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Thread: PvP XP

  1. #1
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    PvP XP

    How is XP from PvP counted? Does it include all units in camps going down with a leader (like on standard combat), or is it only from units killed directly?

  2. #2
    Quartermaster Elco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    There's a table in wiki, which I cannot link due to it being an external link although I'm sure you'll be able to find: under the Expeditions tab, select the Experience for Defeated Units on Expeditions.

    You'll see, if the numbers are correct, that it is very little and my understanding is that in the case of pvp, you only get the xp from what you've killed, not the entire sector once you've defeated a leader.
    That seems very little indeed, but there's never millions of xp to gather before levelling up and get your 3k pop water castle

  3. #3
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Thanks Elco. I'm aware of the wiki XP data. It just does not say if it works like standard army where you get XP for all the camps taken down weather directly or by knocking the leader. Since the only reason I play PvP now is to finish the castle and get population space it is useful to know how exactly XP count works as it influences how I play.

  4. #4
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    the more you kill, the more you get

    i've done pvp a month ago, from landing straight to last leader.
    had only a little bit of xp

    killed all camps and left some camps behind a few times. XP was different

    it's cheap to test this yourself

  5. #5
    Town Councillor
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    the more you kill, the more you get

    i've done pvp a month ago, from landing straight to last leader.
    had only a little bit of xp

    killed all camps and left some camps behind a few times. XP was different

    it's cheap to test this yourself
    errrrrrm ........... did you even read what the original question is?

  6. #6
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    yes i did

    i've explained you that i've gain more xp when i killed all camps in a sector then when i've only killed the leader of the sector

    which means that when you kill a leader you get less, which implies that you get xp for what you kill (from what i can remember anyway)

    did not know i had to dumb it waaaaay down . my bad

  7. #7
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    yes i did

    i've explained you that i've gain more xp when i killed all camps in a sector then when i've only killed the leader of the sector

    which means that when you kill a leader you get less, which implies that you get xp for what you kill (from what i can remember anyway)

    did not know i had to dumb it waaaaay down . my bad
    Maybe not dumb down as it was dumb enough already but rather communicate in an intelligent way. By this time I've done a bit of my own testing, as not getting any knowledgeable response from anybody. Counted XP from troops actually killed using wiki XP guide, and compared with the final XP in loot. That gives at least some solid results, not confirming your claims though. Unless you compared two identical colonies done different ways your guess work is as good as useless.

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