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Thread: New buildings

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    New buildings

    It would probably be a good idea to stop making new buildings that take up unneeded spots..

    Snack stand,Spring Park,Scout Post,Obs,Oil Mill,Oil Ref,Adv bookbinder,choco,ETG,TG,Blacktree,Labs,
    Sickbay,Concert hall,Smokehouse,Stronghold,Meadhall and prob others I forget...

    Why does there need to be more than one of each type???(5 blacktree Ok)
    Why don't they just stack on top of each other???

    So atm 140 spaces used up by 20 diff type of building,lots of them buildings ain't 2x2....and now every 12 months we are to add 30/40?? thats not counting what BB will yeah not seeing the point of all this wasted space.

    To counteract that you made Wonderous,water mansions etc which are fine and can counteract the pop buildings that get swapped over...when does it come a time you are choosing over a wonderous or one of this building above??

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    it is about making choices, you either have the buildings and less of other stuff or upgrading buildings to need less of em, Use of space is an essential part of the game once you reach a certain lvl and built up a certain capacity.

    Some chose to not have certain production lines built and will buy that resource in trade to save space etc

  3. #3
    we still need to be able to remove tree groups to make more space and tiny dots where building are not allowed

  4. #4
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    more a want than a need ) trees removed still have the tree node in that slot, kinda like an empty quarry so clearing trees wont ever give you more space - at least not under the current way the game works with resources

  5. #5
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Whilst I agree with Qualan, I also agree in part with cheets, in that where will it end? I've said a few times that the devs lack imagination and once they get a new idea they flog it to death, rather than `develop it'
    As many of these buildings are event or gem related, and many are not tradable, it would be unfair if all of a sudden a new building came along which upgraded the current ones with more production per foot print by playing one new event. Players would not have any sense of progression or effort put in from previous events to obtain the advantage. A solution would require that you first obtain a set number of the existing buildings before you can trade them in to the upgraded version. 3 or even 4 trade ins would still include a trade off in choice, space for that type of production. You could still produce more, with more older level buildings, than the new one , but you would free up more space for other productions to balance that production
    However I suspect that as the horse is still breathing the devs will choose to keep flogging instead
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  6. #6
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Very true it is a choice,the game is all about choice...People having 20-120 explorers is a choice,so we should just leave it as it is...Its everyone fault they have too many

    Never expected the existing ones to change but like I said opening the thread..ask them to STOP introducing new types of these buildings.,

  7. #7
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    do i want this building or that building is a false choice. this is a GAME. the choice should include having both buildings. this choice by BB removes some of the fun from the game. if i wanted more real life i would turn off the computer.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    In real life we have to make choices re space so why not in-game?

    Let's say I own a factory and I see a nice new machine that will help my business along. I will already have maximised my space usage so have to decide if I should go for the new machine and remove older machine/s or do I stick with what I have.
    Another option would be to have an extension built for the new machine. BB allow us to pay for extensions too by purchasing the gem sectors on the archipelago. They even allow us to upgrade buildings so that they have a larger output.
    Or maybe I need to look at how my factory is laid out. Can I make better use of the existing space so as to fit the new machine into the factory.
    What I cannot do is simply stick more and more machines into the same space, the machines won't magically stack into each other and they will all have a maximum output.
    Bottom line is we have what we have - and it is a lot more than we used to have - so sort the island out properly so you can fit stuff into the space.

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    there is no false choice, just yet

    You can have all buildings and all production lines and have the population over 50k within the current game parameters

    I have all production lines fully made on my island, a population of 79k and free building slots - and i am self sufficient in all productionchains as well. It does mean upgrading as many buildings as possible, using the best buildings for the task/improved or epics and having PFB up and running as much as possible. I try to build up enough stock of all items to be able to absorb a shock in need (due to events etc) and then produce more when needed.

    If you think it is a false choice because you cant make it or fit it in your island, then you need to work on changing your island and then it can fit in. Maybe you are just looking for the easy choice- being plenty of space for any and all buildings you fancy- which imo will kill the game as everyone will make everything they need themselves by the time they are lvl 65 or 70

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