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Thread: Report template

  1. #101
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    cannot open quests, happened a couple of times, - got f12 error see screenshot
    Version 92.0.4515.107 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    window 10 pro
    done all the clearing.
    Last edited by royavatar; 30.07.21 at 10:36. Reason: add screen shots

  2. #102
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Version 92.0.4515.107 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    window 10 pro
    bookbinder shows finished but pop up shows empty, been doing it for ages now see screen shot.
    game now unplayable all the time, buffs not going on , sending explores out take ages and ages and ages for selection to be recognised,
    game now is ultra slow on clicks,
    f12 error

  3. #103
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    as above , quests locks up

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Apr 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by MrEngineer View Post
    Hi. When I stop playing some time ago (7-8 years) I used to be around level 30 (plus minus) and after Unity release I was level 8 (I've played few hours, now I have higher level). Obviously I have only few basic buildings. I think thats how was looks like when I started playing/testing on Test Server, so it's not rollback of my live server account. I any admin could look into it and bring back my old account (one from live server) I would be great.
    My mistake, I was login into wrong language site (I thought it's only about language localization, but I forgot it's completely different instance). So after login into proper language site I had access to my old account .

  5. #105
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Economy Overview;
    I want to see exactly how much of a resource I have got and how much I am producing per 12 hours.

    First, the amount I have. I open the resource and mouse over the number that is rounded to the nearest k - it briefly shows the full amount along with the total capacity for the resource. It flashes up for a second and then it's gone, it's too fast to see the number.

    Secondly I want to see how much I am producing, so I click on the number and it opens up the detailed view, with production and consumption. These numbers are again rounded to a k number, but this time mousing over the k number doesn't give me an exact figure of production or consumption like it did before.

    I want to see the exact numbers so that can know how long before production fills so that I can know what buff to apply (I have a spreadsheet for that).

    Previously I was able to see exact figures, now everything is rounded up to a k number - lazy and unhelpful - please set it back to how it was on client and previous browser versions.

    I don't need to use your template because the questions are irrelevant - it's the way it's coded - tried on multiple browsers.
    Last edited by Kafka-; 31.07.21 at 18:41.

  6. #106
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Easter basket and water castle are different presentation to other pop buildings. Font is slightly different (I MUCH prefer this anomaly font) and pop value is presented vertically with no icon.

  7. #107
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Not sure if it is just a glitch my end or someone is playing around behind the scenes?

    (Problem / glitch 1) - Over the last 30mins I have sent some of my explorers off on a long treasure search (12hr) - but under 60seconds later they are returning to the star menu.

    (Problem / glitch 2) - Explorers that were sent out previously are now returning but stating they couldn't find any treasure.

    (Problem / glitch 3) - The inbox isn't working either.

  8. #108
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Questbook died

    How did the error manifest itself?
    The game were running as usual (slow and laggy as unity version is atm).
    Game started to slow further down and lags become more frequent and longer.
    "Quest completed" jumping arrow appeared (Guild quest most likely).
    Quest book can no longer be updated. No response when trying to open quest book.
    When opening debug console i see there are errors/exceptions. For most recent exception, the The counter increase each time i click on quest book.
    The error message is in the attached txt-file

    Game seems slower than usual, jumping arrow (Quest completed-arrow) slowing down/stopping for periods

    Date and time - When did the problem occur?
    See screenshot

    What did you do last?
    Set up trades, one got bought.
    Trigger christmas market buff level 4
    Trigger christmas bakery buff level 2 (Food buildings)
    Send explorers on prolonged T-search (Romantic and scary only).

    At some point i did open questbook successfully on the same run, as i checked guild quest

    Did the problem occur more than once? Can it be reproduced?
    I have seen dead questbook before (In unity)

    Have you already done the first steps?

    Have you cleared your cache and cookies?

    Can you take a screenshot of it? (if possible) A screenshot is very helpful and supports your message. If you can take a screenshot, you can simply upload it via the forum as an attachment.

    Which operating system do you use (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, ...)?
    Windows 10 Home Version 21H1 build 19043.1110
    Internet provider / Internet speed:
    Telia 200 Mbps up / 200 Mbps down / ping 15 ms (Speed measured to be slightly above 200 both ways)
    Internet access (LAN/WLAN/UMTS):
    Wifi between PC and modem
    Please attach Screenshots of the Dev Console (Press F12 in the browser while you experience the error). Please send Screenshots of the "Inspector" Tab AND the "Console" Tab.
    Which browser AND browser version are you using?
    Chrome version 92.0.4515.107 64-bit
    Attached Files

  9. #109
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    ...and it crashed again...

    How did the error manifest itself?
    Just started the game. Clicked on a collectible shortly after the island had finished rendering.
    The game crashed.
    Tking screenshot of the error message and the debug console. One of the error counters are till counting up at approximately 1 hz (See arrow in screenshot)

    What did you do last?
    Start the game, click on collectible

    Did the problem occur more than once? Can it be reproduced?
    Yes it happens occasionally

    Have you already done the first steps?

    Have you cleared your cache and cookies?

    Can you take a screenshot of it? (if possible) A screenshot is very helpful and supports your message. If you can take a screenshot, you can simply upload it via the forum as an attachment.

    Which operating system do you use (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, ...)?
    Windows 10 Home Version 21H1 build 19043.1110
    Internet provider / Internet speed:
    Telia 200 Mbps up / 200 Mbps down / ping 15 ms (Speed measured to be slightly above 200 both ways)
    Internet access (LAN/WLAN/UMTS):
    Wifi between PC and modem
    Please attach Screenshots of the Dev Console (Press F12 in the browser while you experience the error). Please send Screenshots of the "Inspector" Tab AND the "Console" Tab.
    Which browser AND browser version are you using?
    Chrome version 92.0.4515.107 64-bit

  10. #110
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    see my previous reports for template stuff, done all

    had pop ups on island , see screen shot click through got marble , bad very bad
    gone to addy traitors, and home island stays there for a while , bad, then pops do not go away when addy traitors load up, game very slow unplayable
    and home island stuff still showing.

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