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Thread: Where is the unity test server

  1. #31
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    well easter event is on test server so I would say they have yet again lied as i very much doubt we will see the unity server thats even if it exists all the signs say it doesnt as very little info cept its coming

  2. #32
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Straight to live could be..... erm.... interesting....

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    [QUOTE=So it would appear that they are still expecting to bring in Unity before the Easter event starts.
    Of course, that post doesn't say when the Easter event is going to be - maybe it won't start till next fall? lol[/QUOTE]

    correction. the easter event will start in time, but no one said the year of the event the unity platform would be available

  4. #34
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Hello folks!

    I know you are all waiting for news about our Unity test server and Live Unity version.

    Releasing Unity Version is our top priority and the entire team is working hard to bring it up as soon as possible. If there are any changes to the planned schedule, we will announce it.

    I want to thank everyone for feedback - it's constantly shared with the entire team.

  5. #35
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Hi BB Traffer

    Thank you for a reaction, alas it has hardly any informational value. The reality of the planning versus current timeline looks to be that there will be a postponement or at a minimum a change of plans as EOW event is hardly the "unity event" between valentine and easter and easter is just around the corner already.

    I realise the game is Pegi-7 but most players are mature enough to handle the message that the plans have changed - even if no new timelines are announced ....

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post
    Hello folks!

    I know you are all waiting for news about our Unity test server and Live Unity version.

    Releasing Unity Version is our top priority and the entire team is working hard to bring it up as soon as possible. If there are any changes to the planned schedule, we will announce it.

    I want to thank everyone for feedback - it's constantly shared with the entire team.

    thanks for coming forward, at least give us that.
    but alas, this all means yet another timeline will be missed by BB, what a shocker!

    if you guys aren't planning on releasing a version for all the systems the players use, just say so.
    "hey guys, we just realized we're incompetent and we've decided that this game will only run on windows machines from now on, sorry"
    that would suck, but at least it would be the truth, instead of jurcking us around with missed deadlines time and time again.

    you guys have missed all the deadlines so far, and mind you, deadlines set by BB, not us.
    christmas, valentines, and the mistery event all gone for people not able to login because of BB's failure.
    the easter event will be another miss for us for sure, and guess who's to blame? i'll give you a hint, it's not us players…

    having said all this,

  7. #37
    Town Councillor
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    Aug 2014
    We do not have fixed dates for every step. Some steps might move a week later or earlier so we want to avoid confusion by giving estimated dates that might change. Instead, you can see roughly when each step will take place.
    One last note. Please be aware that especially during these times even the best-planned and most beautiful timelines can be tricky to adhere to. Thus, we ask for your understanding in case of unforeseen changes in timings.
    That's clear enough for everyone with basic English skills, isn't it.

  8. #38
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Depends what I'm doing at any given moment
    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    That's clear enough for everyone with basic English skills, isn't it.
    Clearly not for you, the first post in this thread is dated 10/12/2020, you quoted 'Some steps might move a week later or earlier', I'd say, with my limited English skills, that any posts questioning the whereabouts of the Unity test server is more than justified.

  9. #39
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Or any general information and an update so we can roughly see if they will roughly hit the target or if there is a target or i that ship has sailed and such ...

    we are near the end of that rough timeline and erm, lacking any real progress and any information except the "we are working on it" which could mean anything from we will can the whole project and run this client till end of life, we are x amount of weeks/months behind schedule (if u play on a mac, find something else to play) to we will launch next week .... A bit of a spread and yes it does matter

    If we are on variant 1: Hardly anyone will spent money on gems
    If we are on variant 2: all mac/linux players will move away and not spent money- many windows players will look carefully what they will do, meaning a load will spent hardly anything
    I we are on variant 3: we all can rejoice and spent for the new goodies/premium etc - I this scenario is on us, telling us will help as many will then spent earlier than unity release

    So informing is about variant 3 would be to BB's benefit .... Not informing us on variant 1 would also be to BB's benefit ... informing on variant 2 would be a toss-up really. The cynics will work out the scenario based on available information - :P

  10. #40
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    what is the planned schedule? because if we are all totally honest with ourselves (rehtorical comments) there are fewer and fewer people each day nd probably hour, that believe the planned schedule to be the same as the current published schedule.

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