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Thread: Keep Going - Bakery Buffs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Keep Going - Bakery Buffs

    You are asked to place two fish buffs on your Bakery, but you cannot complete the quest item if you only have "Improved Bakery"
    As with previous buff quests, they should include the Improved version as well.

    If there is already a thread for Anniversary quest bugs, then feel free to move me, or request this is raised on a different thread.

  2. #2
    Quartermaster Elco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    If the quest was meant to buff any bakery, then it would say so but in this instance, it does precisely say bakery thus excluding any improved building.
    To me, this isn't a bug but a simple matter of paying attention to what the quest specifically requires.

    Same goes when you have to buff your brewery. That doesn't work when buffing friaries (which are improved breweries).

    I, and many others, had to find a spot to temporarily build a bakery/brewery. Buffed with a fish platter, removed the building, moved on.

  3. #3
    Treasure Hunter MarkG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    the problem with these quests is at level 71 i am getting these quests too, and have long got rid of normal bakeries, windmills and breweries replaced them with upgrades improved etc, quest should allow higher level players to buff the improved or enhanced versions of building and not have to build basic building on an island with limited space.

    today i got a quest to buff 2 copper mines, i have nowhere to place a basic copper mine and had to waste 39 gems to pass the quest, as i have 3 improved copper mines with 20K plus ore in them and 3 ecms, no way gonna demolish one of those just to place a nomal copper mine for the quest, maybe its not a bug just a gem scam for players who have spent gems in the past on special buildings. hate to see what next basic building i have to build when i already have improved version of said building, SHOULD NOT HAVE TO TEMP BUILD ANYTHING if quest set up properly in first place
    Last edited by MarkG; 12.09.20 at 19:23.

  4. #4
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    nobody is forcing you to buff. just let it expire

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