not sure what you are testing will work again you should be telling us or the excuse will be that we was hoping it would work and it hasnt so thats that.....I remember a BB saying they didnt want to take the game down for a long period to transfer the game but again if that happened we all know they game wouldnt come back as people would get used to having no game

  8. #98
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Can a flash game be embedded into HTML with a link within the same site to send to a new TSO area which starts of as another Island you can travel to. Slowly making the flash version unnecessary. So the HTML would have to be cross-linked for population, stock and army . I have bigger visions of this but do not have the know how to explain how it could be done and maybe it cannot.

    I know absolutely nothing as this question may show.

  9. #99
    Jolly Advisor
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGMAMOS View Post
    This must be one of the most pathetic updates ever

    The update is........... that there is no update. Many thanks BB
    Update is great!
    Well, BB wrote, they are writing alone standing client for TSO. Didn't they?
    I guess 2gb memory issue won't be an issue no more.
    Now, we know they put some programmers on the job.
    I hope for monthly updates or how long their scrum runs go.
    After all players on TSO are also an interested and invested party
    Important is they write in such a architecture, that conversion into different platforms won't be an issue. Linux here
    Scrum unfortunately is a little chaotic programming style, so some architecture should be agreed upon.
    Good luck BB!

  10. #100
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Sarmatian View Post
    Update is great!
    Well, BB wrote, they are writing alone standing client for TSO. Didn't they?
    They did not. In fact they pretty much did not actually say anything. It's kinda the same "we are working on or looking for..." that has been said for years. It's soon a month from the original post and we still don't even know the platforms that will be supported or will it remain as a cross-platform browser game. Not even the used "tech" has been named while it should already be set in stone by now.

    Only around 2 months to early December where the new system should already be running in the hands of players at test or live server.

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