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Thread: [Feedback] The future of TSO

  1. #41
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Hey BB, I'm puzzled about the "insight" you gave us and the feedback you want from us. Have read the announcement about 5 times already and can't get my head around it. The only new info I read in it is that you've decided to forsake the possibility to somehow keep flash going and decided to transit to more modern technology with better chance of survival. Well done for leaving the dead end approach. Apart from that shift it's the same old same old - undisclosed unspecified plans. And boy you've been planning for a long long time.

    What kind of feedback can a non IT person give you? How do you even count on our feedback? Man I'm confused. Even if I was an IT person i still could not say much more then the above to the issue.

    So what do you want to hear? Yes, the game is good. Yes, I want it to continue for a long time of happy settling. Yes I want to continue playing seamlessly without a down time. Yes I hope you can figure out how to do it cause I can't. And yes I hope you increase the clarity of your communication so we can actually engage in meaningful feedback.

    Staying tuned .................. just send a message.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    HTML5 or bust.

  3. #43
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    Hey BB, I'm puzzled about the "insight" you gave us and the feedback you want from us. Have read the announcement about 5 times already and can't get my head around it. The only new info I read in it is that you've decided to forsake the possibility to somehow keep flash going and decided to transit to more modern technology with better chance of survival. Well done for leaving the dead end approach. Apart from that shift it's the same old same old - undisclosed unspecified plans. And boy you've been planning for a long long time.

    What kind of feedback can a non IT person give you? How do you even count on our feedback? Man I'm confused. Even if I was an IT person i still could not say much more then the above to the issue.

    So what do you want to hear? Yes, the game is good. Yes, I want it to continue for a long time of happy settling. Yes I want to continue playing seamlessly without a down time. Yes I hope you can figure out how to do it cause I can't. And yes I hope you increase the clarity of your communication so we can actually engage in meaningful feedback.

    Staying tuned .................. just send a message.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    HTML5. It has all the advantages. You can even make a mobile port with relative ease.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Victoria Australia
    as long as i dont lose the special buildings gens explorers geos that i have earned / bought / achieved along the way , im happy to see this continue in some other base format , i just dont want to start on a new settlers at base0 as a continuation of where we are now , i mean if we were told " ok this is the end of TSO, but we will launch a new settler game where you can start again" i would be sad about losing all that i had made here but would try the new one as i really do enjoy settlers.
    and i have said for years a select all on the geos or explorers would be wonderful - 55 or more explorers x 5 click per search is a lot , instead of select 1 explorer and then all of its type to go on same search being 5 - 10 all go at once saving a LOT of clicks and time.

  6. #46
    first complains they did not have solution,
    now you all complain about nothing,
    you have not seen their solution yet.
    you should all be ashamed
    kindergarten once again as always

  7. #47
    Original Serf
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    Apr 2012
    Wales, UK
    How about aversion for the iPad?

  8. #48
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by qawpaw View Post
    first complains they did not have solution,
    Oh but they did have a solution, one that created more problems than it solved and wasnt even fully compatible with the new login system they already put to live.

    They also repeatadly said they're not considering switching to different technologies, which turns out to not be true as of now.

    you have not seen their solution yet.
    Anyone with little IT experience and half a brain will tell you you dont rewrite existing application to a new technology within a span of 4 months, unless the application is something as simple as a calculator.

    Theres's very little credibility here regarding the possibility of actually puling it off, unless they have been working on it for at least a year, in which case what they said previously simply wasnt true.

    Lets see how you manage to rationalize that.

  9. #49
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    On my park bench.
    Do something with the suggestions we provided over the years.
    For example:
    Make entire production chains easier to start stop/buff.
    I hate clicking 300 times to start / stop 60 buildings.
    Send out all geo's in 1 click is another thing.

    More building space, extra islands for example.
    What good is it to get an event where you get (for example) an other settlers HQ whilst I have 4 already in starmenu and no place to build those?
    Or another building that throws economy of island off balance again?

    There have been loads of suggestions on the forum, most have been ignored.
    Since hardly any of those suggestions have been implemented the game is loosing players.

    Oh, and another thing. Will we keep our islands in current state / level / resources?
    Or do we have to start from 0?
    If start from 0 then the current gem happy hour is dubious.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 04.09.20 at 13:41. Reason: double post

  10. #50
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetah2_777 View Post
    Oh, and another thing. Will we keep our islands in current state / level / resources?
    Or do we have to start from 0?
    If start from 0 then the current gem happy hour is dubious.
    already been asked and answered on german servers everything would be as it is now everything would be transfered

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