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Thread: [Feedback] Easter Event 2021

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    I'd also like to know why the Germans got extra time before Phase 1 ended.
    OK it was only about 15 minutes but this proved to be vital. ...
    I'm playing on UK and for me the event ended ~10 minute later compared to o'clock, but also the event started for me about the same time later too... so in total i had exactly 3 weeks, just a little bit time shifted. I assume anyone else could have the same small shift at the start and end of phase 1, just not everybody noticed or remembers the slightly delayed start, or for them it started/ended as intended.

  2. #42
    Town Councillor
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    Aug 2014
    Seems that some players still did not get it that managing space on the island is part of their game play and strategy and instead want BB to do their job for them. Funny.

  3. #43
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necc View Post
    I'm playing on UK and for me the event ended ~10 minute later compared to o'clock, but also the event started for me about the same time later too... so in total i had exactly 3 weeks, just a little bit time shifted. I assume anyone else could have the same small shift at the start and end of phase 1, just not everybody noticed or remembers the slightly delayed start, or for them it started/ended as intended.
    Wasn't going by clock time, was going by the event timer.
    On all 3 UK servers and my French one, they all ended at exactly the same time.
    German one was also in sync until that final day when somehow an extra 15 mins got added.
    Particularly galling when the French one went down just as the general was reaching the camp, another 15-20 seconds would have sufficed, and if it hadn't been for the constant lag/freezing of the client, and the multiple attempts needed for it to start, would have completed it with time to spare.

    Also noticed yesterday that the servers that didn't spawn event collectables until the 3rd spawn also started spawning in non-event mode the moment Phase 1 ended, whereas the servers that commenced on the 2nd spawn gave 1 last batch of egg collectables after the end of event. Quite a disadvantage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    Seems that some players still did not get it that managing space on the island is part of their game play and strategy and instead want BB to do their job for them. Funny.
    Hardly, most of us had shoehorned in everything long before the Archipelago islands were added, and before BB invented events where we had to launch attacks on our home island, there's only ever been one "free move day" and I have to take others' word that it happened because I never saw it.
    BB still don't get that these servers have players in multiple time zones, they only see the German servers which routinely come to life at 6am, and everyone's in bed before 9:30pm.
    The final PC camps needed a lot of generals to take down by force, and with Friend list and Guilds decimated by the login problems, this was the only option for a lot of us, even during the event there were some nights you could see back 2 days on the current page of global chat.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 21.04.21 at 14:32. Reason: double post
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  4. #44
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Apr 2019
    nothing wrong with your opinion, just let the others have theirs

    don't forget this is a temp transition client. they will focus on fluidity at one point when unity will come to live (if needed ) . hang in there

  5. #45
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    Seems that some players still did not get it that managing space on the island is part of their game play and strategy and instead want BB to do their job for them. Funny.
    BB can't do their own job, I certainly wouldn't trust them to do mine!

    I thoroughly enjoyed the event, shame there's nothing exciting in the merchant
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    crap crap crap that most players could not even finish the event the goods needed to make items most players did not have or access to get. please DO NOT give us another one like this leave them in the archives and work on something NEW!!!

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