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Thread: New deployment in AUGUST ?

  1. #1
    Forum Explorer
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    Jul 2014

    New deployment in AUGUST ?

    I understand that as no fixes for at least 2 weeks - I will MAYBE be back in 2 weeks

  2. #2
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    what did i miss? no fixes for at least 2 weeks?

    oh well... thicker scroll bars, awesome thx bb
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  3. #3
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020
    The next update is currently planned for August. As soon as the dev team fixes the issues and we are ready to release the update we will provide more details on the forum/website. We want to do it as soon as possible, as there is no reason for us to hold the update.

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Jul 2015
    So by Aug 31 we'll be back on client?

    Because they won't fix all these problems in a month, how long was it in test for and still got released in this state?

    I'll bet there isn't a 'dev' at BB that has a clue how to fix any of these problems.

    The Community (you know, the Players, CUSTOMERS and potential customers) deserve an explanation how this whole shambles was allowed to happen.

    Your usual platitudes, Traffer, don't cut it this time - people are angry and want to know exactly what sort of an organisation BB / Ubisoft is, because from where I'm sitting, they're a bunch of incompetent fools.

    Whoever's running the parent company should get rid and get a decent team in, because this shower are bringing their software company into disrepute.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Kafka- View Post
    So by Aug 31 we'll be back on client?

    Because they won't fix all these problems in a month, how long was it in test for and still got released in this state?

    I'll bet there isn't a 'dev' at BB that has a clue how to fix any of these problems.

    The Community (you know, the Players, CUSTOMERS and potential customers) deserve an explanation how this whole shambles was allowed to happen.

    Your usual platitudes, Traffer, don't cut it this time - people are angry and want to know exactly what sort of an organisation BB / Ubisoft is, because from where I'm sitting, they're a bunch of incompetent fools.

    Whoever's running the parent company should get rid and get a decent team in, because this shower are bringing their software company into disrepute.
    Thanks Kafka - well said .
    I feel that by acting very surprised of this big flop - and asking us to fill in more bug reports with details of our computer, they try to just brush it all of and turn the blame back on us.
    I don't expect a solution by tomorrow, but I had expected an explanation and a proper excuse by yesterday. Reason I keep looking and replying here on forum is that I am still searching for the explanation of why BB went ahead with a Unity we all knew in advance would fail.

    I do know that it is not BB_Trafffer that is to blame, can imagine that he can only tell us what he has been told, but this attitude adds to the insult of even implementing this.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  6. #6
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    I'm more in the camp that by the end of August they will have announced an end date for TSO. Although I hope I am wrong.

    My thinking is:
    1. BB knew they had a lot to fix but didn't have the people with the historic knowledge or skills to unravel the complex code that has been 'crafted' over the last decade.
    2. They have an inexperienced test team that are bullied by the developers into not highlighting defects or in playing down their significance.
    3. BB Corporate Bods decided the date to switch to Unity based upon licensing costs that they didnt want to see move. Hence why the strong messages that there is no regression path back to the previous client.
    4. There was no internal reason to not make the switch - see comment re inexperienced testers.
    5. Now that the switch has been made, the only option being discussed is a fix forward approach.
    6. The remaining developer(s) will be given an opportunity to fix the problems with a release in mid August - on the basis of being told, you have a month to sort this out.
    7. Once it becomes apparent that the skills to fix this are no longer there, the BB bosses will cut their losses and decide to close service down.

  7. #7
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post
    The next update is currently planned for August. As soon as the dev team fixes the issues and we are ready to release the update we will provide more details on the forum/website. We want to do it as soon as possible, as there is no reason for us to hold the update.
    Ooooh de ja vu, there must be a reset in the matrix, look out agents are on their way. " we'll provide more details on the forum/website " HOW MANY TIMES HAVE WE HEARD THAT? The German forums will get it and we may get it after a player translates it and posts it over here. Not that anything the devs will produce, will be worth believing as note worthy anyway. So unless its a roll back to client ( which of course you say you can not do .... well that's not surprising as there seems very little you can do ) please feel free not to before!
    If you wanted to do it as soon as possible why was it not done before release? You have done NOTHING from test version, yet again all those tester players wasted their time, you did nothing but say that you did. Even when it became apparent to some of us that the test version was not being fixed you told us that `it was not the same as the `live' server and the bugs were fixed....well this release tells it as it is. Plain and simple you lied to your players.
    The only way this game will survive is if someone comes in and buys out the settlers licence and hands it to a games company that can actually program a game to make The Settlers Online Two. ( If I see Bluebyte anywhere near it I'll pass )
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  8. #8
    Forum Explorer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kafka- View Post
    So by Aug 31 we'll be back on client?

    Because they won't fix all these problems in a month, how long was it in test for and still got released in this state?

    I'll bet there isn't a 'dev' at BB that has a clue how to fix any of these problems.

    The Community (you know, the Players, CUSTOMERS and potential customers) deserve an explanation how this whole shambles was allowed to happen.

    Your usual platitudes, Traffer, don't cut it this time - people are angry and want to know exactly what sort of an organisation BB / Ubisoft is, because from where I'm sitting, they're a bunch of incompetent fools.

    Whoever's running the parent company should get rid and get a decent team in, because this shower are bringing their software company into disrepute.
    I am not sure that developers and Bluebyte are to blame - I think last line is what has been going on for last few years - cutting budget for game
    So Ubisoft is the company to blame and avoid in future.
    I think last line sums it up

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by halv12 View Post
    I am not sure that developers and Bluebyte are to blame - I think last line is what has been going on for last few years - cutting budget for game
    So Ubisoft is the company to blame and avoid in future.
    I think last line sums it up
    Well if that is the case the budget cut makes players stop paying for the game,- that is really a bad way of doing business.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    I rather believe BB is to be blamed. Ubisoft has others like BB under them. They help those who help themselves and are competent. I am with Larili, run when BB is near. You can give bad developers as much money as you like, they will be and are bad developers. Fixing this may be beyond them.
    Last edited by morelene; 23.07.21 at 06:58.

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