Danus1986 - I'm talking about tries performed on the test servers in last two weeks, not right now.
Trully said I heard, that on Linux, one french guys made it working on windows emulator - but I found other posts, where no one else were able to replicate it.
I do not know, if there are some windows emulator on MAC :-D
https://forum.thesettlersonline.com/...oadable-client, are the only instructions I have seen, is there any chance it could be re-posted with the boxes translated into English please
I too would like everything in English - when i asked for this before i was told just to follow the arrows! I would never make changes or install anything without being able to read everything first so that I could make informed decisions on whether to download
It will be English when you install it,
Oops too early it started then stopped
The concern for me is - If BB cant provide screenshots in english then have they actually tested on kit with this language setting?
The download instructions we lazily made on a German account and not translated. It is exactly the same on the French server
This may help some, made by a player on the French server and shared, but is in French
Also, reading the French inputs, do not change the location set by BB for the file to be saved to as that messed it up for many over there.
There is a solution to using Win 7 in the French thread by some clever player.
As long as the client's window appears in the taskbar at the bottom, and it's marked "not responding" it's fine. Sometimes you have to wait 5 to 10 minutes for the game to start. And above all, do not touch anything!
Last edited by lordloocan; 18.12.20 at 12:06.
too sad, it doesn't work on 32bit system
Any straight forward guide as to how to open the download Client on a MacOS computer?