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Thread: Unity version is unacceptable

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    i also have been playing the game for years and was unable to play on unity so was still using facebook .. i also bought gems on friday on the 100% package and it looks like my gems may have gone to another account and i have a conformation of payment and have no way of contacting BB... the ticket system does not work also the customer email system just bounce back saying unable to send...

  2. #22
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Dont know what to do, game will not start at all ;( . So i need help.........

  3. #23
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by knappen View Post
    Dont know what to do, game will not start at all ;( . So i need help.........
    did u try what it said in the window?

  4. #24
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    The huge concern here is that the selling of gems given the clear issues with the unity version of the game, is at best open to claims for refund, UK fellow playets, review consumer credit act and sale of goods act, even on card transactions refunds can be arranged. At the very worst end, it can be described as fraud. I, for one will be seeking some significant refunds if this is not resolved quickly

  5. #25
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    What they hope is that we will simply learn to live with it as bad as it is, forgetting that many will just quit - after all there are a lot of other games out there where you just click to start and 10secs later are playing smoothly.

    I fear many will give this rubbish a few weeks and then dwindle away, end of game. And if BB management are unaware of that then they are stupider than we ever thought.

    If those of us still logging in are honest with ourselves we are now doing so out of habit with a vague hope they might make things better - but we now know they don't care less about the game and probably plan to let it die.
    Last edited by lordloocan; 21.07.21 at 19:19.

  6. #26
    yes Loo , i cant think of any other reason why they launched such a poor version of the game other then they deliberately want to get rid of players ..
    NOW they work to fix issues ?? -
    how stupid they think we are ? Well, i think their goal is achieved as far as i am concerned , moving on to other forms of relaxation
    bye TSO , i squeezed all the fun out of you..
    i ll just read/write forum to see this BB embarrassment trough - just for the moral of this sad story

  7. #27
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I actually expect the game to be fixed gradually, although it may take a lot longer then we want. Even within as bad a team as this one they will ultimately find it among themselves to learn how to code in Unity, read the textbooks and slowly get it working. Same thing happened with Farmerama, which has far more gamers friendly approach. It took them ages, but after more then half a year of tweaking it works nearly as good as Flash version. In the mean time reduced play is necessity. Why BB acts in such a stupid way is beyond my understanding, but we can't do anything about their lack of professionalism. After all the company I work for is cutting tree under their but being stupid in similar way, so that's probably some corporate pandemic - the top guys running the companies are often the most ignorant and incompetent unable to make sound decisions as all they see is money, and then it backfires one way or the other.

  8. #28
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    I AGREE with all the truth said in this thread - We are all disapointed

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    I only started playing a week ago, joined a lovely guild who got me off the ground, now im struggling to even load the game. Why would a company take such a huge step backwards? ive been looking on the forums and from what i can see, all the bugs I am experiencing have been reported in testing months ago.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Stockholm, Sweden
    With no chat and no mail working it's pointless playing! I can't make troops anyway. And I can't see how many troops I have of each. 2K? Is that 2900 or 2200? I know it's not exactly 2K. Can't make anything in PH either. And as a guild leader I can not follow who does GQ and not and who's active and not. What a disaster!? Have ppl at BB actually tried playing this game before launching this version? I'm going to miss my guild mates a lot :-(

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