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Thread: Guild membership and Unity

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Guild membership and Unity

    When we move to Unity on the live server there could be an opportunity to address the issue of inactive accounts held in guilds.

    If a player is unable to make the move to Unity why not remove them from the guild they are being held in and retain the account on the system for when they happen to come come back to the game - if they ever do. Most games totally delete accounts after a certain period of inactivity but that is not what I am suggesting - though I do think BB should consider that anyway.

    By doing this BB would show the true number of members in each guild who are actually playing the game, guilds would shrink in size and may therefore encourage mergers leading to more chat and social interaction in the new guilds.

    BB could even be totally radical and delete all of the existing guilds so that we all have to join a guild again.

    PS My guild currently has 50 members, 48 active. Be interesting to hear the figures of other guilds, especially those against the idea.
    Last edited by lordloocan; 16.05.21 at 15:42.

  2. #2
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Don't most guilds remove inactive players after a certain period of time? The 2 guilds I belong to (on 2 different servers) do that. I can't see a need for BB to remove inactives from guilds. I think that's up to the guild leader and officers.

  3. #3
    I think it is up to each guild when to kick inactive members. Why shouild BB kick members ??. - Some guilds may have aggreed that mac and linux players will return to game after change to unity.

    BB previously said they will not delete accounts (but think it would be a good idea to delete accounst below a certain level ( maybe 32 ) if not active for more than a year)

    And maybe delete guilds where no players have been active for a year or more ( maybe less later - but since many players are inactive because of change to client I think that time should be added )

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Schipperke View Post
    Don't most guilds remove inactive players after a certain period of time? The 2 guilds I belong to (on 2 different servers) do that. I can't see a need for BB to remove inactives from guilds. I think that's up to the guild leader and officers.
    Sadly no they don't. Many guilds are packed full of inactive accounts in order to retain their place on the 1st page of the guild shield to attract even more accounts.

    I notice you do not mention guild membership and actives/inactives

    The guilds I am in on Newfoundland, Sandycove and Zeus all have large numbers of inactive accounts - some inactive for years.....
    Last edited by lordloocan; 16.05.21 at 16:17.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2020
    I'm not sure why I should care about what other guilds do and not really in favor of BB messing about with guilds. What I would like to see though is proper data about when the guildie was last active. Think data showing Last Active 945 days ago could change the view of dead meat. And it would greatly help guild management for those who take it seriously. What could also help is more info for outsiders. For example set 2 thresholds, something like 10 days and 30 days - and have a display for outsiders how many people are active within each range to give potential members some idea of the guild activity makeup. Otherwise if guilds want to keep dead meat, some of them probably thinking it improves their guild coins rewards (hahahahaha), let them keep their cemetery - doesn't hurt me. What might possibly be considered is something like automatic expiry date of guild membership, say after 3 months of inactivity. Otherwise unless there is a good debate about the topic I'd rather not leave the control in the hands of BB masters.

  6. #6
    There are lots of guilds listed, that only have 1 or 2 members... new players often form their own guild then sadly lose interest and walk away, leaving their little guild cluttering up the guild lists. I think it would be more relevant to ensure that all of these, that are obviously inactive (dead), get excluded from the move to Unity.

  7. #7
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    You assume that active and inactive are the only two possibility's, you're wrong.

  8. #8
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    No reason for BB to interfere with Guilds, at the moment we have a lot of inactive members but all since the Client was implemented and I am hoping most come back when Unity is implemented. We normally give inactive members 2 to 3 months before we remove them as bad things happen in real life and this is an unusual situation with some people unable to use the Client and the Covid problem.

    I am in contact with some of them through our Guild forum and will not be doing any sorting out till after Unity is implemented or someone tells me they will not be coming back.

    I agree it would be good for some way of knowing how many members of other Guilds are inactive. I know exactly how many of our members are inactive.
    Last edited by hurricane60; 17.05.21 at 08:57.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by HunyBun View Post
    There are lots of guilds listed, that only have 1 or 2 members... new players often form their own guild then sadly lose interest and walk away, leaving their little guild cluttering up the guild lists. I think it would be more relevant to ensure that all of these, that are obviously inactive (dead), get excluded from the move to Unity.
    In nutshell I think it is generally bad idea to do anything like that as one off purge based on move to Unity. If anything, I'd much rather see that any change in guilds operation is left till Unity is well off and running reliably for everybody. There's no game-play reason to push it this way, although BB might find the idea attractive for some reasons of their own.

  10. #10
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    already many members lost their account with the last migration, even active ones that did not understand what to do, I, therefore, presume others will in this new migration. i suppose inactive players will not try to migrate, and so they will automatically be lost. My worries are, if people with older hardware will be able to migrate

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