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Thread: Unity live bugs

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Unity live bugs

    well we are back and chat is not working for me also now i have my full island its a nightmare waiting for the graphics to constantly load

    egg timer between buying stuff from merchant that is still there meaning it slows you right down when trying to buy multiple items have to wait for a reload every single time

    the chat issue was reported last week on the latin server so you cant even say you didnt know yet you proceeded to deploy I disliked the client but heck at least you could still play the version of the game we was used to and it worked
    Last edited by hades8840; 20.07.21 at 10:20.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Missing chat is the only actual bug I've found so far but general gameplay is so clunky. Click, wait 5 seconds, click again, etc etc. A bit like playing underwater.

    Feels like a big improvement from the test version but still a massive degradation compared to the client.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    ""It is possible that there are still chat problems on some worlds. We are already working on a solution, but it might take some time"" thats a under statement how do we trade or ask for help chat is a major part of the game

  4. #4
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    - Can't mass collect loot from explorers
    - Capacious storehouses and universities have Upgrade available icon blinking on top of them, but they are max upgraded in reality

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    No chat on g1, help, trade, guild

    Guild info does not support multiple lines on daily message -

    Graphics slow to load as scroll over island even when already visited the sections

    Flickering on Zzzz over sleeping buildings

    Cannot accept multiple mails from explorers using the usual drop down option - gives no location for loot to be placed, have to click the check boxes and select them

    Text is far too small for the visually impaired


    Online indicator lights are not working

    Cannot copy from chat text

    Guild members cannt be sorted, only option is succession order

    Gave up trying at this point. This had better get better or people will flood out of he exit...and they paid devs to do this?
    What is amazing, though tbh we now expect it, is that all of this was reported on test2 but simply ported over to the live servers now. Pathetic
    Last edited by lordloocan; 20.07.21 at 15:21.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    In addition to the empty chat and overall slowness, I can't see what remains in fish and game deposits. For mines I see a tooltip with the info, but not for the fish/game ones. Is it a bug or am I missing a setting?

    Edit: Found it, I just need to zoom in to have the info appear

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    My Island takes forever to load, cant see my mines or what is in there. Won't allow me to accept my loot from treasure searches.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Oh dear BB

    Clunky does not begin to describe it! freeze for several seconds every time you try and do something & if you are lucky the action completes...

    No chat & no mail inbox (tho sent items do show up)

    My university claims it is upgrading when it isn't & my bookmaker constantly displays the "book ready" icon when there isn't

    That was in about 3 mins of looking at new version (after waiting an ice age for my island to actually load - or at least the small part of it I can see (moving around makes it bog down loading more...) - Oh and what the heck have you done to the zoom on island?

    I hope this is teething troubles BB, because at the moment it's not looking great for playable TSO

  9. #9
    Untill now found : ( I know it was said there would be bugs - but some were already fixed on testserver )
    Missing chat
    Missing online marker on friendlist
    missing content on deposits ( you have to hold cursor over deposit to see content ( or depleted )
    Bookbinder keep showing 'book finished' after it has been collected and new production started
    Universities show 'upgrading' instead of 'store full' symbol
    Mail window has several bugs :
    Deleted / collected mails shows black line - instead of next line coming up
    Group select dont mark selected types ( changes other types to black lines ) - and even manually marking more lines dont work - have to collect line by line
    Guild market voting still locked
    When opening 'population' window from top line ( holding mouse over dont show anything you have to click ) unit numbers above 999 are shown as thousands ( 1k )

  10. #10
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    If this is the best BB could do in the months since Unity test opened then that is shockingly bad.

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