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Thread: Unity live bugs

  1. #121
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    not even logging on anymore havent done that in 10 years if the game does go tits up will be asking for chargebacks for unused gems

  2. #122
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    May 2021
    After 2 days of playing the new unity version (on international and romanian servers) I am soooooooooooo much disappointed of this verson.
    - The lag to load the whole island is huge
    - I don't even know if the chat is actually working or not. Reloading the game I see answers but not in real time
    - i cannot see anymore who is online and who is not (from friends and guild)
    - when new resource mines are discovered (gold, iron) I have to hoover with my mouse over the possible locations to discover the location of the mines so to build them
    - sending the explorers to explore (for adventures or treasures is a so much time consumption procedure: click explorer .... wait .... click action (adventure / treasure) ..... wait .... click type of adv / treasure ..... wait .... click OK. For 40 explorers takes a lot of time.
    - related to the above issue, randomly, very often tho, when clicking the action / etc it opens windows related to the buildings laying under the star menu window. Very annoying

    Is there any possibility for a limited period of time until you fix the issues (specially the one related to the lag) to give players option to use unity / old client versions ?

    Final question: weren't all this issues reported on the unity test server ? Looks like you just released it in live mode without testing / fixing anything

    Final remark: I will give it a chance for a week then I strongly believe that TSO will be a closed chapter for me.

  3. #123
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    The dev team is constantly improving the game and fixing the issues which we are currently facing. As a result, you may notice some differences in and around the game (ticket system!). "Gamebreaking" bugs such as a performance/lag issue remain the top priority. The next update is scheduled for August as soon as it's ready.
    I am probably dumb, but does the above statement from @BB_Trafffer mean that some things within the game (like lag etc.) are actually being changed inside live version while we play, or that these bugs will only be addressed in August update and nothing is changing within live game until that time? I have not noticed any improvements of live servers yet. It's as unplayable as from the beginning for me.

    Original here
    Last edited by Norton_C; 27.07.21 at 11:37.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Kafka- View Post
    Took me 4 times as long as usual to send out explorers due to the new 'Click n Wait' feature.
    Dragging around the map is slow to refresh and clunky.
    When click on explorer sometimes get whatever in the background opening up ie barracks, workyard.
    Pictures and text in star menu and indeed everywhere loks blurry, compared to before.
    Rubbish! It's clearly not ready yet so please roll back to Client.
    Don't think many people are going to put up with the degraded graphics and performance for long.

    EDIT - This is rubbish! I clicked the X on the star menu to close it, there's a stables behind - instead of closing the star menu, it stayed open and the stables info panel opened up and now won't close.

    EDIT2 - Clicked on the names panel at the bottom, a floating residence opened! Clicked to close that and barracks opened! Seriously?
    I have to agree!
    Out of all of the bugs and there are many, the game is frustrating when you click on an explorer or a geologist and whatever is behind the star menu opens in front.
    I run a 4k screen and can't zoom in far enough for the detail to be usable. I am squinting to make out some of the detail.
    I find quite often that I have to repeat actions, like the first time I send a geologist and its as though I hadn't.
    On a positive note, I like the bigger fonts and I think that once all of these issues are resolved we will have a better looking game.

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