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Thread: New deployment in AUGUST ?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    Me. I'm gonna stay with the game until it either get's playable again or is closed down, hoping for the former to come true. BB messed up but the game is good.
    I will try to get in once every morning and continue hoping for a miracle. I miss playing and my friends. So sad it has come to this but I agree that the game is good. I haven't lost hope that, eventually, something will be fixed and I will be able to get beyond the hammer man and when I do get back in there will still be people playing.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Queensland coast, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    ...In this day and age a good university student with no prior work experience has on average more knowledge than the minimum required to avoid such blunders...
    I'd like to believe this too sparkz, however I found that more and more of the highly educated/qualified folk that I had the (dis)pleasure of working with refused to engage their "thinking outside the box" or creative mode at all, as they set out to deliver SPECIFICALLY what was detailed in the spec or brief they were given. If the spec or brief stated they needed to code the replacement Unity pop-up windows/dialogue boxes one-for-one from the Flash framework, such things as:
    • Dismissing any other active dialogue box(es) first
    • Disallowing any dialogue box to be "clicked through" so that the underlying island content responded to those mouse clicks
    • Maximum digits in data entry fields matched the actual gameplay rather than assumed to be 3 digits
    • Data entry fields loaded with logical default values (rather than always "1") and preselected in preparation of them being overtyped
    • etc....

    would never have been missed in what was coded/implemented because they were taken as "given" by the specifier but not explicitly stated and therefore not considered by the coder.

    I sort of wonder if the coding effort has even been outsourced to somewhere "off shore" (e.g. India / China) in an effort to reduce costs as much as possible, and on top of everything else, there's a language barrier as well.

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