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Thread: [Feedback] macOS / 32 Bit System Announcement

  1. #21
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    well, at least we're a step closer to getting at the end of this transition

    now that there's no focus on mac , all this extra workforce will be working on unity hopefully.

  2. #22
    Keen Commentor
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SnowBlizz View Post
    No they are not. I did a quick check on when the last 32bit CPU was made. Google claims it was a Pentium 4 from 2002. That's 19 years ago. That's, what, 10 years before TSO was even made. It might just be about time we accept the inevitability of the march of technology.
    Don't know how you checked that, but 32-bit CPU are still produced. Google that You said claimed that announced that they will drop 32-bit suppot this year. Not even correct for Pentium 4, since last one was introduced 2004. And last Quark was introduced 2015.

    Quote Originally Posted by SnowBlizz View Post
    No it's not. BB can with absolute certainty tell exactly how many of those exist.
    How? HTTP request does not contain type of system. And there are lots of 32-bit browsers that work on 64-bit systems, so You can't tell by browser.

    Quote Originally Posted by SnowBlizz View Post
    None of which is in any shape or form in any way relevant at this point.
    Up until recently, requirements for TSO were browser and flash player. I ran TSO without any major issues on Ubuntu and Kali, also can confirm it worked on Zorin.

    Quote Originally Posted by SnowBlizz View Post
    But you don't care about everyone else clearly. I do.
    Clearly You do not. You are throwing aside certain percentage in order to focus on other percentage. So, I have Win10, and don't care if no one can play except me? I'm missing some players that played on Linux and older PCs. And I play much less since I'm forced to use Win10. There is no reason for them to quit because someone considers 32-bit obsolete.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Another point of contention is that a number if us asked for the current flash login not to be thrown away as there are browsers out there that still actively support flash, and we could have all run them, but no they had to slam the door on that suggestion as well. For those of us who do not upgrade their computers every few years, or don't run the latest windows releases, we could still all be playing now. Another lost opportunity, and another set of players who have no plans to return to the game in 6 months.

    I personally am not concerned about this x32/x64 fiasco, but even on the Unity forum they dropped 32 bit developer tools over 2 years ago, and the consensus seems to be that if you want the most stable feature rich experience you will be getting a x64 unity client at least for the Windows builds - Mac support is different.

  4. #24
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    Don't know how you checked that, but 32-bit CPU are still produced. Google that You said claimed that announced that they will drop 32-bit suppot this year. Not even correct for Pentium 4, since last one was introduced 2004. And last Quark was introduced 2015.

    How? HTTP request does not contain type of system. And there are lots of 32-bit browsers that work on 64-bit systems, so You can't tell by browser.

    Up until recently, requirements for TSO were browser and flash player. I ran TSO without any major issues on Ubuntu and Kali, also can confirm it worked on Zorin.

    Clearly You do not. You are throwing aside certain percentage in order to focus on other percentage. So, I have Win10, and don't care if no one can play except me? I'm missing some players that played on Linux and older PCs. And I play much less since I'm forced to use Win10. There is no reason for them to quit because someone considers 32-bit obsolete.
    Just stop - you are wrong, he isn't. Doesn't matter if the last 32bit CPU was made 18 or 15 years ago. Doesn't matter if somebody manufactured a special 32bit CPU for special use cases.
    64bit desktop CPUs have been around for so long now, there's no reason to not use it in a desktop PC for atleast 8-10 years.
    If you for some reason run 32bit and you NEED to play TSO, just reinstall 64bit OS, as your CPU will support it unless your computer is more than 15 years old.
    The amount of players on 32bit must be rather low, compared to players that will benefit from the Unity client.

    The HTTP protocol can reveal all kinds of information including architecture. You are right some people might run a 32bit browser on 64bit OS, but that is hardly that many players, and in that case, they can just switch.
    And I just tested a 32bit 9 years old Firefox, it still reveals it runs on a 64bit CPU.

    So focus on the Unity client and stop wasting time on anything else is quite a good point.

  5. #25
    sell your families , and go buy a new pc 2 times a year problem solved

  6. #26
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by qawpaw View Post
    sell your families , and go buy a new pc 2 times a year problem solved
    Or sell all your empty bottles every 10 years and buy a new computer should do too!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    i find it nice - in the original post on the star-page " For macOS users - have to point to the Unity version of “The Settlers Online” that will be available later, as planned."

    they have allready planed to do a delaid the client, so don't worrie about it, maybe in 6 month - 1 year like the vaccine

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    hi ive been playing this game up until this morning, am running a 64bit system why am i getting the same problem as your only mentioning 32bit

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    how did you get yours to work am running the same as you tried like 8 times uninstalled the down load then reinstalled it but still no luck

  10. #30
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    End of January - You say
    and what happened?...


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