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Thread: [Feedback] Roadmap Change: Unity Version

  1. #11
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    nice to know we're almost there

    if anything, you could keep it just like this and release it with an Anniversary event all the way in September.

  2. #12
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Never took the timeline serious to start with as the chances were slim to none of it happening. I am still waiting for the announcement that BB have decided the client is working so well they have decided to stick with it.

  3. #13
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Cheers BB for the update, at least it seems you are still working on it.

    I do hope you can find some way to compensate those players who have been unable to login and will have missed a number of events and may well have gem pits that have stopped producing.
    Last edited by lordloocan; 18.03.21 at 10:51.

  4. #14
    Quartermaster AmySafeunderdark's Avatar
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    The Netherlands
    Nice update, thank you.

    Amy Safeunderdark
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  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2019
    Thanks for the update!

    As many players already stated - it is always good to know where we are at the moment. Delays are always unexpected but it is better to hear about them than sitting in the dark.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    what a total shocker
    another deadline missed
    dont worry BB_trafffer, i don´t think anyone takes anything that bb says to the bank
    but since you are in a mood of defending the dev team, maybe you should consider this, when you set a timeline, you are supposed to keep it, in the real world, deadlines missed more often than not cost jobs. bb was the one that set the timeline, which has been missed every step of the way, and this is called incompetence. sorry, there is no other word for it. plus, it's not like the end of flash was announced yesterday and caught the dev team by surprise, they had quite a few years to address the change in platform, but here we are, being blown smoke up our a****.

    so no, this is not acceptable behaviour from a company that takes money from their clients and just keeps telling them all "dont worry, we are working on it" and missing deadline after deadline, after deadline, because if we take into consideration your defense that sh** happens, then by all accounts the game will never work on unity, because there is always the unforeseen element, making the unity version of the game just a unicorn in the digital world.

    it's very simple, if you guys dont want to be accountable for the timelines you guys set, than dont set them.
    it's better to just say "we are working on it, and it will be ready when it's ready".
    at least that's not a lie, and we will know for sure that the game will never be ready.
    STOP setting deadlines you know you are going to fail.

    this is the 4th event that i and a lot of other players are going to miss because you guys are simple just bad at your jobs.
    dont take this the wrong way, but it's totally ridiculous what you guys are putting the players through.
    even the players that are able to play, have issues all the time, it´s like the game never abandoned flash :S
    what have you guys been doing all these years that flash was known to be at an end?
    because it wasnt working on the unity platform, that's for damn sure.
    and it wasnt working on the flash version neither because that badboy had bugs up the ying yang.

    please stop lying and just say the truth, "it will be ready when it's ready".
    the truth hurts, but at least its real…

  7. #17
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Is this initial unity update for the test server going to be solely for those who can currently access the game on a microsoft OS, or is it going to be open for all users on all platforms (such as Mac or UNIX based OS)?

  8. #18
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset
    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    all we have ever asked for is to be informed. ty bb.
    Yep, much better than treating us like mushrooms. Now need the same standards when it comes to upcoming maintenance downtimes.

    Sadly, seen another good friend from the closed beta days finally give up last night. The shambolic login changes finally proved too much, and still so many unable to play until Unity is up and running just shows how important it was to have started this migration in the years Flash's shelf life was known to be expiring, not started at the 11th hour as it has been.

    And, just to rub salt in the wounds, we get a "Happy Hour" 3 days after event ended, and the nice bundles from event shop are no longer available.
    Think this is the first time since 2011 we've not had a gem sale just before, or during event unless you count that ill-fated Black Knights prank that was hastily pulled.
    Lost yourselves a sale there.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 18.03.21 at 14:34. Reason: double post
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Wales, UK
    My understanding is that this sort of development always takes longer than expected as unforeseen problems will crop up, & testing will reveal extra problems that push the release date back further. My preference will always be for companies to take their time & release a stable version, rather than rush it to meet a deadline & drop something buggy on us. Thanks for the update BB & yup: dev timeline =/= deadline.

    On an unrelated note, I've finally validated my email after only 2 years - missed the original email & could not find anywhere in the forum to re-send that so I could post! Actually there was a post in 2012 about it, but no ref to where the validation link was. I think my finally migrating to Ubi logon resent the email - & that took several attempts to get sorted out as well!

  10. #20
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    please do not stop legacy accounts yet - i cant login with ubisoft and have to wait until 10th april for the account that i created can be deleted as neither tso support or ubisoft support have been able to fix the problem so have to create a new ubisoft account and try linking again. i cant log in to the downloadable client so am hoping to be ready with a new ubisoft account that links to my substantial island that i have been working on for over 5 years without having to start again when the new unity platform is ready

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