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Thread: Unity live bugs

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    All my emails in my inbox have gone since you upgraded the game this morning. First time a problem like this has occurred in the nearly 10 years of playing. I am hoping you can fix this. Bulk are emails sent post Treasure searches.

    Now find that I cannot see or open new emails sent to me even when notified. I cant even raise a support ticket in the normal way because I continually get the message "A general error has occurred. Please refresh the page and try again."

    Much preferred the client version than this upgrade. Hope someone sees this given the time I put into the game. If not and this is just a forum, then I will stop playing. Regards
    Last edited by Mongobanana; 21.07.21 at 07:32. Reason: More information to add

  2. #22
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by johnvan2020 View Post
    My Island takes forever to load, cant see my mines or what is in there. Won't allow me to accept my loot from treasure searches.
    I also have this slowness on one laptop and then it blue screened.
    Restarted started only to have a repeat performance - blue screen happened before the island refresh had occurred.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I and others cannot even load the game - please bring back the client! Getting this error message. And I suspect there are plenty others.

    I have never had a problem loading the game before this.
    Attached Images
    Last edited by Cassilda; 20.07.21 at 13:06. Reason: Additional information

  4. #24
    Erudite Pioneer
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    May 2014
    after i waited minutes and minutes for my island to load, after just a few clicks i've got this:

    pls. roll back, this game can't be played anymore.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    It loads for ages. The graphics are much worse than on the client, the lettering is smudged and hard to read (even after increasing it). After clicking on a collectible I waited for over 2 minutes and it still haven't disappear... In Mayor house instead of proper numbers there are "k" for over one thousand. When collecting stuff from the explorers I need to roll down to click the collection button whereas it was possible to click it immediately before. Every window opens awfully slowly or doesn't open at all. It's a disaster! I'd rather play on the client.
    Oh, the collectible I clicked before starting this post is still there...

  6. #26
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Mar 2012
    I understand the BB strategy to use (no, sorry, USE) all players to test the game, because you will get plenty of testers for free. However it is really not usual to put such a bad alpha version of game to public. Nevermind.

    Bugs and issues:

    - the game is slow - dialogs are faster, but actions run from dialogs are much slower
    - the game is constantly freezing - every actions means everything is freezed for a while
    - the game is constantly loading sectors although I visited them 5 seconds ago
    - writing is blurry

    - sending explorers was pain before, but it s PAIN now - some clicks you have to repeat because the game did not recognize them, sending 100+ explorers will take an hour now

    - desposits do not show the amount of resource
    - easter storage buildings show upgrade icon but they are fully upgraded
    - bookbinder shows book icon but I took the produced book and started production of new book

    - I still get message "zone refreshed" ... after a freeze of course

    - click on Harbor, where I have 1 year+ production queue, means the game dies for 1 minute, then the dialog window appears in game, however the vertical scrollbar is not present (the queue is long, I know, but come on)

    - 30 minutes after login it was not possible to do anything - everything is freezing, dialog windows cant be closed

    Since I am BB tester now, I have a quick win fix: revert Unity version and give back the client, it wasnt optimal, but it worked at least


    Edit: Tested in Microsoft Edge 91.0.864.70 (64bit) and Mozilla Firefox 90.0 (64bit)
    Last edited by mrfatalerror; 20.07.21 at 13:08. Reason: Used browsers

    20th July 2021: TSO died with Unity. RIP.

  7. #27
    Forum Explorer
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mrfatalerror View Post
    I understand the BB strategy to use (no, sorry, USE) all players to test the game, because you will get plenty of testers for free. However it is really not usual to put such a bad alpha version of game to public. Nevermind.
    I asume you forgot to place the letters A & B before the word use......
    Life isnt about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself!

  8. #28
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Wales, UK
    How long have they been working on getting a Unity version up and running? I think that the whole development team should resign over this abysmal piece of work. I would have been ashamed to release it, the standard of this is just like the first cut before going into bite testing - come on guys get your act together. I would have preferred to wait and keep on struggling with my iMac running windows 10. I thought there could be nothing wore than that, but now I have found it - the new Settlers Unity version,

  9. #29
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    My favourite part of this update is the realisation that if they wanted to kill the game, they could've just pull the plug at the end of last year and spend zero extra money while perhaps making few extra bucks when there was few more customers still satisfied and willing to pay.

    But since they apparently enjoy shooting themselves in different body parts, they didnt, so now you have a version of the game that exceeded even my wildest expectations.


  10. #30
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Spacious Storhouse is already at L6 so why do I have a bouncing 'upgrade' arrow on it?

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