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Thread: [Feedback] [Sneak Peek] TSO Unity Version

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Victoria Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    No your wrong and if you had read the thread you would seen that when you first click star, then pin the menu its only 4 clicks per exp after that
    thank you - did you read my edit in my post made before your post ? i had edited after reading further down someones comment - but thank you for reading all of my post before making comment .

  2. #42
    Original Serf
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    Aug 2020

  3. #43
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by neilegend View Post
    thank you - did you read my edit in my post made before your post ? i had edited after reading further down someones comment - but thank you for reading all of my post before making comment .
    I did read your comment before making my comment the original comment or I wouldnt of needed to post

  4. #44
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    So now we have to re-read multi page threads in case someone made an edit...??? lol

    And you pin it, do what you need, unpin it, it's not permanent,

  5. #45
    Jolly Advisor
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    That useless water tower, that offers a huge increase to your max population and consumes only space you wouldnt be able to otherwise build on anyway ? in a setting where alot of players have complained for years about limited space on their island ?

    I would say its one of maybe 3 things they've done well over the years
    Could achieve the same result with a "Wondrous Water Residence" or similar.
    One of the major selling points of this game was BB's promise that there would never be PvP.
    Not only has that promise been broken but after 6 1/2 years it still doesn't work properly and shows no sign of that ever being changed.
    Even after someone realises their mistake, they can't get rid of useless things like Marshalls, who annoyingly look like other Generals/Explorers and valuable slots in Stores and Star Menu are tied up with useless items when those resources could be used for more relevant in game items.

    Bring back the ducks.

  6. #46
    Jolly Advisor
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SettlerPiter View Post
    I already left the game beside events... Explorers and generals service is critical.
    So is fixing the gem shop.
    We select GBP but get billed in USD so even during a Happy Hour, the smaller packages cost more than face value thanks to bank charges for non-sterling transactions.

  7. #47
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Apr 2019
    play the game lads, just play the game

  8. #48
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorp View Post
    If u read the roadmap faq u would know that after transition to unity goes well and the servers are stable they will be working on mass sending explorers feature
    not good enuff. every thread turns to this subject. This shows how important it is to all players. BB should implement it in the original Unity build.
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  9. #49
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    The biggest issue is to incorporate many changes and major changes in the original build, will delay that build even more. The price for improvements is more time in this here doldrums where 30% can't log in and the rest has learned a new phrase: blue circle of death ....

  10. #50
    Community Manager
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieTinker View Post
    are we gonna be able to play on Mac ??
    Yes, macOS users will be able to play again when our Unity Version is live.

    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    awesome improvement!

    how about a sort order when sending gens instead of the random nightmare currently in force? or a better way of sending explos? or better system for loading/unloading/sending gens? a good buff for the bookbinder (instead of yet more glue that no1 uses)?
    We know that this feature is highly requested, and we have made a statement here.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndyGadget View Post
    I know its a very trivial update but ... if we can believe it, that is Unity, and it looks like the Settlers we know. Thank you.
    As we said in our FAQ:

    Will there be graphical changes? Can we get a screenshot of the new UI?

    We will stick as much as possible to our beloved Settlers Online look. The User Interface is quite outdated and could use a repaint, so we are using the chance while switching to Unity to refresh and update it. We will not change it drastically but instead will improve usability and readability.
    You will be able to have a look shortly when the test server gets online. Screenshots do not adequately depict the improved look and feel.
    You can expect more news regarding our Unity Version this week!

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