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Thread: Unity version is unacceptable

  1. #41
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Wait until August, I was told, and the issues would be fixed. Well, it's August, and nothing has changed.
    It's still slow to load, or to move across the island, or do anything.
    It still requires from three to six clicks of the mouse before anything happens - and even then, half the time it randomly brings up something I hadn't clicked at all.
    Still can't select a location in order to deal with multiple mails at once.
    It says I have a new quest or completed a quest, but a lot of the time when I click the quests, it won't open the window at all.
    I had a copper mine that produced bronze, which I'd paused. But somehow it un-paused itself and ran out, so I lost it.
    I'm not even attempting anything like an adventure - the basic game is bad enough and I'm not going to get more frustrated trying to do anything else.
    Basically, it's still unplayable.

  2. #42
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Ah but they didn't say start, end or middle of August, or even what year come to that......2050?

  3. #43
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Alina_Light View Post
    Wait until August, I was told, and the issues would be fixed. Well, it's August, and nothing has changed.
    It's still slow to load, or to move across the island, or do anything.
    It still requires from three to six clicks of the mouse before anything happens - and even then, half the time it randomly brings up something I hadn't clicked at all.
    Still can't select a location in order to deal with multiple mails at once.
    It says I have a new quest or completed a quest, but a lot of the time when I click the quests, it won't open the window at all.
    I had a copper mine that produced bronze, which I'd paused. But somehow it un-paused itself and ran out, so I lost it.
    I'm not even attempting anything like an adventure - the basic game is bad enough and I'm not going to get more frustrated trying to do anything else.
    Basically, it's still unplayable.
    Thank you for your feedback Alina.

    We haven't had our August maintenance yet. Until an update is released, it will be hard for you and the other players to see any difference. We are fully aware of the current issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Ah but they didn't say start, end or middle of August, or even what year come to that......2050?
    I keep saying it - as soon as it's ready and I understand the irony, but it is definitely 2021. We've already updated our test server and the changelog will be posted later.

  4. #44
    Lol, Sorry Traffer, but we have heard all of this before more than once... its getting a little old.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I don't think it's irony; I think it's sarcasm.

  6. #46
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Apr 2013
    Market Harborough,Leicestershire,UK
    Re reply from Trafffer, the trouble is that being as we can't send in reports as they won't work how do you know the full extent of the issues. On my isle, I can't access the quests as it won't open, can't load gens properly , can't buff either my isle of a friends isle, and the list goes on, so it needs sorting as I also agree with comment earlier re this comes under faults of the various trade descriptions acts as faulty goods, where some form of compensation should be given. This is one big mess up , and would have thought that you would and should have thought it out properly, you had long enough warnings that you had to change engines.

  7. #47
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    reality is, most complainer will not have spent any big amount of money on the game in the last 2 or 3 months Trying to get your "rights" through laws is iffy at best and completely pointless from a cost/benefit analysis as well as the question of jurisdiction.

    They said they will look into compensating players once they are comfortable with the fixes. So you will need to wait to see if it is adequate or not- Compensation in the past has been a mixed bag, sometimes great and sometimes woefully inadequate

    So you are upset- a fair chunk of the playerbase is, and they know it. Do not think they are doing what they can within the means they have to get something fixed.
    Worry more that they dont have enough means in the project to fix it and the decision is made to can the whole thing due to technical difficulties

  8. #48
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I've been playing this for 9 years now and spent quite a lot on gems, made it to level 72 but I can't see how I will get any further as my sanity is at breaking point. The game is so slow it's impossible to play. Not one of the chats are working and i've never seen trade with so few pages. Players are leaving because they are so frustrated with this rubbish. Please Please BB tell us there is hope on the horizon for this game.

  9. #49
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post
    Thank you for your feedback Alina.

    We haven't had our August maintenance yet. Until an update is released, it will be hard for you and the other players to see any difference. We are fully aware of the current issues.

    I keep saying it - as soon as it's ready and I understand the irony, but it is definitely 2021. We've already updated our test server and the changelog will be posted later.
    Well, we had the update and basically nothing has changed.
    Sending out explorers and geos does seem a tiny bit more stable, but still lags terribly, but as the messaging is still a disaster area (couldn't even reply to a single message, froze and crashed the game on each of 3 attempts), sending explorers out is pointless anyway.
    This is still way below even "beta" standard, until you have something that is even remotely playable, please go back to the "last known good" position, ie the client version.
    Please stop this torture.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Victoria Australia
    unacceptable is being polite

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