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Thread: feedback

  1. #21
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Just popped onto test for another look. If the amount of lag there is anything to go by players will be using the exit in their droves. Please ell me that it will be better on the live servers.
    try it after they release an update or smtg . otherwise it'll be the same or worse then when they've released it

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Cant place any imp buildings.
    SSSSSoooooo Laggy it is impossible to test much without a heap of frustration. For example the time it takes to send multiple explorers or geologists.
    Glad they added some gem and fish updates at least you can get to things you are familiar with - sort of
    Chat no longer functions at all
    Menu at top does not allow access to merchant
    unpinned screens still do not self close

  3. #23
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Many have been posting on test chat something like
    "Does BB know something we don't" or what is up. The way this is running and the amount of bugs my guess would be that it might be ready for xmas or maybe next year"
    So BB what is up? Do you have a secret bug free smooth running Unity version?
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  4. #24
    Original Serf
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    Mar 2012
    Test server not loading for me, getting to loading screen and hanging on 90%

  5. #25
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by DrStonk View Post
    Test server not loading for me, getting to loading screen and hanging on 90%
    Please check this thread regarding the endless loading issue.

  6. #26
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    A number of observations about the Unity version of Settlers: [As played on Firefox]

    - After playing the client version, the unity version appears to run at glacial speed in comparison.

    - "Out of memory" messages are quite common - the game seems to require a lot of memory just to perform basic functions. My test island is about a third as complex as my real-world island and I dread to think how it will fare memory-wise.

    - The quest book is a mess. You get messages that new quests are available but when you click on the quest book it doesn't display them. You can complete missions, have the missions register as complete and then suddenly they reappear as incomplete missions -not ideal in the best of circumstances but even worse when you have had to use resources to complete the mission. The resources are taken but the mission doesn't really complete. Also, sometimes the completed mission sometimes just stays there in the list in some kind of limbo.

    - Sending out explorers is an exercise in frustration. I bought as many explorers as I have on my real-world island and now, instead of taking just over 5 minutes to dispatch the explorers, I have to spend at least an hour if I persevere and send all the explorers out. [I did it once.] Part of the problem is having to wait between the sending out of each explorer so that you avoid resetting the task of the most recently dispatched explorer. Also, quite often the individual explorer windows jump away from the cursor when you try to click on a selection and you have to chase the window around the screen for a number of clicks. If a Zone Refresh occurs it also can affect the explorers - sending the last few that you've sent out back into the Star Menu - so you have to send them out again.

    - Zone Refresh affects the production of troops - restarting the production that is in progress when the refresh occurs. This can prove to be quite frustrating if you have a batch of 25 troops being trained. You can get around this to an extent by producing the required troops as single units but this band-aid solution leads to memory problems. [I haven't checked if the same issue occurs in the Provision House but I suspect that it would be a similar story.]

    - If you are clicking on Collectables when a Zone Refresh occurs, some of the collectables can reappear - I'm not sure how this would affect Fairy Fire.

    - The Star Menu can be problematic at times as you may click on an item, buff or person in the menu and, instead of selecting what you've clicked on, whatever is behind the window is selected instead. This can also happen when trying to select an option in an explorer or geologist window.

    - The Shop is very sluggish - if you want to purchase more than one item, you have to be prepared to wait. Closing the window and then reopening it doesn't get around the problem.

    - In the Mail Window you can't group select items by type. Clicking on Select All does work but this can be annoying if you have mail items that you want to keep.

    All in all the Unity version has made playing the game seem like a chore more than an enjoyable experience. This is a pity as I have enjoyed playing this game for years and would hate to be forced to abandon it due to the current unplayable state that the game exists in.

  7. #27
    Jolly Advisor
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortica View Post

    All in all the Unity version has made playing the game seem like a chore more than an enjoyable experience. This is a pity as I have enjoyed playing this game for years and would hate to be forced to abandon it due to the current unplayable state that the game exists in.
    Perfect summary.
    It's nearly 4 years since flash eol was announced and this feels like a very early version nowhere near ready for deployment.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortica View Post
    A number of observations about the Unity version of Settlers: [As played on Firefox]

    - After playing the client version, the unity version appears to run at glacial speed in comparison.

    - "Out of memory" messages are quite common - the game seems to require a lot of memory just to perform basic functions. My test island is about a third as complex as my real-world island and I dread to think how it will fare memory-wise.

    - The quest book is a mess. You get messages that new quests are available but when you click on the quest book it doesn't display them. You can complete missions, have the missions register as complete and then suddenly they reappear as incomplete missions -not ideal in the best of circumstances but even worse when you have had to use resources to complete the mission. The resources are taken but the mission doesn't really complete. Also, sometimes the completed mission sometimes just stays there in the list in some kind of limbo.

    - Sending out explorers is an exercise in frustration. I bought as many explorers as I have on my real-world island and now, instead of taking just over 5 minutes to dispatch the explorers, I have to spend at least an hour if I persevere and send all the explorers out. [I did it once.] Part of the problem is having to wait between the sending out of each explorer so that you avoid resetting the task of the most recently dispatched explorer. Also, quite often the individual explorer windows jump away from the cursor when you try to click on a selection and you have to chase the window around the screen for a number of clicks. If a Zone Refresh occurs it also can affect the explorers - sending the last few that you've sent out back into the Star Menu - so you have to send them out again.

    - Zone Refresh affects the production of troops - restarting the production that is in progress when the refresh occurs. This can prove to be quite frustrating if you have a batch of 25 troops being trained. You can get around this to an extent by producing the required troops as single units but this band-aid solution leads to memory problems. [I haven't checked if the same issue occurs in the Provision House but I suspect that it would be a similar story.]

    - If you are clicking on Collectables when a Zone Refresh occurs, some of the collectables can reappear - I'm not sure how this would affect Fairy Fire.

    - The Star Menu can be problematic at times as you may click on an item, buff or person in the menu and, instead of selecting what you've clicked on, whatever is behind the window is selected instead. This can also happen when trying to select an option in an explorer or geologist window.

    - The Shop is very sluggish - if you want to purchase more than one item, you have to be prepared to wait. Closing the window and then reopening it doesn't get around the problem.

    - In the Mail Window you can't group select items by type. Clicking on Select All does work but this can be annoying if you have mail items that you want to keep.

    All in all the Unity version has made playing the game seem like a chore more than an enjoyable experience. This is a pity as I have enjoyed playing this game for years and would hate to be forced to abandon it due to the current unplayable state that the game exists in.
    +1 to all you have written, also I would add that there is no scroll bar when opening loot so you can't see what you have got.

  9. #29
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    added item 32

  10. #30
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    added item 33 + 34
    Last edited by Geram74; 06.06.21 at 15:33.

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