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Thread: Unity - Generals - cannot safely use more than one general at a time.

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Unity - Generals - cannot safely use more than one general at a time.

    I often have 4 or 5 generals in motion at a time. This is no longer safe as any general returning to barracks or recently sent to attack or transfer can replace the window of the currently selected general. This interferes with the sending of generals and the addition of troops to a general.

    In playing a simple adventure (Ali Baba and the Second Thief) I had the following problems:
    Whilst adding troops to a general the window kept resetting to another general's.
    When sending a general a different general was sent to the attack.
    When clicking on a sent general a different general's window was displayed - making it impossible to order the general to retreat. (not sure what triggered this behaviour).

    This makes adventures very tedious and frustrating to play.

  2. #2
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Simonthe1 View Post
    I often have 4 or 5 generals in motion at a time. This is no longer safe as any general returning to barracks or recently sent to attack or transfer can replace the window of the currently selected general. This interferes with the sending of generals and the addition of troops to a general.

    In playing a simple adventure (Ali Baba and the Second Thief) I had the following problems:
    Whilst adding troops to a general the window kept resetting to another general's.
    When sending a general a different general was sent to the attack.
    When clicking on a sent general a different general's window was displayed - making it impossible to order the general to retreat. (not sure what triggered this behaviour).

    This makes adventures very tedious and frustrating to play.
    I've had the same issues as mentioned in quote. At the end of the adventure, I even had to return to home island and return to adventure island to end each and every camp fight.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Simonthe1 View Post
    I often have 4 or 5 generals in motion at a time. This is no longer safe as any general returning to barracks or recently sent to attack or transfer can replace the window of the currently selected general. This interferes with the sending of generals and the addition of troops to a general.

    In playing a simple adventure (Ali Baba and the Second Thief) I had the following problems:
    Whilst adding troops to a general the window kept resetting to another general's.
    When sending a general a different general was sent to the attack.
    When clicking on a sent general a different general's window was displayed - making it impossible to order the general to retreat. (not sure what triggered this behaviour).

    This makes adventures very tedious and frustrating to play.
    We all had the same issue on test and it was reported as bug, so it is one more "known issue"
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  4. #4
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Playing 'The Whirlwind' and my selected general is being replaced with another players' general - that is even more frustrating and unmanageable.

  5. #5
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Btw it is the same for geos or explorers. They dysfunction in similar way.

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