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Thread: Unity version is unacceptable

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Unity version is unacceptable

    BB, I have been playing TSO for more years than I care to mention. I know there have always been small bugs in the game but at least it was playable for 99% of the time. I cant understand how you think that the game on unity in its current state is acceptable.
    I have never complained about the game in the past but as a paying customer I feel that the many hundreds of pound I have probably spent on the game over the year allows me to say that this version is totally unacceptable.

    Please Please either sort it out or go back to the client (although from another post I see that Kumakun has said that this is not possible)

    I'm sure if it remains in its current state that many many players will leave.

    Casperjohn (an dedicated settler)

  2. #2
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I have to agree with casperjohn. The game for me is almost unplayable. Considering that BB has had a lot of time to improve the game, it has failed dismally.
    This may very well be the beginning of the end for Settlers Online, though I think that happened about 10 months ago when BB was ill prepared for the ending of Flash.

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    I am in the same situation and feeling exactly the same as casperjohn. I just cannot play the way it is. BB, please, you must realise that it is IMPOSSIBLE to play as it is. TSO is a GAME, it must be fun and user-friendly. This is clearly not the case. A solution must be found, I also spent money and been playing since April 2017, I am a Guild Leader, so I'm dedicated and I love TSO, but when you can't play you can't play. Players may be angry and sometimes disrespectful but only because they are in love (or addicted) to your game. You must find a way to sort things out and make TSO a pleasant experience as it has always been -- most of the time.

  4. #4
    All of the above.
    Level 60 on two servers & I want to leave

  5. #5
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Well BB you have certainly outdone yourselves this time. The launch of Unity is the worst thing you have done to the game since I started playing in 2012. Map constantly refreshing and freezing. Blocky graphics, rubbish fonts. I haven't even bothered to try to do an adventure due to the number of complaints other players were making in chat.
    I think it was BB Trafffer who said 'Wait and see, it's not the same' when asked about the live versus test versions of unity. Well if possible it's even worse than the test version. You were either being conservative with the truth or the technical department pulled the wool over your eyes and have made you look a fool.
    My wife and I haven't spent money on this for a while and I must say I'm now glad we haven't. If the unity version of the game doesn't improve very quickly I think people will leave in droves. Any new people joining the game will put off quickly by the very very poor user interface. It's almost as if BB want to kill the game off. Maybe it's not the cash cow it used to be!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    BB,,! we can gather the money u need to pay for Adobe if the problem is about their license problem.. just bring back the client till u BUiLD UP the game for Unity with CORRECT C# CODiNG !! this is not playable... not even close.. worst than test.. if u gonna close the game as what u did to Anno before, please just be honest and say... don't tortue 35+ years old human beings like this..

    It's a total shame for a LEGEND GAME.. You're just betraying your own LEGACY.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    As another player who has been with this game for years I have the same issues. It is unplayable.
    Like many others who do put money into this game, this is just a step to far. The client was not perfect, but most of the time you could look around your island and do adventures. I cannot just do the basics with unity. We had hopped that having the test server would identify these issues and give you time to sort out these fundamental problems, but all that has not happened.

    This current unity release locks, freezes, has so sloooow graphics and the worst UI revamp I have ever seen - it makes my eyes hurt trying to read the fuzzy fonts.
    I am stopping playing the game now, but will keep my account open in the hope that someone actually listens to the players and in a few months actually delivers the complete overhaul that this release now needs. These are not "bug" fixes - these are fundamental platform issues.

    It has been nice playing with you all and maybe we will meet in the future.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I cant even load my home island, by time it comes up I get a webgl memory error, and I'm not playing on a low spec computer Xeon 3253 @3.3 32gig ram and a Quadro RTX6000 so if i cant run it on this, who else can

  9. #9
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by AndyGadget View Post
    As another player who has been with this game for years I have the same issues. It is unplayable.


    I am stopping playing the game now, but will keep my account open in the hope that someone actually listens to the players and in a few months actually delivers the complete overhaul that this release now needs. These are not "bug" fixes - these are fundamental platform issues.

    It has been nice playing with you all and maybe we will meet in the future.
    You said it perfectly AndyGadget. And I sign up on this as well. See you guys 'n' girls later, hopefully

  10. #10
    Ok so I agree with everyone before me, I have been playing this game since it came out as a locked beta....yes it has always had little bugs but back then and even after the locked beta BB actually listened to us players and fixed what needed to be fixed in a timely manner. Now it appears that the game and the players are no longer a game and players. The game is a game to make money and the players supply said cash. Hence, now even though the client wasnt exactly great at least the game was a lot more playable than it is now.
    I dont understand the logic (there isnt any) in treating us players in this manner. I swear, I will keep my account active, i will come in and do my island maintenance, I WILL NOT be buying gems and if BB go bust... well so be it. As players and a community in this game this treatment is unacceptable and the state of the game is so far from acceptable on all levels that its almost a joke.
    Mean time I will be looking for another game, developed by a company that actually cares about their players. This is going to be another New settlers standalone game, "yes we will do this and we will do that and it will be done by whenever we can be bothered" and nothing ever happens. So between this and the new standalone game, I am over BB and their attitude.... its garbage.
    I may or maynot return fully, but for anyone that is fed up with this keep your account active, do your island maintenance, dont buy gems and leave it at that. BB need to get their act together NOW not in 10 years time.

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