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Thread: Positive things found connected to the release of Unity.

  1. #1
    Master of Strategy
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Positive things found connected to the release of Unity.

    No one should just complain .- negative thoughts is not healthy .so no try from a positive angle. - cant promise that sarcasm is not popping up now and then.

    Feel free to help me out here.
    1 - Nice not to be lost - wonder who thought this feature out - cant see I ever saw anyone wish for this - but well it is here.
    Now I am sure I will never be lost in my friends bar- I can always find myself - as my avatar is now blue and different from the others. That makes up for the sad fact that I cant see who is online, why should I want that when I can find myself?

    2 - I don't need to use time opening my mail, either it is lost or it is too complicated to open al, the loot mail, so I chose for the moment just to leave it there, that way I can find it if I ever run out of something.

    3. Every time I log in I get a beautiful surrealistic picture that is slowly changing into something that at last looks like my island.

    4. the chat in global is active again by people who cant believe what they are seeing.

    5. Tried to sent some gens to adventure and in the same go got my island rearranged as I moved some buildings by mistake when I tried loading some generals. It get so boring when things stay the same for too long.

    6. The bug that makes you write in blind has been fixed - and now you sometimes find a line you wrote 10 minutes ago popping up in chat, you forgot you even wrote it -then there it is.
    Last edited by Urd123; 20.07.21 at 20:41.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  2. #2
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    what i want to know is does the fact that you are blue mean that you are logged on ? cos tbh i have never been sure about that

  3. #3
    Master of Strategy
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Wimblet View Post
    what i want to know is does the fact that you are blue mean that you are logged on ? cos tbh i have never been sure about that
    that is a good point - how do we know if we are ? Maybe we are not and that is why we cant see any green dots for people online?

    I just got to number 8.
    It is so common to upgrade games - so why not trying something new - that is what BB has done - a new experience - they have simply downgraded the game.
    Number 9- no sarcasm here - but never used it much . but for some reason they have chosen to make excelsior work again. - Might have found other things more vital - but one have to be grateful for what we can get.

    Just ran into number 10 good thing
    For those who cant be without event - you can have the joy of having the fixture list window flashing somewhere on the screen - reminding you that events might be back - and then you can have the joy of spending the entire day sending exploreres out. Just do remember to wait 30 sec between sending each - or you might end up only sending one.

    Number 11 - stress is bad for you and now the game pace is set down to around 90 % of what it was - that should be much more healthy for us all.

    Number 12: after unity release I have not seen many look for players for TR in trad, nice with some change.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 21.07.21 at 08:22. Reason: double post x3
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

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