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Thread: [Feedback] Changelog 15.06.2021

  1. #21
    Forum Explorer
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    Does the name matter to you that much?

    Seems it does to BB, as they changed the name....

    My point, Next that its a ridiculouse act, is that all changes should be mentioned in the changelog, any change that isnt in the changelog isnt a change but a bug....
    Life isnt about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself!

  2. #22
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by DutchDuty View Post
    Seems it does to BB, as they changed the name....

    My point, Next that its a ridiculouse act, is that all changes should be mentioned in the changelog, any change that isnt in the changelog isnt a change but a bug....
    They have a long habit of not mentioning changes

    Summer Event, which begins on 21st June
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 15.06.21 at 12:06. Reason: double post

  3. #23
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    Summer Event, which begins on 21st June
    It's official now. Event starting June 21st, more details will follow.

    Quote Originally Posted by DutchDuty View Post
    before the maintenance i had 2 Rabbit Breeders, now they are gone.....

    And have been replaced with something called a Rabbit Retreat.....

    No mentioning bout this in the change log, so i asume this is a Bug?

    Or do you really want to tell us it was changed cause someone complained breeding wasnt pegi7???

    Sorry, but what a joke....
    Thank you for this report. We're looking into it, the change log was updated.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 15.06.21 at 12:53.

  4. #24
    Skilled Student
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    I have to give you credit @BB_Trafffer for your endless patience with so many children on the forum. Well done.

  5. #25
    Jolly Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    yeah, saw that old one in there. thought they might've posted newer ones.
    strange though, none/not many mentioned the huge bundle prices in forums.
    they won't be changed if no feedback is given and it might be too late now
    well... yeah i think its too late that but also lets be real they never changed bundles items even i was complaining.
    at this point ppl just accept to pay stupid amount of event currency for any bundle out there, even if good or bad.

  6. #26
    Dedicated Scribe
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    I am glad the unity client wasn't released too soon. Doing an event when the menus for dealing with scouts and generals don't work properly would be a nightmare.

    I just wish there were more regular updates there, its been open a while now and there has been a single patch for it so far which didn't seem to improve the playing experience.

  7. #27
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    the name change for rabbits is now announced in change log. I hope that has relieved some of the terrible issues some of u guys were suffering.

    rabbit breeders suggests active young bucks. rabbit retreat suggests old fogie rodents. have u checked how long a cycle is now? them old fellas might not be as quick as the younguns
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  8. #28
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    the name change for rabbits is now announced in change log. I hope that has relieved some of the terrible issues some of u guys were suffering.

    rabbit breeders suggests active young bucks. rabbit retreat suggests old fogie rodents. have u checked how long a cycle is now? them old fellas might not be as quick as the younguns
    I'm quite certain I'm personally responsible for the naming change. I knew if I called it rabbit brothel enough they'd change it. Too bad none of my serious complaints are ever addressed.

  9. #29
    Town Councillor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miserary View Post
    I have to give you credit @BB_Trafffer for your endless patience with so many children on the forum. Well done.
    Had similar thought yesterday. "children" sounds so nice.

  10. #30
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    well none of us seen that coming did we ha ha ...BB the cross between a 2nd hand cars salesmen and a politician
    HaHa - '...Nail on the head'

    Quote Originally Posted by Amorp View Post
    can some1 explain whats Adobe Air Client ? didnt bb promise we will play the summer event on unity?
    yes they did and air client is just a fancy of way of saying that nothing is changing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Miserary View Post
    I have to give you credit @BB_Trafffer for your endless patience
    What about our endless patience? Spending 20-40 mins trying to log in with 'uplay unavailable' error? Some players are taking longer to log in too.

    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Breaking that down it involves sending explorers, doing a few basic quests and doing adventures. Seems a bit like stuff they can do without an event.
    That does not encourage peeps to spend cash
    Many players (such as myself) boycott sending out explorers. Many of us have over 100 explorers that have been in lockdown well before any virus hit!
    We are awaiting an Auto send function - something that has been in other online games for over 10 years now. I have been told by peeps that write programs, that it consists of a small piece of code, that every developer/ programmer should capable of writing.
    So where is our Auto send? Why are we been told it is one of the top requests and still we wait?
    It always takes 5 clicks to send out 1 explorer, so that is over 500 clicks to send mine out once!
    Guaranteed Carpal tunnel syndrome!

    Anyway, what is the point in sending them out when we have no space to place any new buildings?
    10+ obs, SP, Training grounds etc all take up space, when a simple 'stack buildings' option or more land would sort it.

    With the huge monies that developers are paid (and don't try tell me something different, as I know a few that are on crazy monies) you would think they would do a much better job.

    We had 2 years warning about Flash and now 6 months since it finished. 2.5 years and still not sorted, so how can we have any faith in improvements?

    I hope BB make a bigger effort to keep their long time players by listening to them, implementing changes, and stop missing deadlines.

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