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Thread: "Festive" days

  1. #1
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset

    "Festive" days

    Why are we still not getting these?
    France has just had its package of gifts for Bastille Day, one of their 3 agreed celebrations, Germans are still getting their 3 as well, but ours appear to have been abandoned for us several years ago, despite promises to "urgently look into this".
    These were "set in stone" back in 2014 to stop the blatant favouritism being shown to certain language versions over others.
    It was agreed at BB HQ to implement internationally, a system where each language instance got 3 designated festive days.
    One of these was the anniversary of that language going from closed beta to "open", in our case that was in January coinciding with the emergence of our 2nd server, Northisle.
    Due to our unique status of hosting players from every country not covered by others, it was hard work finding 2 other dates that a) didn't cause problems with other nationalities (the Scots were particularly vociferous against St George's Day for instance), and b) didn't all bunch together on the calendar.
    So after a lot of hard work with our CM/GM, moderators and others, it was finally agreed that we would "celebrate" and get gifts in January, coinciding with the UK version going "Open", the Queen's Birthday and/or Shakespeare's birthday, so around the 21st or 23rd April, and the final one being the 5th November, Bonfire Night as none of the alternatives were far away from the other 2.
    The summer solstice was probably the only other viable choice but as Bonfire Night was well away from the rest, and in a "quieter" part of the calendar, it made the better choice.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  2. #2
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Apr 2019
    with the amount of holidays Brits have, this sounds like xmas day every month of the year

    with the amount of crap that's laying about and many are moaning they have and still get, i would not say no to a monthly "Recycling" event though: scrap an item, win random 1k gems / PFB / Prem week/month

  3. #3
    Treasure Hunter
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    Feb 2014
    I liked festive days a lot. They always came as nice surprise like the gift we usually get towards the end of an event. I didn't know the history of them but assumed other country's servers had something similar. Perhaps BB would re-instate them across the board. I can't believe they can be difficult to introduce. The
    winter & summer solstices should be non-controversial. We could have a Unity anniversary next year.
    AND I'm looking forward to the new version although I've had minimal problems with the client. I hope we get some new content soon but can understand Unity has to settle in first. Let's be positive for a change.

  4. #4
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset
    @JohnRo, this was brought in to stop just that happening, certain language versions were being bombarded with "gifts", while others saw nothing, so this was brought in to level the playing field, each version had 3 nominated "special" days, one of which was the anniversary of the game going "live" in that particular language.

    @Rosejane, they never stopped on the other countries that I play on, only here did they stop for no apparent reason.
    Actually, they proved to be a bit harder to work out for here, mainly because we've been the "global" servers covering most of the planet.
    If we'd been just "England" then St George's Day was an obvious choice, but players of other nationalities, especially Scotland, rejected that.
    If we'd been just "UK", both VE Day and Battle of Britain Day fitted the calendar perfectly, for obvious reasons those would not have been acceptable elsewhere.

    By a weird quirk, most of the acceptable suggestions all fall very close together, that Jan-Mar sector of the calendar is very busy, so with the anniversary option already holding January, and the Queen's Birthday/Shakespeare's B'day combo sitting in April (these were chosen as they were generally significant to the Commonwealth, and the English language in general), we wanted something later in the year, and Bonfire Night was the most recognisable/least controversial one we could come up with.
    Quite amusing, seeing as the French Bastille Day and the U.S.'s 4th July kind of mark low spots in English history.
    Germany and Russia had even more controversial dates that were obviously dropped.

    Honestly, BB_Ravel, myself, and a "cast of thousands" spent weeks/months testing out many, many suggested dates until we arrived at the choices we got.
    It seemed to have worked, nobody seemed upset when we got gifts on these days, and after all that hard work, feel pretty put out that we've been excluded while the whole idea is still in use elsewhere.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  5. #5
    Treasure Hunter
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    Feb 2014
    Bonfire Night seems VERY controversial to me - the day we burn Catholics in effigy - NO, NO, NO !!! Someone doesn't know his history. The solstices & Shakespeare's Birthday (I'm not a royalist) seem fairly safe.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    not that hard to find a few days in the last half of the year

    Take your pick :
    July (First Saturday) International Free Hugs Day
    July 17 World Emoji Day[161]
    1st Friday in August International Beer Day
    September 1 Random Acts of Kindness Day
    September 19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day
    October 1 International Coffee Day
    October 15 Global Handwashing Day
    October 28 International Animation Day
    November 9 World Freedom Day
    November 19 World Toilet Day
    November 25–26 Buy Nothing Day
    December 5 World Soil Day
    December 15 International Tea Day

  7. #7
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset
    Can't have beer, coffee or tea, not Pegi.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosejane View Post
    Bonfire Night seems VERY controversial to me - the day we burn Catholics in effigy - NO, NO, NO !!! Someone doesn't know his history. The solstices & Shakespeare's Birthday (I'm not a royalist) seem fairly safe.
    Yes, but also the date somebody tried to blow up that den of iniquity.
    Would probably give Guy Fawkes a knighthood now.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 21.07.21 at 08:16. Reason: double post
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    September 19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day
    We want Patrick and Spongebob collectables!

  9. #9
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    i agree with rose. bonfire night is a very violent period in our history as is battle of britain and ve day. theres plenty of softy days to choose from which i'd prefer in a game like this. 1st saturday of July, hugs day! c'mon thats gotta be in there on the upside i aint seen stupid international womens day for a good while
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  10. #10
    Treasure Hunter
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    Nov 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Rosejane View Post
    Bonfire Night seems VERY controversial to me - the day we burn Catholics in effigy - NO, NO, NO !!! Someone doesn't know his history. The solstices & Shakespeare's Birthday (I'm not a royalist) seem fairly safe.

    Pot, Kettle, Black.

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