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Thread: [Feedback] TSO Future Timeline & Unity FAQ

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    It would be nice to get some details about moving to a Uplay account, namely how is this done and do we lose my current profile and have to start from the beginning. I also have a ubisoft account for the old 'offline' settlers (different email address) will this be an issue.

  2. #12
    Quartermaster Elco's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SirSpuderlot View Post
    It would be nice to get some details about moving to a Uplay account, namely how is this done and do we lose my current profile and have to start from the beginning. I also have a ubisoft account for the old 'offline' settlers (different email address) will this be an issue.
    There's a thread dating back from last May already. Simply by reading it, then applying the guidance and doing what my browser asks me to modify in order to make it work, I succeeded in migrating my account to a Uplay account.

  3. #13
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorp View Post
    So... is there already a link where we can download the test server for settlers? or when is that gonna be available?

    Not yet. We want to start it as soon as possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fahari View Post

    maybe you can unlink steam or facebook from some players accounts to get them on uplay bit not everyone and im one of them cant do that.
    As far as I'm aware, it's possible. Just hit our support team.

    Quote Originally Posted by SkinFlynt View Post
    Both my wife and I have Uplay accounts that open at level one. Every time. No matter what we do.

    Since the changes earlier this year the ONLY way I can login is via facebook. What course of action should we take to get a Uplay account which allows access to my level 72 game?
    We got a FAQ here. If you're still having problems, please contact our support team.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peterh445 View Post
    This is indeed good news...

    a question - if we have a unisoft login do we need a uplay one as well, sorry if it sounds a stupid question, I dont know what uplay is.
    Uplay is actually Ubisoft Connect. So if you have a Ubisoft login and are using it to login, you are good to go

    I also updated one point in the FAQ:

    Are we going to use the current Slim Browser during the transition, or will this be updated/reworked?
    • It will be a new and updated Download Client. We will provide a MacOS installer for the client.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post
    As far as I'm aware, it's possible. Just hit our support team.
    I have personally asked, multiple times, over the past year. I've been denied every single time. They say that they don't have a way to unlink the steam accounts, although people have done it before.

    I would gladly unlink my account from steam in a heartbeat. I know a number of people that would as well.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    We got a FAQ here. If you're still having problems, please contact our support team.

    I have read this FAQ many times. It does not help with my problem. I cannot see the "Migrate to Ubisoft account" option in my profile so all the remaining advice which refers to this process does not appear to help me.

    I have a Ubisoft account and if I log in with it the game opens at level one.

    I can ONLY login to my correct Level 72 with the Facebook login option.

    If I delete my Ubisoft account will this magically reinstate the "Migrate to Ubisoft" option in my profile and allow me to create a new account linked to the correct level or will I be frozen out completely?

    Will support actually help me, or just wait three days and close the ticket?

  6. #16
    Erudite Pioneer Psychokilla's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    I have a uplay account but currently log in using facebook. my uplay account is linked to facebook. however if I login via uplay i start as a new settler, not my existing account. I have read the faq and there is no information regarding how to migrate my exiting log in to my uplay account.

    This is extremly frustrating as I have been playing for a number of years and I do not want to lose all my progress.

    There are a lot of players using a facebook log in and I am sure many that have the same issue.

  7. #17
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020
    If you want to disconnect your Facebook/Steam account and move it to Ubi, please contact the Support Team, they are able to do so.

    For any migration issues, please also contact our support team.

    Please send me a PM with your ticket ID if you don't get a reply within 1-2 days.

  8. #18
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    @BB_Trafffer any idea when the xmas test will be out I know you said it would likely be on the new test server that you want us all to get used to also the new client because of the possible down time with flash ending on the 31st ...normally xmas even is around a week before xmas day so around the 18th but that would mean the event would need to start on the 14th this year as the 21st seems to close to actual xmas.. but either way isnt much time left for us to even test the xmas event let alone get used to new server and client as its being left so late
    Last edited by hades8840; 25.11.20 at 15:10.

  9. #19
    Original Serf tastino's Avatar
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    Aug 2018
    After instaling your stupid client

    Your stupid client TSO broke my browser firefox and edge and some aplications in PC. Now need reinstal or windows or need try to repair what your stupid client broke in my PC!

  10. #20
    Original Serf tastino's Avatar
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