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Thread: Happy Birthday

  1. #1
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Happy Birthday

    Northisle is now 9 years old, and it is also our "Official Birthday" by BB's reckoning as the English version went "Open" then.
    (Of course our real b'day is November 2011, closed beta rocks!).

    Sadly, the Smurfs have forgotten again, just like they forget the other 2 "celebratory days" which was universally agreed so all language instances got presents 3 times a year, and no instance was shown favour.
    France still gets their 3 days, so does Germany, but for some reason our loyalty seems to be completely unappreciated now.
    It took a lot of hard work behind the scenes to make this system fair to all, and as a multi-nationality set of servers, a lot of thought was put into naming dates that wouldn't cause offence.

    Very disappointed in BB, especially after a promise in this very forum to address this.

    Nog, last survivor of the "Hamster" massacre.

  2. #2
    Nifty Seamus1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    🎼🎼🎼 All I wanna say is that ... they don't really care about us 🎼🎼 (M.J 1995)
    Happy Birthday, Nog 🎉

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