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Thread: [Feedback] The future of TSO

  1. #21
    Skilled Student
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    Jul 2012
    Exactly my thoughts hades8840

  2. #22
    Original Serf
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    Jul 2012
    At this point they should have locked on the new tech for the game and if they did they would let us know what's coming and what the new tech is.
    Instead we see only that they "currently working hard". If the work is going hard so what's the new tech is being used. At this point they should have more than idea what it's gonna be
    How our feedback will help here not sure. We want TSO to continue no doubt about it but its up to them to make it happen, not our feedback. I think there is still no solid plans or ideas on what or how to make it happen

  3. #23
    Skilled Student Camalus's Avatar
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    In a world of my own
    Not sure all these posts are actually going to help them get this transition done.
    I wouldn't want anything new added just the game in a working platform that is easy to log into and plays without lag/crashing (I have resisted the urge to list all the issues I have when playing).
    Appreciate the heads up that you are working on this but without information that satisfies the more technically minded in our community I am with the doubters on the Titanic.
    We are all still here (resistance is futile) and we all still want to play maybe some of the players have the real skills needed to help if you were able to explain the issues. A problem shared is a problem solved.
    As long as any solution does not involve everyone starting from lvl 1 again!!!

  4. #24
    Skilled Student
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    midlands uk
    when are you going to dump flash

  5. #25
    Raving Rabbid
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wuselwirbel View Post
    Don't forget us Mac users, please. :-)

    And DreMat: Mobile would be a great addition, indeed.
    second that

  6. #26
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camalus View Post
    We are all still here (resistance is futile) and we all still want to play maybe some of the players have the real skills needed to help if you were able to explain the issues. A problem shared is a problem solved.
    Its highly unlikely any sane person with proper skillset would consider contributing to a project thats not open (because BB or whatever parent company holds all the rights to the game) while at the same being fully commercial, without any pay.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by dahmmy View Post
    whats the point of feedback when BB has never ever taken notice?
    !!!!We have seen the way you are enthusiastically discussing the topic, coming up with suggestions and even working on your own solutions to protect everyone’s islands.!!!!

    !!!maby you shoult read what they wrote.

    or did you not take notice

  8. #28
    Original Serf
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    May 2012
    What matters is that it is playable on most platforms including mobiles, that it is stable, and that it is interesting.
    With interesting, can be said and meant a lot, so lets take that in another discussion.
    Focus should be on making it work on most platforms in a stable version.
    Last edited by Poetryboy; 01.09.20 at 20:07.

  9. #29
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    One second to midnight and BB finally wake up!
    This should have started years ago, preferably in 2010 so we'd have been spared the vagaries of Flash.

    1) It has to be stable and not a resource hog bringing down our computers. So NOT Flash in any form, be that embedded, in a wrapper or any other format.

    2) Cross-platform support, we should be able to play on Linux and Mac at least, preferably Android and others like BSD.

    3) Proper retargettable graphics so the chat box doesn't cover the entire screen on smaller displays.

    4) Performance has dropped markedly since moving/amalgamating servers, really needs looking at. In earlier days you could run several worlds simultaneously in separate browser tabs, now even a single world is a struggle.

    Liking some of the ideas like bulk sending of explorers, but probably something for the future, what we need now is Settlers Online playing stably and securely for the forseeable future.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  10. #30
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Jan 2017
    I was really excited to read this announcement, but unfortunately it doesn't say anything new.
    Not reassuring, sadly. A plan "in the upcoming months" already puts us perilously close to 2021. And that's just the plan, not actually making the transition.

    I'm especially disappointed that BB asked for feedback generally on development of the game. That pretty much guarantees this thread is going to devolve into people's requests for their pet features, instead of discussing the continuity of the game.

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