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Thread: [Feedback] macOS / 32 Bit System Announcement

  1. #11
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Seamus1 View Post
    The game is free to play, gem options are just that, optional
    Also, BB gives compensations as in-game resources or extras
    Since those players can't log-in/play... where would the compensation go??
    Some of us are paying players who regularly buy gems and are on premium time. And Linux players like me apparently don't even warrant the feeble apologies given to Mac users.

  2. #12
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    I'm on a windows 10 64bit system and I still get the "cannot update client"

    no wait I just tried again, now it seems to work
    Last edited by Niclin; 26.01.21 at 16:13. Reason: changes

  3. #13
    Raving Rabbid
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    May 2012
    Frankly that's pathetic. Broken promises, lies (about maintaining web based login for Xmas event) and collectively burying your heads in the sand for weeks rather than facing the community with difficult news

    What is Harman's role in this? what exactly did you contract them for? cross-platform support? HAHA pathetic.

    It is what it is though - I was cynical from the start. Having played 8 years I'm used to the lack of communication and broken promises.

    Get you thumbs out and deliver Unity ahead of schedule - that might restore a little faith.

  4. #14
    abandon 32 bit and focus on macos,
    microsoft should have done the same and cut off 32 bit entirely,
    32 bit machines belongs in another century but this one.

  5. #15
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    Comments like this should be banned. All major OS are still made in 32-bit version.
    We are talking about specifically the 32bit Windows implementation BB is failing to provide, not all major OS. Whether something exists in a 32bit version or not is not really germane here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    Non modern machines have no benefit in running x64 and there are new machines still made as 32-bit (mostly laptops and tablets).
    No they are not. I did a quick check on when the last 32bit CPU was made. Google claims it was a Pentium 4 from 2002. That's 19 years ago. That's, what, 10 years before TSO was even made. It might just be about time we accept the inevitability of the march of technology.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    Your comment is kind of insulting, and shows lack of knowledge, specially when you mentioned Mac, Linux and all other platforms.
    No it's not insulting and it was done with extensive knowledge thank you very much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    It is hard to say what percentage of machines run win 32-bit systems,
    No it's not. BB can with absolute certainty tell exactly how many of those exist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    but it is more than Linux and other platforms (excluding Win and Mac). Almost all Linux distros have both 64 and 32 bit versions (some have only 32-bit).
    None of which is in any shape or form in any way relevant at this point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    And most important, large percentage of programs in 64-bit Windows are actually 32-bit programs (in most cases, majority).
    And this is completely and unequivocally irrelevant to the question at hand.

    BB is failing to make a Win 32bit client work. They are failing to make a Mac client work. They are failing to make a Linux client work. A temporary client for a version of the game that is dead I may add. So stop throwing effort into something that has been attempted and failed. Instead of wasting another hour of development time to make another variant of a technically dead implementation use that effort to something that actually has a future. The Unity game version. So people on Mac, Linux, 32bit Windows, 128bit Alien quantum computers, Android or whatever else may exist might actually be able to play the game again.
    Because trying and failing to create a workable client for 32-bit Windows has clearly not worked out. Every hour spent on this variant of a temporary solution we should never have had to use in the first place is an hour not spent getting the game to a state where everyone can enjoy it.
    But you don't care about everyone else clearly. I do. The 32Bit Windows client they have already, per their own admission, failed to get to work is time spent on a dead-end. It has nothing to do with whether this bit or that bit or which OS:s work or do not work or what if anything is superior or not, really. It's a question of where scarce resource are being spent, and you think they should be spent trying to get a failed effort to work. When none of us, me included, can actually access the one thing we should in reality already be able to use. The new Unity based platform.

    If you actually read what I wrote it was not a "32bti suxxors and you all are losers", though admittedly, *now* I'm thinking that. I'm pointing otu that now BB has admitted that they have failed to provide a 32bit client for Windows, and giving up on the Mac version (presumably any Linux effort is also dead in the water), they should put their effort on the new platform which I would hope would let people play the game natively whether they run a 32 or 64 bit system, and regardless of OS used. I see this as much more fruitful goal really rather than wasting time, and I repeat this to be clear, on effort BB have themselves said they are currently failing at.

    I will add though, I strongly suspect when the new Unity version is deployed anyone with hardware so old it can't handle the current software generation are going to be completely out of luck anyway. Feel free to range impotently against me for that too if you must. Truth doesn't burn in fire. No matter how much developer effort is wasted on a Windows compatible 32bit *temporary client* it won't make it easier when the new Unity based implementation arrives. The only thing that might actually help then, is weirdly enough, actually working on said Unity implementation.

    The TLR:

    Does this work on Mac? Nope.
    Does this work on Linux? Nope.
    Does this work on Win 32bit? Nope.
    Does this work on Win 64bit? Somewhat.

    Is the solution to spend developer time making a 32bit Windows solution? Nope.
    Is the solution to put all effort into making a Unity implementation where Mac, Linux, Windows, Android, [Insert favourite OS here] 32/64 bit version might work? Yup.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    BB really tries hard to be the Berlin airport of software projects. Sigh. They could have simply made a deal with harman to allow everyone on their flash-preserving browsers instead the nightmare they created: Everone left out but Windows 64bit and virtualization software users who have to use a client that stalls every other minute. I will use my power of the purse and not buy any gems until BB gets their act together - like the Unity version whose early beta we'll hopefully get in time for the Halloween event.

  7. #17
    Raving Rabbid
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    Is the solution to put all effort into making a Unity implementation where Mac, Linux, Windows, Android, [Insert favourite OS here] 32/64 bit version might work? Yup.
    This^ Absolutely 1000000% this^

    Forget having an event 30 seconds after the last one ended, forget about fixing petty cosmetic issues. Get the game working again for all the people playing on sub-par emulation, broken clients and the sizeable portion of players who haven't been able to log in since December (if they can still be bothered to come back).

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    You know... sometimes it kind of feels like you guys want to push away your userbase...

    You had four years to figure this out, and a good chunk of the players cannot play because it only works on one version of computers.................

    Hmm. Okay then.

  9. #19
    Jolly Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnowBlizz View Post
    So stop throwing effort into something that has been attempted and failed. Instead of wasting another hour of development time to make another variant of a technically dead implementation use that effort to something that actually has a future. The Unity game version.
    ^^^ Exactly this

    You wouldn't put fuel in a rusting car with no engine, doors or seats, waste of resources, use your available resources to deliver the new thing, not on something that will be scrap shortly.

  10. #20
    Skilled Student Spyros_I's Avatar
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    Nov 2017
    I 'm in favor of BB compensating players who will not be able to play until Unity, with in-game rewards.
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