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Thread: [Feedback] [LIVESERVER] New downloadable client.

  1. #181
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    dont actually know where it is!

  2. #182
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    'The program can't start because api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.'

    Uninstalled and reinstalled it several times to no avail, any suggestions guys?

  3. #183
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Oh, and it's really not helpful to have the screenshots on your how-to guide on the new downloadable client thread in German...

  4. #184
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    when i questioned this i was told just to blindly follow the instructions - this to me is just another incident of BB being disrespectful to their customers

  5. #185
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Tibirius View Post
    'The program can't start because api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.'

    Uninstalled and reinstalled it several times to no avail, any suggestions guys?
    If you have win7 you have not installed all recommended or optional windows updates, probably vc++ redist updates

  6. #186
    Skilled Student
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    Apr 2012
    Thanks Mannerheim, guess I'll have to learn how to work this darned computer thingy...

  7. #187
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sue1000 View Post
    when i questioned this i was told just to blindly follow the instructions - this to me is just another incident of BB being disrespectful to their customers
    I feel your pain Sue, but I am afraid this has been the case through out this game. On the odd occasion when the customers that they do respect, dare I imply their countrymen and women, start getting more vocal, and force their hand into doing the job with a bit more reverence to their customer base, then it improves temporarily for all the customer base, but only temporary.
    I stopped investing real money into this game quite sometime ago because I saw this and was disgusted that they were getting away with it. It became more of an issue than their obvious inability to code their own game with any degree of competence. ( Which I was considering as a valid reason not to continuing to support financially for their poor quality of work. I mean in any other business I could return faulty goods and get a refund, in a online game you don't get that option. Bad workmanship it seems will continue to get rewarded!! )
    When I saw the announcement by our community manager with the instructions of the client download not even bothering to translate the instructions from German on an EN server forum, I knew exactly where I stood as a valued player and customer.
    I guess forum rules only apply to some:
    Please make sure you speak English on the forum and in the default in-game chat channels. Use of other languages can result in a temporary ban as we need to know that what is said respects the rules of the game.
    Once again though the TSO community has stepped into the breach , many thanks to Hades8840, Norton_c, Mannerheim and so many others who have stepped into help. You are all treasures and put BB to shame. I sincerely hope you are all still around when /if they do the move to unity as we will surely need you then as well. Merry Christmas TSO Community and Bah Humbug to BB.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    go to the download location you installed the client check to make sure the folder is there named "The Settlers Online" make sure you see the following then check the folder named client check inside for the file called client.swf swap it with one from some who the game is working for or download mine once you swapped close all reboot and try the app again it should work hopefully
    well have got it up and running following these links running on a win 7 64 bit with edge had to copy in the whole client folder as was missing it also copied in the client file from hades so thank you for posting this and to every one who helps on here.

    now to fix the boot file on my normal laptop

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    I managed to fixed the issues I had with legacy login and get the new client to run on Linux (Pop!_OS 20.04). This potentially would also work for Mac users.

    Based on:

    How to potentially fix legacy login issues:
    1. Login using UPlay (create a new account if necessary), but don't finish registration
    2. Cancel the registration (click complete registration at the top and then click cancel registration)
    3. Login using legacy (it magically works now for some reason?)
    4. (Optional (not really)): Link UPlay account to legacy account to avoid issues in the future.


    Based on:

    How to get the client working on Linux:

    - PlayOnLinux (4.3.4 in my case) (
    - Wine 5.0.3 64-bit (probably? I tried with 5.20 and 5.19, they didn't seem to work) (
    - Maybe winbind? I installed this at some point because of an error I was seeing, not sure if it did anything (sudo apt install winbind, or something similar)

    1. Install the client into a new namespace in PlayOnLinux. (for me this created a shortcut named 'The Settlers Online' in PlayOnLinux)
    2. In any browser with a network log (e.g. Chrome), login to the TSO website and click the 'Play Now' button.
    3. Find the link starting with 'tso://' in the network log of the browser and copy it. (
    4. From a command line, run:

    playonlinux --run The\ Settlers\ Online "the_link_you_just_copied"

    playonlinux --run The\ Settlers\ Online "tso://lang=en-uk&e=true&ubb=true&
    5. At this point the game should launch and start loading. You will probably get some errors like:

    wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF at address 000000007BC6ED88 (thread 0080), starting debugger...
    This happened a few times for me but each time the game seemed to get further in loading/broke at a different point, and after a few times it loaded up successfully.


    Make it easier to launch the game:

    The original post mentions using xdg-open to allow launching the game from your regular browser just using the 'Play Now' button. It didn't work for me but it basically says:

    1. Create a .desktop shortcut:

    cp /usr/share/applications/PlayOnLinux.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/TSO_Client.desktop
    2. Edit TSO_Client.desktop to look like the following:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=The Settlers Online
    Exec=playonlinux --run The\ Settlers\ Online %U
    3. Associate the tso:// protocol with the desktop application

    xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler tso TSO_Client.desktop
    This should make it so the game opens automatically when you click the 'Play Now' button from the browser. Didn't work for me but it might for you?


    Edit: Got the xdg-open to work, the protocol should be tso, not tsorc
    Last edited by steffansluis; 20.12.20 at 19:07.

  10. #190
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by qawpaw View Post
    then dual boot windows and play so simple, you could all be playing now instead of complaning if you installed wincan x x64
    Reboot computer to resolve all issues? How typical of windows os. One of the reason I use Linux from 2007. I do not have windows partition. I do not have any dual boot. Plus last time I fought the grub 2, it was a huge pain.

    With Wine you should be able to run windows programs without rebooting. The whole issue, how to install it on Wine, so there are no issues.

    BB help? This is 3rd day I can not log into TSO. Linux guide please?

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